8144446: Automate the Marlin crash test

8144630: Use PrivilegedAction to create Thread in Marlin RendererStats

8215756: Memory leaks in the AWT on macOS

8225128: Add exception for expiring DocuSign root to VerifyCACerts test


8038631: Create wrapper for awt.Robot with additional functionality

8229872: (fs) Increase buffer size used with getmntent

8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI TCPEndpoint.read

Added tag jdk8u252-b03 for changeset 9099e882f08e

8005819: Support cross-realm MSSFU jdk8u252-b03

(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
