
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:48:49 +0000

Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:48:49 +0000
changeset 3102
parent 0

8143647: Javac compiles method reference that allows results in an IllegalAccessError
Summary: Lambda implementation method synthesized by javac should not mention inaccessible types.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

     1 /*
     2  * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
     3  * @summary smoke test for inference of throws type variables
     4  * @compile/fail/ref=TargetType63.out -XDrawDiagnostics TargetType63.java
     5  */
     6 class TargetType63 {
     8     interface F<T extends Throwable> {
     9         void m() throws T;
    10     }
    12     void g1() { }
    13     void g2() throws ClassNotFoundException { }
    14     void g3() throws Exception { }
    16     <Z extends Throwable> void m1(F<Z> fz) throws Z { }
    17     <Z extends ClassNotFoundException> void m2(F<Z> fz) throws Z { }
    19     void test1() {
    20         m1(()->{ }); //ok (Z = RuntimeException)
    21         m1(this::g1); //ok (Z = RuntimeException)
    22     }
    24     void test2() {
    25         m2(()->{ }); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    26         m2(this::g1); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    27     }
    29     void test3() {
    30         m1(()->{ throw new ClassNotFoundException(); }); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    31         m1(this::g2); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    32         m2(()->{ throw new ClassNotFoundException(); }); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    33         m2(this::g2); //fail (Z = ClassNotFoundException)
    34     }
    36     void test4() {
    37         m1(()->{ throw new Exception(); }); //fail (Z = Exception)
    38         m1(this::g3); //fail (Z = Exception)
    39     }
    40 }
