
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:51:53 -0800

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:51:53 -0800
changeset 861
parent 766
child 918
child 925

7017734: jdk7 message drop 1 translation integration
Reviewed-by: ogino, yhuang

     1 doclet.build_version=Standard Doclet version {0}
     2 doclet.Contents=Contents
     3 doclet.Overview=Overview
     4 doclet.Window_Overview=Overview List
     5 doclet.Window_Overview_Summary=Overview
     6 doclet.Package=Package
     7 doclet.All_Packages=All Packages
     8 doclet.Tree=Tree
     9 doclet.Class_Hierarchy=Class Hierarchy
    10 doclet.Window_Class_Hierarchy=Class Hierarchy
    11 doclet.Interface_Hierarchy=Interface Hierarchy
    12 doclet.Enum_Hierarchy=Enum Hierarchy
    13 doclet.Annotation_Type_Hierarchy=Annotation Type Hierarchy
    14 doclet.Prev=PREV
    15 doclet.Next=NEXT
    16 doclet.Prev_Class=PREV CLASS
    17 doclet.Next_Class=NEXT CLASS
    18 doclet.Prev_Package=PREV PACKAGE
    19 doclet.Next_Package=NEXT PACKAGE
    20 doclet.Prev_Letter=PREV LETTER
    21 doclet.Next_Letter=NEXT LETTER
    22 doclet.Show_Lists=SHOW LISTS
    23 doclet.Hide_Lists=HIDE LISTS
    24 doclet.Href_Class_Title=class in {0}
    25 doclet.Href_Interface_Title=interface in {0}
    26 doclet.Href_Annotation_Title=annotation in {0}
    27 doclet.Href_Enum_Title=enum in {0}
    28 doclet.Href_Type_Param_Title=type parameter in {0}
    29 doclet.Href_Class_Or_Interface_Title=class or interface in {0}
    30 doclet.Summary=SUMMARY:
    31 doclet.Detail=DETAIL:
    32 doclet.navNested=NESTED
    33 doclet.navAnnotationTypeOptionalMember=OPTIONAL
    34 doclet.navAnnotationTypeRequiredMember=REQUIRED
    35 doclet.navAnnotationTypeMember=ELEMENT
    36 doclet.navField=FIELD
    37 doclet.navEnum=ENUM CONSTANTS
    38 doclet.navConstructor=CONSTR
    39 doclet.navMethod=METHOD
    40 doclet.navFactoryMethod=FACTORY
    41 doclet.Index=Index
    42 doclet.Window_Single_Index=Index
    43 doclet.Window_Split_Index={0}-Index
    44 doclet.Help=Help
    45 doclet.Skip_navigation_links=Skip navigation links
    46 doclet.New_Page=NewPage
    47 doclet.None=None
    48 doclet.CLASSES=CLASSES
    49 doclet.MEMBERS=MEMBERS
    50 doclet.NONE=NONE
    51 doclet.Factory_Method_Detail=Static Factory Method Detail
    52 doclet.navDeprecated=Deprecated
    53 doclet.Deprecated_List=Deprecated List
    54 doclet.Window_Deprecated_List=Deprecated List
    55 doclet.Note_0_is_deprecated=Note: {0} is deprecated.
    56 doclet.Overrides=Overrides:
    57 doclet.in_class=in class
    58 doclet.0_Fields_and_Methods="{0}" Fields and Methods
    59 doclet.Index_of_Fields_and_Methods=Index of Fields and Methods
    60 doclet.Static_variable_in=Static variable in {0}
    61 doclet.Variable_in=Variable in {0}
    62 doclet.Constructor_for=Constructor for {0}
    63 doclet.Static_method_in=Static method in {0}
    64 doclet.Method_in=Method in {0}
    65 doclet.throws=throws
    66 doclet.package=package
    67 doclet.MalformedURL=Malformed URL: {0}
    68 doclet.File_error=Error reading file: {0}
    69 doclet.URL_error=Error fetching URL: {0}
    70 doclet.No_Package_Comment_File=For Package {0} Package.Comment file not found
    71 doclet.No_Source_For_Class=Source information for class {0} not available.
    72 doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found=Tag {0}: reference not found: {1}
    73 doclet.see.class_or_package_not_accessible=Tag {0}: reference not accessible: {1}
    74 doclet.see.malformed_tag=Tag {0}: Malformed: {1}
    75 doclet.Inherited_API_Summary=Inherited API Summary
    76 doclet.Deprecated_API=Deprecated API
    77 doclet.Deprecated_Classes=Deprecated Classes
    78 doclet.Deprecated_Enums=Deprecated Enums
    79 doclet.Deprecated_Interfaces=Deprecated Interfaces
    80 doclet.Deprecated_Exceptions=Deprecated Exceptions
    81 doclet.Deprecated_Annotation_Types=Deprecated Annotation Types
    82 doclet.Deprecated_Errors=Deprecated Errors
    83 doclet.Deprecated_Fields=Deprecated Fields
    84 doclet.Deprecated_Constructors=Deprecated Constructors
    85 doclet.Deprecated_Methods=Deprecated Methods
    86 doclet.Deprecated_Enum_Constants=Deprecated Enum Constants
    87 doclet.Deprecated_Annotation_Type_Members=Deprecated Annotation Type Elements
    88 doclet.deprecated_classes=deprecated classes
    89 doclet.deprecated_enums=deprecated enums
    90 doclet.deprecated_interfaces=deprecated interfaces
    91 doclet.deprecated_exceptions=deprecated exceptions
    92 doclet.deprecated_annotation_types=deprecated annotation types
    93 doclet.deprecated_errors=deprecated errors
    94 doclet.deprecated_fields=deprecated fields
    95 doclet.deprecated_constructors=deprecated constructors
    96 doclet.deprecated_methods=deprecated methods
    97 doclet.deprecated_enum_constants=deprecated enum constants
    98 doclet.deprecated_annotation_type_members=deprecated annotation type elements
    99 doclet.Frame_Output=Frame Output
   100 doclet.Docs_generated_by_Javadoc=Documentation generated by Javadoc.
   101 doclet.Generated_Docs_Untitled=Generated Documentation (Untitled)
   102 doclet.Blank=Blank
   103 doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages
   104 doclet.Package_Description=Package {0} Description
   105 doclet.Description=Description
   106 doclet.Specified_By=Specified by:
   107 doclet.in_interface=in interface
   108 doclet.Subclasses=Direct Known Subclasses:
   109 doclet.Subinterfaces=All Known Subinterfaces:
   110 doclet.Implementing_Classes=All Known Implementing Classes:
   111 doclet.also=also
   112 doclet.Option=Option
   113 doclet.Or=Or
   114 doclet.Frames=Frames
   115 doclet.FRAMES=FRAMES
   116 doclet.NO_FRAMES=NO FRAMES
   117 doclet.Package_Hierarchies=Package Hierarchies:
   118 doclet.Hierarchy_For_Package=Hierarchy For Package {0}
   119 doclet.Source_Code=Source Code:
   120 doclet.Hierarchy_For_All_Packages=Hierarchy For All Packages
   121 doclet.Cannot_handle_no_packages=Cannot handle no packages.
   122 doclet.Frame_Alert=Frame Alert
   123 doclet.Overview-Member-Frame=Overview Member Frame
   124 doclet.Frame_Warning_Message=This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client.
   125 doclet.No_Script_Message=JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
   126 doclet.Non_Frame_Version=Non-frame version.
   127 doclet.Frame_Version=Frame version
   128 doclet.Link_To=Link to
   129 doclet.Following_From_Class=Following copied from class: {0}
   130 doclet.Following_From_Interface=Following copied from interface: {0}
   131 doclet.Description_From_Interface=Description copied from interface:
   132 doclet.Description_From_Class=Description copied from class:
   133 doclet.Standard_doclet_invoked=Standard doclet invoked...
   134 doclet.No_Non_Deprecated_Classes_To_Document=No non-deprecated classes found to document.
   135 doclet.Interfaces_Italic=Interfaces (italic)
   136 doclet.Enclosing_Class=Enclosing class:
   137 doclet.Enclosing_Interface=Enclosing interface:
   138 doclet.Window_Source_title=Source code
   139 doclet.Help_title=API Help
   140 doclet.Window_Help_title=API Help
   141 doclet.Help_line_1=How This API Document Is Organized
   142 doclet.Help_line_2=This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows.
   143 doclet.Help_line_3=The {0} page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each.  This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages.
   144 doclet.Help_line_4=Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. This page can contain four categories:
   145 doclet.Help_line_5=Class/Interface
   146 doclet.Help_line_6=Each class, interface, nested class and nested interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a class/interface description, summary tables, and detailed member descriptions:
   147 doclet.Help_line_7=Class inheritance diagram
   148 doclet.Help_line_8=Direct Subclasses
   149 doclet.Help_line_9=All Known Subinterfaces
   150 doclet.Help_line_10=All Known Implementing Classes
   151 doclet.Help_line_11=Class/interface declaration
   152 doclet.Help_line_12=Class/interface description
   153 doclet.Help_line_13=Each summary entry contains the first sentence from the detailed description for that item. The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.
   154 doclet.Help_line_14=Use
   155 doclet.Help_line_15=Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use page.  This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its Use page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A.  You can access this page by first going to the package, class or interface, then clicking on the "Use" link in the navigation bar.
   156 doclet.Help_line_16=Tree (Class Hierarchy)
   157 doclet.Help_line_17_with_tree_link=There is a {0} page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a list of classes and a list of interfaces. The classes are organized by inheritance structure starting with <code>java.lang.Object</code>. The interfaces do not inherit from <code>java.lang.Object</code>.
   158 doclet.Help_line_18=When viewing the Overview page, clicking on "Tree" displays the hierarchy for all packages.
   159 doclet.Help_line_19=When viewing a particular package, class or interface page, clicking "Tree" displays the hierarchy for only that package.
   160 doclet.Help_line_20_with_deprecated_api_link=The {0} page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.
   161 doclet.Help_line_21=Index
   162 doclet.Help_line_22=The {0} contains an alphabetic list of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields.
   163 doclet.Help_line_23=Prev/Next
   164 doclet.Help_line_24=These links take you to the next or previous class, interface, package, or related page.
   165 doclet.Help_line_25=Frames/No Frames
   166 doclet.Help_line_26=These links show and hide the HTML frames.  All pages are available with or without frames.
   167 doclet.Help_line_27=Each serializable or externalizable class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description.
   168 doclet.Help_line_28=The <a href="constant-values.html">Constant Field Values</a> page lists the static final fields and their values.
   169 doclet.Help_line_29=This help file applies to API documentation generated using the standard doclet.
   170 doclet.Help_enum_line_1=Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections:
   171 doclet.Help_enum_line_2=Enum declaration
   172 doclet.Help_enum_line_3=Enum description
   173 doclet.Help_annotation_type_line_1=Each annotation type has its own separate page with the following sections:
   174 doclet.Help_annotation_type_line_2=Annotation Type declaration
   175 doclet.Help_annotation_type_line_3=Annotation Type description
   176 doclet.The=The
   177 doclet.Style_line_1=Javadoc style sheet
   178 doclet.Style_line_2=Define colors, fonts and other style attributes here to override the defaults
   179 doclet.Style_line_3=Page background color
   180 doclet.Style_Headings=Headings
   181 doclet.Style_line_4=Table colors
   182 doclet.Style_line_5=Dark mauve
   183 doclet.Style_line_6=Light mauve
   184 doclet.Style_line_7=White
   185 doclet.Style_line_8=Font used in left-hand frame lists
   186 doclet.Style_line_9=Example of smaller, sans-serif font in frames
   187 doclet.Style_line_10=Navigation bar fonts and colors
   188 doclet.Style_line_11=Dark Blue
   189 doclet.Style_line_12=Table caption style
   190 doclet.ClassUse_Packages.that.use.0=Packages that use {0}
   191 of {0} in {1}
   192 in {0} used by {1}
   193 doclet.ClassUse_PackageAnnotation=Packages with annotations of type {0}
   194 doclet.ClassUse_Annotation=Classes in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   195 doclet.ClassUse_TypeParameter=Classes in {1} with type parameters of type {0}
   196 doclet.ClassUse_MethodTypeParameter=Methods in {1} with type parameters of type {0}
   197 doclet.ClassUse_FieldTypeParameter=Fields in {1} with type parameters of type {0}
   198 doclet.ClassUse_FieldAnnotations=Fields in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   199 doclet.ClassUse_MethodAnnotations=Methods in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   200 doclet.ClassUse_MethodParameterAnnotations=Method parameters in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   201 doclet.ClassUse_MethodReturnTypeParameter=Methods in {1} that return types with arguments of type {0}
   202 doclet.ClassUse_Subclass=Subclasses of {0} in {1}
   203 doclet.ClassUse_Subinterface=Subinterfaces of {0} in {1}
   204 doclet.ClassUse_ImplementingClass=Classes in {1} that implement {0}
   205 doclet.ClassUse_Field=Fields in {1} declared as {0}
   206 doclet.ClassUse_MethodReturn=Methods in {1} that return {0}
   207 doclet.ClassUse_MethodArgs=Methods in {1} with parameters of type {0}
   208 doclet.ClassUse_MethodArgsTypeParameters=Method parameters in {1} with type arguments of type {0}
   209 doclet.ClassUse_MethodThrows=Methods in {1} that throw {0}
   210 doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorAnnotations=Constructors in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   211 doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorParameterAnnotations=Constructor parameters in {1} with annotations of type {0}
   212 doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorArgs=Constructors in {1} with parameters of type {0}
   213 doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorArgsTypeParameters=Constructor parameters in {1} with type arguments of type {0}
   214 doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorThrows=Constructors in {1} that throw {0}
   215 doclet.ClassUse_No.usage.of.0=No usage of {0}
   216 doclet.Window_ClassUse_Header=Uses of {0} {1}
   217 doclet.ClassUse_Title=Uses of {0}<br>{1}
   218 doclet.navClassUse=Use
   219 doclet.link_option_twice=Extern URL link option (link or linkoffline) used twice.
   220 doclet.Error_in_packagelist=Error in using -group option: {0} {1}
   221 doclet.Groupname_already_used=In -group option, groupname already used: {0}
   222 doclet.Same_package_name_used=Package name format used twice: {0}
   223 doclet.Serialization.Excluded_Class=Non-transient field {1} uses excluded class {0}.
   224 doclet.Serialization.Nonexcluded_Class=Non-transient field {1} uses hidden, non-included class {0}.
   225 doclet.usage=Provided by Standard doclet:\n\
   226   -d <directory>                    Destination directory for output files\n\
   227   -use                              Create class and package usage pages\n\
   228   -version                          Include @version paragraphs\n\
   229   -author                           Include @author paragraphs\n\
   230   -docfilessubdirs                  Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories\n\
   231   -splitindex                       Split index into one file per letter\n\
   232   -windowtitle <text>               Browser window title for the documenation\n\
   233   -doctitle <html-code>             Include title for the overview page\n\
   234   -header <html-code>               Include header text for each page\n\
   235   -footer <html-code>               Include footer text for each page\n\
   236   -top    <html-code>               Include top text for each page\n\
   237   -bottom <html-code>               Include bottom text for each page\n\
   238   -link <url>                       Create links to javadoc output at <url>\n\
   239   -linkoffline <url> <url2>         Link to docs at <url> using package list at <url2>\n\
   240   -excludedocfilessubdir <name1>:.. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.\n\
   241   -group <name> <p1>:<p2>..         Group specified packages together in overview page\n\
   242   -nocomment                        Supress description and tags, generate only declarations.\n\
   243   -nodeprecated                     Do not include @deprecated information\n\
   244   -noqualifier <name1>:<name2>:...  Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.\n\
   245   -nosince                          Do not include @since information\n\
   246   -notimestamp                      Do not include hidden time stamp\n\
   247   -nodeprecatedlist                 Do not generate deprecated list\n\
   248   -notree                           Do not generate class hierarchy\n\
   249   -noindex                          Do not generate index\n\
   250   -nohelp                           Do not generate help link\n\
   251   -nonavbar                         Do not generate navigation bar\n\
   252   -serialwarn                       Generate warning about @serial tag\n\
   253   -tag <name>:<locations>:<header>  Specify single argument custom tags\n\
   254   -taglet                           The fully qualified name of Taglet to register\n\
   255   -tagletpath                       The path to Taglets\n\
   256   -charset <charset>                Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.\n\
   257   -helpfile <file>                  Include file that help link links to\n\
   258   -linksource                       Generate source in HTML\n\
   259   -sourcetab <tab length>           Specify the number of spaces each tab takes up in the source\n\
   260   -keywords                         Include HTML meta tags with package, class and member info\n\
   261   -stylesheetfile <path>            File to change style of the generated documentation\n\
   262   -docencoding <name>               Output encoding name
