8016177: structural most specific and stuckness

8015663: Need to supply tests to provide javadoc for profiles support code coverage

8022738: doclet should only generate functional interface text if source >= 8

8008367: Sub-packages missing from Profiles javadoc

8015882: Javadoc prints NPE when using Taglet

7198273: RFE : Javadoc Accessibility : Hyperlinks should contain text or an image with alt text

8024093: Two *.rej files checked in to langtools/test directory

8023700: Use non breaking space in various labels

8023833: Replace direct use of AnnotatedType in javadoc code

Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset 3f274927ec18

Added tag jdk8-b106 for changeset fcd768844b99 jdk8-b107

Merge jdk8-b106

8022744: javac -Xpkginfo command's documentation is sparse

8013384: Potential infinite loop in javadoc

8023522: tools/javac/tree/TypeAnnotationsPretty.java test cases with @TA newline fail on windows only

8001669: javadoc internal DocletAbortException should set cause when appropriate

8010310: [javadoc] Error processing sources with -private

8014566: Remove @ignore tags from MethodReference66 and InInterface when 8013875 is fixed

8023826: Typo in warning about obsolete source / target values

7052170: javadoc -charset option generates wrong meta tag



8023768: Use the unannotatedType in cyclicity checks.

8023701: Fix badly named test

8022173: Relax some warnings in doclint

8020745: Suspicious MethodParameters attribute generated for local classes capturing local variables

8023112: javac should not use lazy constant evaluation approach for method references

8022316: Generic throws, overriding and method reference

8023520: Add missing test for JDK-7118412

8022287: javac.sym.Profiles uses a static Map when it should not

7118412: Shadowing of type-variables vs. member types

8023515: import type-annotations updates

Added tag jdk8-b105 for changeset 375834b5cf08

Merge jdk8-b105


8013887: In class use, some tables are randomly unsorted

8022080: javadoc generates invalid HTML in Turkish locale

8020663: Restructure some properties to facilitate better translation

7179455: tools/javac/processing/model/testgetallmembers/Main.java fails against JDK 7 and JDK 8

8011043: Warn about use of 1.5 and earlier source and target values

8019243: AnnotationTypeMismatchException instead of MirroredTypeException

7182350: Regression in wording of unchecked warning message

7071377: Exception when javac -processor is given a class name with invalid postfix

8023146: Sjavac test failes in langtools nightly

8022508: javac crashes if the generics arity of a base class is wrong

8015809: More user friendly compile-time errors for uncaught exceptions in lambda expression

8022053: javac generates unverifiable initializer for nested subclass of local class

8015145: Smartjavac needs more flexibility with linking to sources

8016921: Change the profiles table on overview-summary.html page to a list

6840442: JavaCompiler.getTask() has incomplete specification for IllegalArgumentException

8017191: Javadoc is confused by @link to imported classes outside of the set of generated packages

8007517: DefaultMethodRegressionTests.java fail in TL

8013394: compile of iterator use fails with error \"defined in an inaccessible class or interface\"


8021567: Javac doesn't report \"java: reference to method is ambiguous\" any more

6537020: JCK tests: a compile-time error should be given in case of ambiguously imported fields (types, methods)

6983297: methods missing from NewArrayTree

8022622: javac, two tests are failing with compile time error after class Collector was modified

8009640: -profile <compact> does not work when -bootclasspath specified

8022161: javac Null Pointer Exception in Enter.visitTopLevel

8019486: javac, generates erroneous LVT for a test case with lambda code

Added tag jdk8-b104 for changeset dd4a00c220c6

Added tag jdk8-b103 for changeset 76cfe7c61f25 jdk8-b104

Merge jdk8-b103

4749567: stddoclet: Add CSS style for setting header/footer to be italic

7198274: RFE : Javadoc Accessibility : Use CSS styles rather than <strong> or <i> tags

8008274: javac should not reference/use sample code

8020997: TreeMaker.AnnotationBuilder creates broken element literals with repeating annotations



8009367: Wrong kind of name used in comparison in javax.lang.model code for repeatable annotations

8022186: javac generates dead code if a try with an empty body has a finalizer

8014826: c.s.t.javac.tree.Pretty.visitNewArray() prints duplicate dimension markers

Added tag jdk8-b102 for changeset 453a305e1165

Merge jdk8-b102

8013179: assertion failure in javac when compiling with -source 1.6 -target 1.6

8021338: Diamond finder may mark a required type argument as unnecessary

8020689: Missing LineNumberTable entries in compiled class files


8020843: javac crashes on accessibility check with method reference with typevar receiver

8016081: field initialized with lambda in annotation types doesn't compile

8020804: javac crashes when speculative attribution infers intersection type with array component

8007961: javax.lang.model tests for repeating annotations fail in getAnnotationsByType

8020556: doclint does not check type variables for @throws

8016880: 42 tests in annot102* fail with compile-time errors.

8021215: javac gives incorrect doclint warnings on normal package statements

8017216: javac doesn't fill in end position for some errors of type not found

8020664: doclint gives incorrect warnings on normal package statements

8020313: doclint doesn't reset HTML anchors correctly

8014636: TestLiteralCodeInPre fails on windows

Added tag jdk8-b101 for changeset 0324dbf07b0f

Added tag jdk8-b100 for changeset 82f68da70e47 jdk8-b101

Merge jdk8-b100


8020586: Warning produced for an incorrect file

8019942: Graph inference: avoid redundant computation during bound incorporation

8019340: varargs-related warnings are meaningless on signature-polymorphic methods such as MethodHandle.invokeExact

8020149: Graph inference: wrong logic for picking best variable to solve

8016640: compiler hangs if the generics arity of a base class is wrong

7041019: Bogus type-variable substitution with array types with dependencies on accessibility check

8020286: Wrong diagnostic after compaction

8020147: Spurious errors when compiling nested stuck lambdas

8012238: Nested method capture and inference

8016175: Add bottom-up type-checking support for unambiguous method references

8012242: Lambda compatibility and checked exceptions

8020278: NPE in javadoc

8013404: Unclear spec for target typing with conditional operator (?:)

8020214: TEST_BUG: test/tools/javap/8007907/JavapReturns0AfterClassNotFoundTest.java broken


8019824: very long error messages on inference error

8016702: use of ternary operator in lambda expression gives incorrect results

8016059: Cannot compile following lambda

8019480: Javac crashes when method is called on a type-variable receiver from lambda expression

8017618: NullPointerException in RichDiagnosticFormatter for bad input program

6356530: -Xlint:serial does not flag abstract classes with concrete methods/members

8009924: some langtools tools do not accept -cp as an alias for -classpath

Added tag jdk8-b99 for changeset 6d85acab769e

8013638: Few policy tests are failing in Lambda nightly jdk8-b99

8016281: The SAM method should be passed to the metafactory as a MethodType not a MethodHandle

Added tag jdk8-b98 for changeset ce5a90df517b

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