8043186: javac test langtools/tools/javac/util/StringUtilsTest.java fails

8030726: tools/javac/NoStringToLower.java fails due to enforcement no use of String.toLowerCase on non-langtools classes

8029800: Flags.java uses String.toLowerCase without specifying Locale

8041713: Type inference of non-existent method references crashes the compiler

8044487: Fix for 8042785 causes regression tests to fail with java.lang.VerifyError

8031967: For some sources compiler compiles for ever

8042785: javac, bridge methods are not getting the flags from the original method

8042741: Java 8 compiler throws NullPointerException depending location in source file

8037934: Javac generates invalid signatures for local types

8037937: javac: AssertionError during LVT generation, wrong variable ranges

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