7032633: javac -Xlint:all warns about flush() within try on an auto-closeable resource

7031005: javap prints "extends java.lang.Object"

7031108: NPE in javac.jvm.ClassReader.findMethod in PackageElement.enclosedElements from AP in incr build

7027157: Project Coin: javac warnings for AutoCloseable.close throwing InterruptedException

7030150: Type inference for generic instance creation failed for formal type parameter

7030606: Project-coin: multi-catch types should be pairwise disjoint

7030687: Diamond: compiler accepts erroneous code where diamond is used with non-generic inner class

7001086: NLS: un-used resources should be removed from standard.properties and improper concatenation

6437138: JSR 199: Compiler doesn't diagnose crash in user code

7009599: javac build puts extraneous files into dist/lib/classes.jar

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
