aoqi@0: aoqi@0: err.prefix=Error: aoqi@0: aoqi@0: err.bad.constant.pool=error while reading constant pool for {0}: {1} aoqi@0: err.class.not.found=class not found: {0} aoqi@0: err.crash=A serious internal error has occurred: {0}\nPlease file a bug report, and include the following information:\n{1} aoqi@0: err.end.of.file=unexpected end of file while reading {0} aoqi@0: err.file.not.found=file not found: {0} aoqi@0: err.incompatible.options=bad combination of options: {0} aoqi@0: err.internal.error=internal error: {0} {1} {2} aoqi@0: err.invalid.arg.for.option=invalid argument for option: {0} aoqi@0: err.ioerror=IO error reading {0}: {1} aoqi@0: err.missing.arg=no value given for {0} aoqi@0: classes specified aoqi@0: err.not.standard.file.manager=can only specify class files when using a standard file manager aoqi@0: err.invalid.use.of.option=invalid use of option: {0} aoqi@0: err.unknown.option=unknown option: {0} aoqi@0: SourceFile attribute aoqi@0: err.source.file.not.found=source file not found aoqi@0: err.bad.innerclasses.attribute=bad InnerClasses attribute for {0} aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.usage.summary=\ aoqi@0: Usage: {0} \n\ aoqi@0: use -help for a list of possible options aoqi@0: aoqi@0: warn.prefix=Warning: aoqi@0: warn.unexpected.class=Binary file {0} contains {1} aoqi@0: aoqi@0: note.prefix=Note: aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.usage.summary=\ aoqi@0: Usage: {0} \n\ aoqi@0: use -help for a list of possible options aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.usage=\ aoqi@0: Usage: {0} \n\ aoqi@0: where possible options include: aoqi@0: aoqi@0: aoqi@0:\ aoqi@0: \ -help --help -? Print this usage message aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.version=\ aoqi@0: \ -version Version information aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.v=\ aoqi@0: \ -v -verbose Print additional information aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.l=\ aoqi@0: \ -l Print line number and local variable tables aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.public=\ aoqi@0: \ -public Show only public classes and members aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.protected=\ aoqi@0: \ -protected Show protected/public classes and members aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.package=\ aoqi@0: \ -package Show package/protected/public classes\n\ aoqi@0: \ and members (default) aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.p=\ aoqi@0: \ -p -private Show all classes and members aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.c=\ aoqi@0: \ -c Disassemble the code aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.s=\ aoqi@0: \ -s Print internal type signatures aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.classpath=\ aoqi@0: \ -classpath Specify where to find user class files aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.cp=\ aoqi@0: \ -cp Specify where to find user class files aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.bootclasspath=\ aoqi@0: \ -bootclasspath Override location of bootstrap class files aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.constants=\ aoqi@0: \ -constants Show final constants aoqi@0: aoqi@0: aoqi@0: main.opt.sysinfo=\ aoqi@0: \ -sysinfo Show system info (path, size, date, MD5 hash)\n\ aoqi@0: \ of class being processed