8011043: Warn about use of 1.5 and earlier source and target values

8019243: AnnotationTypeMismatchException instead of MirroredTypeException

7182350: Regression in wording of unchecked warning message

7071377: Exception when javac -processor is given a class name with invalid postfix

8023146: Sjavac test failes in langtools nightly

8022508: javac crashes if the generics arity of a base class is wrong

8015809: More user friendly compile-time errors for uncaught exceptions in lambda expression

8022053: javac generates unverifiable initializer for nested subclass of local class

8015145: Smartjavac needs more flexibility with linking to sources

8016921: Change the profiles table on overview-summary.html page to a list

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
