attila@963: object AND object: object attila@963: true AND non-falsey global int: int attila@963: non-falsey global int AND true: boolean attila@963: non-falsey object AND true: boolean attila@963: true AND non-falsey object: object attila@963: object OR object: object attila@963: true OR non-falsey global int: boolean attila@963: non-falsey global int OR true: int attila@963: non-falsey object OR true: object attila@963: true OR non-falsey object: boolean attila@963: false OR true: boolean attila@963: falsey global int AND true: int attila@963: falsey global int OR undefined: undefined attila@963: logical not falsey global int OR undefined: boolean attila@963: false OR undefined: undefined attila@963: false OR falsey global int: int attila@963: logical not falsey global int OR falsey global int: boolean attila@963: local undefined AND non-falsey global int: undefined attila@963: true AND local undefined: undefined attila@963: local undefined AND non-falsey local int: undefined attila@963: local undefined OR true: boolean attila@963: true OR local undefined: boolean attila@963: non-falsey local int AND true: boolean attila@963: true AND non-falsey local int: int attila@963: true AND double logical not non-falsey local int : boolean attila@963: false AND non-falsey local int: boolean attila@963: non-falsey local int OR true: int attila@963: false OR true: boolean