Added tag jdk8u40-b13 for changeset d60fbb5343c1 jdk8u40-b14

Merge jdk8u40-b13

8062583: Throwing object with error prototype causes error proto to be caught

8062132: Nashorn incorrectly binds this for constructor created by another function

8062401: User accessors require boxing and do not support optimistic types

8062216: [nashorn] regresion test failure with TimeZone

8062024: Issue with date.setFullYear when time other than midnight

8061391: concat as a builtin optimistic form, had to remove NoTypedArrayData and replace it, as we throw away a lot of optimistic link opportunities with NoTypedArrayData not being Continuous

8061955: asm.js idioms result in unnecessarily code emission

Added tag jdk8u40-b12 for changeset 375a3a3256d0

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
