8240521: Revert backport of 8231584: Deadlock with ClassLoader.findLibrary and System.loadLibrary call

Added tag jdk8u252-b05 for changeset b959971e0a5a

8079693: Add support for ECDSA P-384 and P-521 curves to XML Signature jdk8u252-b05 jdk8u262-b00

8132130: some docs cleanup

8144654: Improve Marlin logging

8144718: Pisces / Marlin Strokers may generate invalid curves with huge coordinates and round joins

8144526: Remove Marlin logging use of deleted internal API

8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line

8216472: (se) Stack overflow during selection operation leads to crash (win)

8068184: Fix for JDK-8032832 caused a deadlock

(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
