7091528: javadoc attempts to parse .class files

7086586: Inference producing null type argument

7068437: Regression: Filer.getResource(SOURCE_OUTPUT, ...) no longer works in JDK 7 w/o -s

7090700: fix for 7080267 breaks two tests

7090249: IllegalStateException from Trees.getScope when called from JSR 199

7080267: Call to toString() from an ExpressionStatementTree doesn't take in consideration the ";" at the end

7090297: Remove com.sun.tools.javac.Launcher from tools.jar

7086601: Error message bug: cause for method mismatch is 'null'

7003595: IncompatibleClassChangeError with unreferenced local class with subclass

7086595: Error message bug: name of initializer is 'null'

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