8025970: Spurious characters in JavaCompiler

6525408: DiagnosticListener should receive MANDATORY_WARNING in standard compiler mode

8022163: javac exits with 0 status and no messages on error to construct an ann-procesor

8024756: method grouping tabs are not selectable

8008164: Invisible table captions in javadoc-generated html

8025913: Rename jdk.Supported to jdk.Exported

7096170: should remove unused support for enabling javac logging

8025118: Annotation processing api returns default modifier for interface without default methods

8023679: Improve error message for '_' used as a lambda parameter name

8021339: Compile-time error during casting array to intersection

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
