8026370: javadoc creates empty <span class="italic"></span>

8026180: com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree refers to com.sun.tools.javac.util.List

8025998: Missing LV table in lambda bodies

8025693: recent javadoc changes cause com/sun/javadoc/testLinkOption/TestLinkOption.java to fail

8026371: "tidy" issues in langtools/src/**/*.html files

8014016: javac is too late detecting invalid annotation usage

8026368: doclint does not report empty tags when tag closed implicitly


6278240: Exception from AnnotationValue.getValue() should list the found type not the required type

8012557: Implement lambda methods on interfaces as private

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
