Merge jdk8u40-b06

8058179: Global constants get in the way of self-modifying properties

8057021: UserAccessorProperty guards fail with multiple globals

8058100: Reduce the RecompilableScriptFunctionData footprint

8057703: More empty classes generated by Nashorn

8057588: Lots of trivial (empty) classes were generated by the Nashorn compiler as part of restOf-method generation

8057611: Nashorn did not dump the JOx classes to disk when running with the -d flag

8057551: Let the -d flag dump _all_ generated classes to disk and work outside --compile-only mode

8057019: Various problems with extra arguments to applies

8034954: Optimistic iteration in for-in and for-each

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
