6930076: "null" can incorrectly appear in error message compiler.err.error.reading.file

6881645: Unchecked method call on a method declared inside anonymous inner causes javac to crash

6893943: exit code from javah with no args is 0

6929544: langtools source code uses statics qualified by instance variables

6929645: Address various findbugs warnings in langtools

4880220: Add a warning when accessing a static method via an reference

6511613: javac unexpectedly doesn't fail in some cases if an annotation processor specified

Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 136bfc679462

Merge jdk7-b85

6928623: Behaviour of VERBOSE=true on langtools build

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip
