6458823: Messager messages on TypeParamterElements to not include position information.

6921495: spurious semicolons in class def cause empty NOPOS blocks

6458749: TypeParameterElement.getEnclosedElements throws NPE within javac.

6979683: inconsistent interaction of reference cast with box/unbox conversions leaves out a useful case

6403465: javac should defer diagnostics until it can be determined they are persistent

6980707: Reduce use of IOException in JavaCompiler

6570730: com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree.getFlags() should return class type

6980724: test/tools/javac/InterfaceAssert.java sometimes fails

6980017: javap -XDdetail:source behaves badly if source not available.

6604599: ToolProvider should be less compiler-specific

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