8152077: (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings

8078880: Mark a few more intermittently failuring security-libs

Added tag jdk8u272-b04 for changeset 4d586f39fed3

8217878: ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11 jdk8u272-b04

8177334: Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1

8061616: HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double


8243138: Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request

Added tag jdk8u272-b03 for changeset fb9d9cfd0523

6574989: TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/bug5070081.java fails sometimes jdk8u272-b03

(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 tip
