8057800: Method reference with generic type creates NPE when compiling

Added tag jdk8u40-b14 for changeset f18c5b47f27b

Added tag jdk8u40-b13 for changeset 88ce114c6adc jdk8u40-b14

Merge jdk8u40-b13

8058511: StackOverflowError at com.sun.tools.javac.code.Types.lub

8054448: (ann) Cannot reference field of inner class in an anonymous class

8059710: javac, the same approach used in fix for JDK-8058708 should be applied to Code.closeAliveRanges

Added tag jdk8u40-b12 for changeset e7560bceb36a

Merge jdk8u40-b12


(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
