6803688: Integrate latest JAX-WS (2.1.6) in to JDK 6u14

6199153: Generic throws and overriding

6569404: Cannot instantiate an inner class of a type variable

6869075: regression: javac crashes when compiling compound string assignment with generics

6521805: Regression: JDK5/JDK6 javac allows write access to outer class reference

6840059: regression: javac silently crashes when resolving erroneous anonymous inner constructor

6390045: Unexpected error "cannot access java.lang.Void" with '-target cldc1.0' with -source >=1.5

6806876: ClassCastException occurs in assignment expressions without any heap pollutions

6868539: javap should use current names for constant pool tags

6868548: remove spurious ';' from after constant pool entries

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 tip
