
Tue, 09 Apr 2013 14:51:13 +0100

Tue, 09 Apr 2013 14:51:13 +0100
changeset 368
parent 286
child 637

8010393: Update JAX-WS RI to 2.2.9-b12941
Reviewed-by: alanb, erikj

     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    26 package;
    28 import;
    29 import;
    30 import;
    31 import;
    32 import;
    33 import;
    35 import javax.jws.WebService;
    36 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    37 import;
    38 import java.util.ArrayList;
    39 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    40 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
    41 import java.util.List;
    42 import java.util.Map;
    43 import java.util.Set;
    45 /**
    46  * @author Vivek Pandey
    47  */
    48 public class WsgenOptions extends Options {
    49     /**
    50      * -servicename
    51      */
    52     public QName serviceName;
    54     /**
    55      * -portname
    56      */
    57     public QName portName;
    59     /**
    60      * -r
    61      */
    62     public File nonclassDestDir;
    65     /**
    66      * -wsdl
    67      */
    68     public boolean genWsdl;
    70     /**
    71      * -inlineSchemas
    72      */
    73     public boolean inlineSchemas;
    75     /**
    76      * protocol value
    77      */
    78     public String protocol = "soap1.1";
    80     public Set<String> protocols = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    81     public Map<String, String> nonstdProtocols = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    83     /**
    84      * -XwsgenReport
    85      */
    86     public File wsgenReport;
    88     /**
    89      * -Xdonotoverwrite
    90      */
    91     public boolean doNotOverWrite;
    93     /**
    94      * Tells if user specified a specific protocol
    95      */
    96     public boolean protocolSet = false;
    98     /**
    99      * <code>-x file1 -x file2 ...<code/><br />
   100      * Files to be parsed to get classes' metadata in addition/instead of using annotations and reflection API
   101      */
   102     public List<String> externalMetadataFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
   104     private static final String SERVICENAME_OPTION = "-servicename";
   105     private static final String PORTNAME_OPTION = "-portname";
   106     private static final String HTTP   = "http";
   107     private static final String SOAP11 = "soap1.1";
   108     public static final String X_SOAP12 = "Xsoap1.2";
   110     public WsgenOptions() {
   111         protocols.add(SOAP11);
   112         protocols.add(X_SOAP12);
   113         nonstdProtocols.put(X_SOAP12, SOAPBindingImpl.X_SOAP12HTTP_BINDING);
   114         ServiceFinder<WsgenExtension> extn = ServiceFinder.find(WsgenExtension.class);
   115         for(WsgenExtension ext : extn) {
   116             Class clazz = ext.getClass();
   117             WsgenProtocol pro = (WsgenProtocol)clazz.getAnnotation(WsgenProtocol.class);
   118             protocols.add(pro.token());
   119             nonstdProtocols.put(pro.token(), pro.lexical());
   120         }
   121     }
   123     @Override
   124     protected int parseArguments(String[] args, int i) throws BadCommandLineException {
   126         int j = super.parseArguments(args, i);
   127         if (args[i].equals(SERVICENAME_OPTION)) {
   128             serviceName = QName.valueOf(requireArgument(SERVICENAME_OPTION, args, ++i));
   129             if (serviceName.getNamespaceURI() == null || serviceName.getNamespaceURI().length() == 0) {
   130                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_SERVICENAME_MISSING_NAMESPACE(args[i]));
   131             }
   132             if (serviceName.getLocalPart() == null || serviceName.getLocalPart().length() == 0) {
   133                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_SERVICENAME_MISSING_LOCALNAME(args[i]));
   134             }
   135             return 2;
   136         } else if (args[i].equals(PORTNAME_OPTION)) {
   137             portName = QName.valueOf(requireArgument(PORTNAME_OPTION, args, ++i));
   138             if (portName.getNamespaceURI() == null || portName.getNamespaceURI().length() == 0) {
   139                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_PORTNAME_MISSING_NAMESPACE(args[i]));
   140             }
   141             if (portName.getLocalPart() == null || portName.getLocalPart().length() == 0) {
   142                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_PORTNAME_MISSING_LOCALNAME(args[i]));
   143             }
   144             return 2;
   145         } else if (args[i].equals("-r")) {
   146             nonclassDestDir = new File(requireArgument("-r", args, ++i));
   147             if (!nonclassDestDir.exists()) {
   148                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSCOMPILE_NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY(nonclassDestDir.getPath()));
   149             }
   150             return 2;
   151         } else if (args[i].startsWith("-wsdl")) {
   152             genWsdl = true;
   153             //String value = requireArgument("-wsdl", args, ++i).substring(5);
   154             String value = args[i].substring(5);
   155             int index = value.indexOf(':');
   156             if (index == 0) {
   157                 value = value.substring(1);
   158                 index = value.indexOf('/');
   159                 if (index == -1) {
   160                     protocol = value;
   161                 } else {
   162                     protocol = value.substring(0, index);
   163                 }
   164                 protocolSet = true;
   165             }
   166             return 1;
   167         } else if (args[i].equals("-XwsgenReport")) {
   168             // undocumented switch for the test harness
   169             wsgenReport = new File(requireArgument("-XwsgenReport", args, ++i));
   170             return 2;
   171         } else if (args[i].equals("-Xdonotoverwrite")) {
   172             doNotOverWrite = true;
   173             return 1;
   174         } else if (args[i].equals("-inlineSchemas")) {
   175             inlineSchemas = true;
   176             return 1;
   177         } else if ("-x".equals(args[i])) {
   178             externalMetadataFiles.add(requireArgument("-x", args, ++i));
   179             return 1;
   180         }
   182         return j;
   183     }
   186     @Override
   187     protected void addFile(String arg) {
   188         endpoints.add(arg);
   189     }
   191     List<String> endpoints = new ArrayList<String>();
   193     public Class endpoint;
   196     private boolean isImplClass;
   198     public void validate() throws BadCommandLineException {
   199         if(nonclassDestDir == null)
   200             nonclassDestDir = destDir;
   202         if (!protocols.contains(protocol)) {
   203             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_INVALID_PROTOCOL(protocol, protocols));
   204         }
   206         if (endpoints.isEmpty()) {
   207             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_MISSING_FILE());
   208         }
   209         if (protocol == null || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase(X_SOAP12) && !isExtensionMode()) {
   210             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_SOAP_12_WITHOUT_EXTENSION());
   211         }
   213         if (nonstdProtocols.containsKey(protocol) && !isExtensionMode()) {
   214             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_PROTOCOL_WITHOUT_EXTENSION(protocol));
   215         }
   216         if (inlineSchemas && !genWsdl) {
   217             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_INLINE_SCHEMAS_ONLY_WITH_WSDL());
   218         }
   220         validateEndpointClass();
   221         validateArguments();
   222     }
   223     /**
   224      * Get an implementation class annotated with @WebService annotation.
   225      */
   226     private void validateEndpointClass() throws BadCommandLineException {
   227         Class clazz = null;
   228         for(String cls : endpoints){
   229             clazz = getClass(cls);
   230             if (clazz == null)
   231                 continue;
   233             if (clazz.isEnum() || clazz.isInterface() ||
   234                 clazz.isPrimitive()) {
   235                 continue;
   236             }
   237             isImplClass = true;
   238             WebService webService = (WebService) clazz.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
   239             if(webService == null)
   240                 continue;
   241             break;
   242         }
   243         if(clazz == null){
   244             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND(endpoints.get(0)));
   245         }
   246         if(!isImplClass){
   247             throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_CLASS_MUST_BE_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS(clazz.getName()));
   248         }
   249         endpoint = clazz;
   250         validateBinding();
   251     }
   253     private void validateBinding() throws BadCommandLineException {
   254         if (genWsdl) {
   255             BindingID binding = BindingID.parse(endpoint);
   256             if ((binding.equals(BindingID.SOAP12_HTTP) ||
   257                  binding.equals(BindingID.SOAP12_HTTP_MTOM)) &&
   258                     !(protocol.equals(X_SOAP12) && isExtensionMode())) {
   259                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_CANNOT_GEN_WSDL_FOR_SOAP_12_BINDING(binding.toString(), endpoint.getName()));
   260             }
   261             if (binding.equals(BindingID.XML_HTTP)) {
   262                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_CANNOT_GEN_WSDL_FOR_NON_SOAP_BINDING(binding.toString(), endpoint.getName()));
   263             }
   264         }
   265     }
   267     private void validateArguments() throws BadCommandLineException {
   268         if (!genWsdl) {
   269             if (serviceName != null) {
   270                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_WSDL_ARG_NO_GENWSDL(SERVICENAME_OPTION));
   271             }
   272             if (portName != null) {
   273                 throw new BadCommandLineException(WscompileMessages.WSGEN_WSDL_ARG_NO_GENWSDL(PORTNAME_OPTION));
   274             }
   275         }
   276     }
   278     BindingID getBindingID(String protocol) {
   279         if (protocol.equals(SOAP11))
   280             return BindingID.SOAP11_HTTP;
   281         if (protocol.equals(X_SOAP12))
   282             return BindingID.SOAP12_HTTP;
   283         String lexical = nonstdProtocols.get(protocol);
   284         return (lexical != null) ? BindingID.parse(lexical) : null;
   285     }
   288     private Class getClass(String className) {
   289         try {
   290             return getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
   291         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   292             return null;
   293         }
   294     }
   296 }
