8013738: Two javadoc tests have bug 0000000

8014017: extra space in javadoc class heading

8007338: Method grouping tab line-folding

8014137: Update test/tools/javac/literals/UnderscoreLiterals to add testcases with min/max values

8016908: TEST_BUG: removing non-ascii characters causes tests to fail

8006973: jtreg test fails: test/tools/javac/warnings/AuxiliaryClass/SelfClassWithAux.java

8017104: javac should have a class for primitive types that inherits from Type

8012722: Single comma in array initializer should parse

8007546: ClassCastException on JSR308 tests

8016613: javac should avoid source 8 only analysis when compiling for source 7

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
