
Mon, 15 Feb 2016 14:36:18 +0100

Mon, 15 Feb 2016 14:36:18 +0100
changeset 1741
parent 1550
child 1742

8149744: fix testng.jar delivery in Nashorn build.xml
Reviewed-by: hannesw, sundar

     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4 # 
     5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
     8 # 
     9 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    10 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    11 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    12 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    13 # accompanied this code).
    14 # 
    15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    16 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    17 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    18 # 
    19 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    20 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
    21 # questions.
    22 #
    24 application.title=nashorn
    26 # location of JDK embedded ASM sources
    27 jdk.asm.src.dir=../jdk/src/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm
    29 # source and target levels
    30 build.compiler=modern
    31 javac.source=1.7
    33 test.javac.source=1.8
    36 # nashorn version information
    37 nashorn.version=0.1
    38 nashorn.fullversion=0.1
    39 Nashorn
    41 # This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
    42 build.dir=build
    43 build.classes.dir=${build.dir}/classes
    45 build.gzip=${build.dir}/nashorn.tar.gz
    47 # nashorn Shell tool
    50 # nasgen tool
    53 # parallel test runner tool
    54 parallel.test.runner=jdk.nashorn.internal.test.framework.ParallelTestRunner
    56 # test classes directory
    57 build.test.classes.dir=${build.dir}/test/classes
    59 # nashorn test jar - internal tests jar and api tests jar
    60 nashorn.internal.tests.jar=${build.dir}/nashorn-internal-tests.jar
    61 nashorn.api.tests.jar=${build.dir}/nashorn-api-tests.jar
    63 # test results directory
    64 build.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/reports
    65 build.nosecurity.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/nosecurity/reports
    66 build.nooptimistic.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/nooptimistic/reports
    68 # This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
    69 dist.dir=dist
    70 dist.jar=${dist.dir}/nashorn.jar
    71 dist.javadoc.dir=${dist.dir}/javadoc
    73 # nashorn javafx shell
    74 fxshell.tool =
    75 fxshell.classes.dir = ${build.dir}/fxshell/classes
    76 fxshell.dir = tools/fxshell
    77 fxshell.jar = ${dist.dir}/nashornfx.jar
    79 # configuration for java flight recorder
    80 run.test.jvmargs.jfr=-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,disk=true,dumponexit=true,dumponexitpath=${build.dir},stackdepth=128
    82 # test library location
    83 test.lib=${basedir}${file.separator}test${file.separator}lib
    85 # jars refererred
    86 file.reference.testng.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}testng-6.8.jar
    87 file.reference.jcommander.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}jcommander-1.27.jar
    88 file.reference.bsh.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}bsh-2.0b4.jar
    89 file.reference.snakeyaml.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}snakeyaml-1.6.jar
    91 # TestNG ant task classpath
    92 testng.ant.classpath=\
    93     ${file.reference.testng.jar}${path.separator}\
    94     ${file.reference.jcommander.jar}${path.separator}\
    95     ${file.reference.bsh.jar}${path.separator}\
    96     ${file.reference.snakeyaml.jar}${path.separator}
    98 # Set testng verbose level
    99 # From TestNG docs: "the verbosity level (0 to 10 where 10 is most detailed) 
   100 # Actually, this is a lie: you can specify -1 and this will put TestNG in 
   101 # debug mode (no longer slicing off stack traces and all)."
   103 testng.verbose=2
   105 # TestNG listeners - we want to replace TestNG's own JUnit
   106 # reporter, but want everything else provided by default
   107 # Unfortunately, we've to clone the other default reporters here.
   109 testng.listeners=\
   110  org.testng.reporters.SuiteHTMLReporter, \
   111  org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter, \
   112  org.testng.reporters.jq.Main, \
   113  org.testng.reporters.FailedReporter, \
   114  org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter \
   115  org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter, \
   116  jdk.nashorn.internal.test.framework.JSJUnitReportReporter
   118 javac.debug=true
   119 javac.encoding=ascii
   120 javac.classpath=\
   121     ${build.classes.dir}
   122 javac.test.classpath=\
   123     ${build.classes.dir}${path.separator}\
   124     ${build.test.classes.dir}${path.separator}\
   125     ${file.reference.testng.jar}${path.separator}\
   126     ${file.reference.jcommander.jar}${path.separator}\
   127     ${file.reference.bsh.jar}${path.separator}\
   128     ${file.reference.snakeyaml.jar}
   130 meta.inf.dir=${src.dir}/META-INF
   132 run.classpath=\
   133     ${build.classes.dir}
   135 # test scripts to run
   136 test.dir=test
   137 test.nosecurity.dir=test/script/nosecurity
   138 test.script.dir=test/script
   139 test.basic.dir=test/script/basic
   140 test.maptests.dir=test/script/maptests
   141 test.error.dir=test/script/error
   142 test.sandbox.dir=test/script/sandbox
   143 test.trusted.dir=test/script/trusted
   144 test.external.dir=test/script/external
   145 test262.dir=${test.external.dir}/test262
   146 test262.suite.dir=${test262.dir}/test/suite
   147 testjfx.dir=${test.script.dir}/jfx
   148 testmarkdown.dir=${test.script.dir}/markdown
   150 test-sys-prop.test.dir=${test.dir}
   151 test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${test.basic.dir} ${test.maptests.dir} ${test.error.dir} ${test.sandbox.dir} ${test.trusted.dir}
   152 test-sys-prop.test262.suite.dir=${test262.suite.dir}
   153 test-sys-prop.es5conform.testcases.dir=${test.external.dir}/ES5Conform/TestCases
   154 test-sys-prop.test.basic.dir=${test.basic.dir}
   156 test-sys-prop-no-security.test.dir=${test.dir}
   157 test-sys-prop-no-security.test.js.roots=${test.nosecurity.dir}
   159 # framework root for our script tests
   160 test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=${test.script.dir}/assert.js
   161 test-sys-prop-no-security.test.js.framework=${test.script.dir}/assert.js
   163 # Control the verbosity of ParserTest
   164 test-sys-prop.parsertest.verbose=false
   166 # turn on/off scripting mode for parser tests
   167 test-sys-prop.parsertest.scripting=true
   169 # turn on/off test262 scripts for parser tests
   170 test-sys-prop.parsertest.test262=false
   172 # Control the verbosity of the CompilerTest
   173 test-sys-prop.compilertest.verbose=false
   175 # turn on/off scripting mode for compiler tests
   176 test-sys-prop.compilertest.scripting=true
   178 # turn on/off test262 scripts for compiler tests
   179 test-sys-prop.compilertest.test262=false
   181 # test directory to be excluded.
   182 test-sys-prop.test.js.exclude.dir=${test.script.dir}/currently-failing ${test.external.dir}
   184 # run everything that's js in here, without checking file headers for test annotations
   185 test-sys-prop.test.js.unchecked.dir=${test262.dir}
   187 # test root for octane
   188 octane-test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${test.external.dir}/octane/
   190 # run octane benchmars in separate processes? (recommended)
   191 octane-test-sys-prop.separate.process=true
   193 # framework root for octane
   194 octane-test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=${test.basic.dir}/run-octane.js
   196 # test root for sunspider
   197 sunspider-test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${test.external.dir}/sunspider/tests/sunspider-1.0.2/
   199 # framework root for sunspider
   200 sunspider-test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=${test.basic.dir}/runsunspider.js
   202 # list of tests to be excluded
   203 sunspider-test-sys-prop.test.js.exclude.list=
   205 # execute our script tests in shared nashorn context or not?
   206 test-sys-prop.test.js.shared.context=false
   208 # execute test262 tests in shared nashorn context or not?
   209 test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.shared.context=true
   211 # test262 test root
   212 test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${test262.suite.dir}
   214 # test262 enable/disable strict mode tests
   215 test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.enable.strict.mode=true
   217 # file containing test262 tests to be excluded
   218 # test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.excludes.file=${test262.dir}/test/config/excludelist.xml
   220 # list of test262 test dirs to be excluded
   221 test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.exclude.dir=\
   222     ${test262.suite.dir}/intl402/ \
   223     ${test262.suite.dir}/bestPractice/
   225 test262-test-sys-prop.test.failed.list.file=${build.dir}/test/failedTests
   227 # test262 test frameworks
   228 test262-test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=\
   229     --class-cache-size=10 \
   230     --no-java \
   231     --no-typed-arrays \
   232     -timezone=PST \
   233     ${test.script.dir}/test262.js \
   234     ${test262.dir}/test/harness/framework.js \
   235     ${test262.dir}/test/harness/sta.js
   237 # testmarkdown test root
   238 testmarkdown-test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${testmarkdown.dir}
   240 # execute testmarkdown tests in shared nashorn context or not?
   241 testmarkdown-test-sys-prop.test.js.shared.context=false
   243 # framework root for markdown script tests
   244 testmarkdown-test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=\
   245     ${test.script.dir}${file.separator}markdown.js
   247 # testjfx test root
   248 testjfx-test-sys-prop.test.js.roots=${testjfx.dir}
   250 # execute testjfx tests in shared nashorn context or not?
   251 testjfx-test-sys-prop.test.js.shared.context=false
   253 # framework root for our script tests
   254 testjfx-test-sys-prop.test.js.framework=\
   255     -fx \
   256     ${test.script.dir}${file.separator}jfx.js
   258 file.reference.jemmyfx.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}JemmyFX.jar
   259 file.reference.jemmycore.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}JemmyCore.jar
   260 file.reference.jemmyawtinput.jar=${test.lib}${file.separator}JemmyAWTInput.jar
   261 file.reference.jfxrt.jar=${java.home}${file.separator}lib${file.separator}ext${file.separator}jfxrt.jar
   263     ${file.reference.jemmyfx.jar}${path.separator}\
   264     ${file.reference.jemmycore.jar}${path.separator}\
   265     ${file.reference.jemmyawtinput.jar}${path.separator}\
   266     ${file.reference.testng.jar}${path.separator}\
   267     ${file.reference.jcommander.jar}${path.separator}\
   268     ${file.reference.bsh.jar}${path.separator}\
   269     ${file.reference.snakeyaml.jar}${path.separator}\
   270     ${nashorn.internal.tests.jar}${path.separator}\
   271     ${nashorn.api.tests.jar}
   273 # testjfx VM options for script tests with @fork option
   274 testjfx-test-sys-prop.test.fork.jvm.options=${run.test.jvmargs.main} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} -cp ${}
   276 run.test.classpath=\
   277     ${file.reference.testng.jar}${path.separator}\
   278     ${file.reference.jcommander.jar}${path.separator}\
   279     ${file.reference.bsh.jar}${path.separator}\
   280     ${file.reference.snakeyaml.jar}${path.separator}\
   281     ${nashorn.internal.tests.jar}${path.separator}\
   282     ${nashorn.api.tests.jar}
   284 src.dir=src
   285 test.src.dir=test/src
   287 # -Xmx is used for all tests, -Xms only for octane benchmark
   288 run.test.xmx=2G
   289 run.test.xms=2G
   291 # uncomment this jfr.args to enable light recordings. the stack needs to be cranked up to 1024 frames,
   292 # or everything will as of the now drown in lambda forms and be cut off.
   293 #
   294 #jfr.args=-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,disk=true,dumponexit=true,dumponexitpath="test_suite.jfr",stackdepth=1024 \
   296 jfr.args=
   298 run.test.user.language=tr
   301 run.test.jvmargs.common=\
   302   -server \
   303   -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
   304   -Duser.language=${run.test.user.language} \
   305${} \
   306   -Dnashorn.typeInfo.cacheDir=${build.dir}${file.separator}test${file.separator}type_info_cache \
   307   ${jfr.args} \
   308   -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
   310 # turn on assertions for tests
   311 run.test.jvmargs.main=${run.test.jvmargs.common} -ea
   313 # Extra jvmargs that might be useful for debugging
   314 # and performance improvements/monitoring
   315 #
   316 # -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 
   317 #
   318 # turn off compressed class pointers in metaspace
   319 # -XX:-UseCompressedKlassPointers  
   320 #
   321 # dump the heap after every GC
   322 # -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC
   323 #
   324 # manually set a metaspace size for class data 
   325 # -XX:ClassMetaspaceSize=300M
   326 #
   327 # print out methods compiled
   328 # -XX:+PrintCompilation 
   329 #
   330 # print all compiled nmethods with oopmaps and lots of other info
   331 # -XX:+PrintNMethods
   332 #
   333 # activate the generic "UseNewCode" flag to test whatever functionality
   334 # lies behind it. This is the preferred way to test a, yet flagless,
   335 # feature in HotSpot - for example, the uncommon trap placement fix
   336 # was hidden behind this flag before it became the default
   337 #
   338 # -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode 
   339 #
   340 # Crank up the type profile level to 222, which has some warmup
   341 # penalties, but produces much better code for JavaScript, where better
   342 # and more intrusive type profiling is required to get rid of
   343 # a large amount of unnecessary guard code, that could not otherwise
   344 # be eliminated
   345 #
   346 # -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222
   347 #
   349 # Use best known performance options for octane
   350 run.test.jvmargs.octane.main=${run.test.jvmargs.common} -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222
   352 # Security manager args - make sure that we run with the nashorn.policy that the build creates
   353 run.test.jvmsecurityargs=-Xverify:all${build.dir}/nashorn.policy
   355 # VM options for script tests with @fork option
   356 test-sys-prop.test.fork.jvm.options=${run.test.jvmargs.main} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} ${run.test.jvmsecurityargs} -cp ${run.test.classpath}
   357 # VM options for no-security script tests with @fork option - same as above but without jvmsecurityargs
   358 test-sys-prop-no-security.test.fork.jvm.options=${run.test.jvmargs.main} -Xmx${run.test.xmx} -cp ${run.test.classpath}
   360 # path of rhino.jar for benchmarks
   361 rhino.dir=
   362 rhino.jar=${rhino.dir}/js.jar
   366 # How many iterations should 'ant octane' run for each
   367 # benchmark
   368 octane.iterations=25
   370 # List of octane tests to run, as properties prefixed with
   371 # "octane.benchmark." mapping to the benchmark name in 
   372 # the test harness
   373 #
   374 # Octane tests that are disabled should have their entire line
   375 # commented out  Tests may be disabled for functionality reasons when
   376 # they have bugs or when the runtime doesn't handle them (yet)
   377 octane.benchmark.box2d=box2d
   378 #octane.benchmark.code-load=code-load
   379 octane.benchmark.crypto=crypto
   380 octane.benchmark.deltablue=deltablue
   381 octane.benchmark.earley-boyer=earley-boyer
   382 octane.benchmark.gbemu=gbemu
   383 octane.benchmark.navier-stokes=navier-stokes
   384 octane.benchmark.mandreel=mandreel
   385 octane.benchmark.pdfjs=pdfjs
   386 octane.benchmark.raytrace=raytrace
   387 octane.benchmark.regexp=regexp
   388 octane.benchmark.richards=richards
   389 octane.benchmark.splay=splay
   390 #octane.benchmark.typescript=typescript
   391 #octane.benchmark.zlib=zlib
   393 #path to rhino jar file
   394 octaneperf-sys-prop.rhino.jar=${rhino.jar}
   396 #timeout for performance tests in minutes
   397 octaneperf-sys-prop.timeout.value=10
   399 #how many iterations to run sunspider after warmup
   400 sunspider.iterations=3000
   402 #################
   403 # code coverage #
   404 #################
   406 #enable/disable code coverage; please redifine in the ${user.home}/
   407 make.code.coverage=false
   409 #type of codecoverage; one of static or dynamic. Now only dynamic is supported
   410 jcov=dynamic
   412 #naming of CC results
   413 #NB directory specified in the cc.dir will be cleaned up!!!
   414 cc.dir=${basedir}/../Codecoverage_Nashorn
   417 #dynamic CC parameters; please redefine in the ${user.home}/
   418 jcov2.lib.dir=${basedir}/../jcov2/lib
   419 jcov.jar=${jcov2.lib.dir}/jcov.jar
   420 cc.include=jdk\.nashorn\.*
   421 cc.exclude=jdk\.nashorn\.internal\.scripts\.*
   422 cc.dynamic.genereate.template=true
   423 cc.template=${cc.dir}/CC_template.xml
   424 cc.dynamic.args=-javaagent:${jcov.jar}=include=${cc.include},exclude=${cc.exclude},type=all,verbose=0,file=${cc.dir}/${}
