
Sat, 07 Nov 2020 10:30:02 +0800

Sat, 07 Nov 2020 10:30:02 +0800
changeset 1921
parent 0

Added tag mips-jdk8u275-b01 for changeset fdbe50121f48

aoqi@0 1 #
aoqi@0 2 # Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
aoqi@0 4 #
aoqi@0 5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
aoqi@0 6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
aoqi@0 7 # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
aoqi@0 8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
aoqi@0 9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
aoqi@0 10 #
aoqi@0 11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
aoqi@0 12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
aoqi@0 13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
aoqi@0 14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
aoqi@0 15 # accompanied this code).
aoqi@0 16 #
aoqi@0 17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
aoqi@0 18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
aoqi@0 19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
aoqi@0 20 #
aoqi@0 21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
aoqi@0 22 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
aoqi@0 23 # questions.
aoqi@0 24 #
aoqi@0 25
aoqi@0 26 localized.error={0}
aoqi@0 27 parsing.wsdlNotDefaultNamespace=namespace default deve ser \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 28 # Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 29 parsing.onlyOneOfElementOrTypeRequired=somente um dos atributos \"element\" ou \"type\" \u00E9 permitido na parte \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 30 # Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 31 parsing.elementOrTypeRequired=advert\u00EAncia: a parte {0} \u00E9 ignorada, ou o \"element\" ou o atributo \"type\" \u00E9 obrigat\u00F3rio na parte \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 32 parsing.invalidElement=elemento inv\u00E1lido: \"{0}\" (no namespace \"{1}\")
aoqi@0 33 parsing.invalidAttributeValue=valor inv\u00E1lido \"{1}\" para o atributo \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 34 parsing.invalidExtensionElement=elemento de extens\u00E3o inv\u00E1lido: \"{0}\" (no namespace \"{1}\")
aoqi@0 35 parsing.invalidWsdlElement=elemento: \"{0}\" de WSDL inv\u00E1lido
aoqi@0 36 parsing.requiredExtensibilityElement=elemento \\"{0}\\" de extensibilidade obrigat\u00F3rio desconhecido (no namespace \\"{1}\\")
aoqi@0 37 parsing.tooManyElements=muitos elementos \"{0}\" no elemento \"{1}\" \"{2}\"
aoqi@0 38 parsing.invalidOperationStyle=a opera\u00E7\u00E3o \"{0}\" tem um estilo inv\u00E1lido
aoqi@0 39 # {0} - "definitions". Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 40 parsing.onlyOneTypesAllowed=somente um elemento "tipos" permitido em "{0}"
aoqi@0 41 # {0} - element local name (e.g. PingType). Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 42 parsing.onlyOneDocumentationAllowed=somente um elemento "documenta\u00E7\u00E3o" permitido em "{0}"
aoqi@0 43 parsing.incorrectRootElement=elemento-raiz \"{2}\" esperado (no namespace \"{3}\"), elemento \"{0}\" encontrado (no namespace \"{1}\")
aoqi@0 44 parsing.unknownImportedDocumentType=documento importado do tipo desconhecido: {0}
aoqi@0 45 # Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 46 parsing.unknownNamespacePrefix=prefixo de namespace n\u00E3o declarado: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 47 parsing.invalidURI=URI: {0} inv\u00E1lido
aoqi@0 48 # {0} - WSDL URL
aoqi@0 49 parsing.ioExceptionWithSystemId=falha ao fazer parse do documento em \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 50 # {0} - exception message
aoqi@0 51 parsing.ioException=o parse falhou: {0}
aoqi@0 52 # {0} - WSDL URL, Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 53 parsing.saxExceptionWithSystemId=arquivo de WSL inv\u00E1lido! falha ao fazer parse do documento em \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 54 # {0} - exception message, Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 55 parsing.saxException=arquivo WSDL inv\u00E1lido! falha de parse: {0}
aoqi@0 56 # {0} - exception message, Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 57 parsing.parserConfigException=arquivo WSDL inv\u00E1lido! falha de parse: {0}
aoqi@0 58 # {0} - exception message, Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 59 parsing.factoryConfigException=arquivo WSDL inv\u00E1lido! falha de parse: {0}
aoqi@0 60
aoqi@0 61 # Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 62 parsing.missingRequiredAttribute=o atributo \"{1}\" obrigat\u00F3rio do elemento \"{0}\" n\u00E3o foi encontrado
aoqi@0 63 parsing.invalidTag=esperava o elemento \"{1}\"; encontrou \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 64 # {4} - element name
aoqi@0 65 parsing.invalidTagNS=WSDL inv\u00E1lido em {4}: esperava o elemento \\"{2}\\" (no namespace \\"{3}\\"); encontrou o elemento \\"{0}\\" (no namespace \\"{1}\\")
aoqi@0 66 parsing.nonWhitespaceTextFound=detectou texto sem espa\u00E7o em branco: \"{0}\" inesperado
aoqi@0 67 # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line).
aoqi@0 68 parsing.elementExpected=sem elemento encontrado inesperado
aoqi@0 69 #
aoqi@0 70 entity.duplicate=entidade: \"{0}\" duplicada
aoqi@0 71 # {0} - type of entity, {1} - entity name e.g.: duplicate "message" entity: "PingRequest", Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 72 entity.duplicateWithType=entidade \"{0}\" duplicada: \"{1}\"
aoqi@0 73
aoqi@0 74 entity.notFoundByID=id da entidade: \"{0}\" inv\u00E1lida
aoqi@0 75 entity.notFoundByQName={0} \\"{1}\\" n\u00E3o encontrada no wsdl: {2}
aoqi@0 76 entity.notFound.portType=wsdl:portType \"{0}\" mencionado por wsdl:binding \"{1}\", mas n\u00E3o foi encontrado no wsdl
aoqi@0 77 entity.notFound.binding=wsdl:binding \"{0}" mencionado por wsdl:port \"{1}\", mas n\u00E3o foi encontrado no wsdl
aoqi@0 78
aoqi@0 79 # Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 80 validation.missingRequiredAttribute=o atributo \"{0}\" obrigat\u00F3rio do elemento \"{1}\" n\u00E3o foi encontrado
aoqi@0 81 validation.missingRequiredProperty=a propriedade \"{0}\" obrigat\u00F3ria do elemento \"{1}\" n\u00E3o foi encontrado
aoqi@0 82 validation.missingRequiredSubEntity=a subentidade obrigat\u00F3ria \"{0}\" do elemento \"{1}\" n\u00E3o foi encontrada
aoqi@0 83 # Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 84 validation.invalidElement=elemento inv\u00E1lido: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 85 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 86 #validation.invalidComplexTypeInElement=invalid element: \"{1}\", has named complexType: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 87 validation.invalidSimpleTypeInElement=elemento: \"{1}\" inv\u00E1lido, tem simpleType: \"{0}\" nomeado
aoqi@0 88 validation.duplicatedElement=elemento: \"{0}\" duplicado
aoqi@0 89 validation.duplicatePartName=WSDL inv\u00E1lido, pe\u00E7as duplicadas em uma wsdl:message n\u00E3o \u00E9 permitida. \nwsdl:message {0} tem um nome de pe\u00E7a: \"{1}\" duplicado
aoqi@0 90 # Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 91 validation.invalidSubEntity=subelemento inv\u00E1lido \"{0}\" do elemento \"{1}\"
aoqi@0 92 # Wrapped into an Exception. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 93 validation.invalidAttribute=atributo inv\u00E1lido \"{0}\" do elemento \"{1}\"
aoqi@0 94 validation.invalidAttributeValue=valor inv\u00E1lido \"{1}\" para o atributo \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 95 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 96 #validation.invalidRange=invalid range found (min: {0}, max: {1})
aoqi@0 97 validation.exclusiveAttributes=atributos exclusivos: \"{0}\", \"{1}\"
aoqi@0 98 validation.incorrectTargetNamespace=o namespace do alvo est\u00E1 incorreto (esperava: {1}; encontrou: {0})
aoqi@0 99 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 100 #validation.unsupportedSchemaFeature=unsupported XML Schema feature: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 101 validation.shouldNotHappen=erro interno ("{0}")
aoqi@0 102 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 103 #validation.invalidToken=invalid token \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 104 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 105 #validation.notSimpleType=not a simple type: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 106 validation.ambiguousName=nome da opera\u00E7\u00E3o: \"{0}\" amb\u00EDguo
aoqi@0 107 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
aoqi@0 108 #validation.invalidPrefix=undeclared namespace prefix: \"{0}\"
aoqi@0 109 # {0} - number, {1} - WSDL location e.g.: Use of SOAP Encoding is not supported. SOAP extension element on line 945 in file:/foo/bar.wsdl has use="encoded"
aoqi@0 110 validation.unsupportedUse.encoded="O uso da Codifica\u00E7\u00E3o SOAP n\u00E3o \u00E9 suportado. \nO elemento da extens\u00E3o de SOAP na linha {0} em {1} tem o uso=\"encoded\" "
aoqi@0 111 # {0}, {2} - element / attribute name, {1} - element name. Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 112 warning.faultEmptyAction=ignorando A\u00E7\u00E3o vazia no elemento \"{0}\" {1} da opera\u00E7\u00E3o \"{2}\", usando default
aoqi@0 113 # Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 114 warning.inputOutputEmptyAction=ignorando A\u00E7\u00E3o vazia no elemento {0} da opera\u00E7\u00E3o \"{1}\"; usando o valor default em seu lugar
aoqi@0 115
aoqi@0 116 #wsi compliant WSDL warnings
aoqi@0 117 warning.wsi.r2001=N\u00E3o \u00E9 um WSDL compat\u00EDvel com WSI-BP (R2001, R2002). wsdl:import deve importar somente documentos WSDL. Est\u00E1 tentando importar: \\"{0}\\"
aoqi@0 118 warning.wsi.r2002=N\u00E3o \u00E9 um WSDL (R2002) compat\u00EDvel com WSI-BP. wsdl:import n\u00E3o deve ser usado para importar o Esquema XML incorporado no documento WSDL. Esperava o namespace WSDL: {0}, encontrou: {1}
aoqi@0 119 warning.wsi.r2003=N\u00E3o \u00E9 um WSDL compat\u00EDvel com WSI-BP (R2003). xsd:import s\u00F3 deve ser usado nos elementos de xsd:schema.
aoqi@0 120 warning.wsi.r2004=N\u00E3o \u00E9 um WSDL (R2001, R2004) compat\u00EDvel com WSI-BP. xsd:import n\u00E3o deve importar as defini\u00E7\u00F5es do Esquema XML incorporadas em linha no documento WSDL.
aoqi@0 121
aoqi@0 122 #Parser
aoqi@0 123 Parsing.ParseFailed = \tFalha ao fazer parse do WSDL.
aoqi@0 124
aoqi@0 125 Parsing.NotAWSDL=Falha ao obter os componentes WSDL, provavelmente {0} n\u00E3o \u00E9 um arquivo WSDL v\u00E1lido.
aoqi@0 126
aoqi@0 127 AbstractReferenceFinderImpl.UnableToParse = \tN\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel fazer parse de "{0}" : {1}
aoqi@0 128
aoqi@0 129 # Not concatenated with any other string.
aoqi@0 130 Parser.NotABindingFile = \tn\u00E3o \u00E9 um arquivo de bind externo. O elemento-raiz deve ser binds {}, mas \u00E9 "{{0}}"{1}
aoqi@0 131
aoqi@0 132
aoqi@0 133 #Internalizer
aoqi@0 134 Internalizer.TwoVersionAttributes = \tTanto jaxws:version como version est\u00E3o presentes
aoqi@0 135 Internalizer.IncorrectVersion = \to atributo da vers\u00E3o JAXWS deve ser "2.0"
aoqi@0 136
aoqi@0 137 Internalizer.VersionNotPresent = \to atributo da vers\u00E3o JAXWS deve estar presente
aoqi@0 138
aoqi@0 139 internalizer.targetNotAnElement= \tO n\u00F3 do alvo n\u00E3o \u00E9 um elemento
aoqi@0 140 internalizer.targetNotFound= \tNenhum alvo encontrado para o wsdlLocation: {0}
aoqi@0 141
aoqi@0 142 Internalizer.IncorrectSchemaReference= \t"{0}" n\u00E3o faz parte desta compila\u00E7\u00E3o. \u00C9 um erro de "{1}"?
aoqi@0 143
aoqi@0 144 internalizer.XPathEvaluationError = Erro de XPath: {0}
aoqi@0 145 internalizer.XPathEvaluatesToNoTarget = A avalia\u00E7\u00E3o de XPath de "{0}" resulta em um n\u00F3 do alvo vazio
aoqi@0 146 internalizer.XPathEvaulatesToTooManyTargets = A avalia\u00E7\u00E3o do XPath de "{0}" resulta em um n\u00FAmero excessivo de n\u00F3s do alvo ({1})
aoqi@0 147 internalizer.XPathEvaluatesToNonElement = A avalia\u00E7\u00E3o do XPath de "{0}" precisa resultar em um elemento.
aoqi@0 148 invalid.customization.namespace=Ignorando personaliza\u00E7\u00E3o: \"{0}\", porque n\u00E3o tem namespace. Deve pertencer ao namespace de personaliza\u00E7\u00E3o.
aoqi@0 149
aoqi@0 150 # {0} - wsdl document location, {1} - namespace and local name of a element e.g.: Not a WSDL document:, it gives "{}html", retrying with MEX...
aoqi@0 151 invalid.wsdl.with.dooc="N\u00E3o \u00E9 um documento WSDL: {0}, ele fornece \"{1}\", recuperando com MEX..."
aoqi@0 152 invalid.wsdl=WSDL {0} inv\u00E1lido, esperava {1} encontrou {2} na (linha {3})
aoqi@0 153 # Concatenated with: Server returned HTTP response code: {code} for URL: {url} e.g.: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://foo/bar/mex retrying with MEX...
aoqi@0 154 try.with.mex= {0} \n\nrecuperando com MEX...
aoqi@0 155 file.not.found={0} \u00E9 inacess\u00EDvel
aoqi@0 156 parsing.unableToGetMetadata= {0}\n\n{1}
aoqi@0 157 failed.noservice=failed.noservice=N\u00E3o foi poss\u00EDvel localizar wsdl:service no(s) WSDL fornecido: \n\n{0} Pelo menos um WSDL com pelo menos uma defini\u00E7\u00E3o de servi\u00E7o precisa ser fornecido.
