Added tag jdk7-b51 for changeset 8c55d5b0ed71 jdk7-b52

Merge jdk7-b51


6799605: Basic/Raw formatters should use type/symbol printer instead of toString()

6807255: LineNumberTable wrong if enhanced-for-loops are used

6804733: javac generates spourious diagnostics for ill-formed type-variable bounds

6467183: javac fails to raise unchecked warning on cast of parameterized generic subclass


6786690: Javadoc HTML WCAG 2.0 accessibility issues in standard doclet - DL tag and nesting issue

6498938: Faulty comparison of TypeMirror objects in getElementsAnnotatedWith implementation

(0) -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip
