8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8

8027175: Existing regression tests in tl/langtools and tl/jdk need to be updated for @bug keyword

8030049: RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith receives wrong elements

8030816: javac crashes when mixing lambdas and inner classes

8030218: javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned, follow-up

8031023: [javac] LambdaToMethod is missing forceSerializedRepresentation logic and switch

8029017: ElementType.TYPE_USE should be a logical superset of ElementType.TYPE and ANNOTATION_TYPE


Added tag jdk8-b124 for changeset 436176151e85

Merge jdk8-b124 jdk8-b125

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
