8051005: Third Party License Readme update for 8u20

8043926: javac, code valid in 7 is not compiling for 8

8051402: javac, type containment should accept that CAP <= ? extends CAP and CAP <= ? super CAP

8044546: Crash on faulty reduce/lambda

8051004: javac, incorrect bug id in tests for JDK-8050386

8050386: javac, follow-up of fix for JDK-8049305


8050804: (jdeps) Recommend supported API to replace use of JDK internal API

8029548: (jdeps) use @jdk.Exported to determine supported vs JDK internal API


(0) -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 +1000 tip
