7041232: IllegalArgumentException in sun.text.bidi.BidiBase.setLine starting from JDK 7 b64

7034619: Scrollable Tabs don't appear with JDK7 Synth based LaF, different from Java 5/6

6894541: javax/swing/JTable/6788484/bug6788484.java fails w/ compilation errors.

7031551: Generics: JComboBox


7010721: Frame#setMaximizedbounds not working properly on dual screen environment


7042537: When press the 'Print' button,the NullPointerException is thrown and printdialog is not pop up.

7043455: Taking a screenshot may fail on X11 after 6903034

7042429: jdk 7 b140: crashes in awt.dll+0xb85fb] Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsEnvironment_isVistaOS+0xfdf

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