duke@435: /* coleenp@4643: * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. duke@435: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. duke@435: * duke@435: * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it duke@435: * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as duke@435: * published by the Free Software Foundation. duke@435: * duke@435: * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT duke@435: * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or duke@435: * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License duke@435: * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that duke@435: * accompanied this code). duke@435: * duke@435: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version duke@435: * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, duke@435: * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. duke@435: * trims@1907: * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA trims@1907: * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any trims@1907: * questions. duke@435: * duke@435: */ duke@435: stefank@2314: #include "precompiled.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "interpreter/bytecodeStream.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "oops/generateOopMap.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp" coleenp@2497: #include "oops/symbol.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "runtime/java.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "runtime/relocator.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp" twisti@3969: #include "prims/methodHandles.hpp" stefank@2314: duke@435: // duke@435: // duke@435: // Compute stack layouts for each instruction in method. duke@435: // duke@435: // Problems: duke@435: // - What to do about jsr with different types of local vars? duke@435: // Need maps that are conditional on jsr path? duke@435: // - Jsr and exceptions should be done more efficiently (the retAddr stuff) duke@435: // duke@435: // Alternative: duke@435: // - Could extend verifier to provide this information. duke@435: // For: one fewer abstract interpreter to maintain. Against: the verifier duke@435: // solves a bigger problem so slower (undesirable to force verification of duke@435: // everything?). duke@435: // duke@435: // Algorithm: duke@435: // Partition bytecodes into basic blocks duke@435: // For each basic block: store entry state (vars, stack). For instructions duke@435: // inside basic blocks we do not store any state (instead we recompute it duke@435: // from state produced by previous instruction). duke@435: // duke@435: // Perform abstract interpretation of bytecodes over this lattice: duke@435: // duke@435: // _--'#'--_ duke@435: // / / \ \ duke@435: // / / \ \ duke@435: // / | | \ duke@435: // 'r' 'v' 'p' ' ' duke@435: // \ | | / duke@435: // \ \ / / duke@435: // \ \ / / duke@435: // -- '@' -- duke@435: // duke@435: // '#' top, result of conflict merge duke@435: // 'r' reference type duke@435: // 'v' value type duke@435: // 'p' pc type for jsr/ret duke@435: // ' ' uninitialized; never occurs on operand stack in Java duke@435: // '@' bottom/unexecuted; initial state each bytecode. duke@435: // duke@435: // Basic block headers are the only merge points. We use this iteration to duke@435: // compute the information: duke@435: // duke@435: // find basic blocks; duke@435: // initialize them with uninitialized state; duke@435: // initialize first BB according to method signature; duke@435: // mark first BB changed duke@435: // while (some BB is changed) do { duke@435: // perform abstract interpration of all bytecodes in BB; duke@435: // merge exit state of BB into entry state of all successor BBs, duke@435: // noting if any of these change; duke@435: // } duke@435: // duke@435: // One additional complication is necessary. The jsr instruction pushes duke@435: // a return PC on the stack (a 'p' type in the abstract interpretation). duke@435: // To be able to process "ret" bytecodes, we keep track of these return duke@435: // PC's in a 'retAddrs' structure in abstract interpreter context (when duke@435: // processing a "ret" bytecodes, it is not sufficient to know that it gets duke@435: // an argument of the right type 'p'; we need to know which address it duke@435: // returns to). duke@435: // duke@435: // (Note this comment is borrowed form the original author of the algorithm) duke@435: duke@435: // ComputeCallStack duke@435: // duke@435: // Specialization of SignatureIterator - compute the effects of a call duke@435: // duke@435: class ComputeCallStack : public SignatureIterator { duke@435: CellTypeState *_effect; duke@435: int _idx; duke@435: duke@435: void setup(); duke@435: void set(CellTypeState state) { _effect[_idx++] = state; } duke@435: int length() { return _idx; }; duke@435: duke@435: virtual void do_bool () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_char () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_float () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_byte () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_short () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_int () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_void () { set(CellTypeState::bottom);}; duke@435: virtual void do_object(int begin, int end) { set(CellTypeState::ref); }; duke@435: virtual void do_array (int begin, int end) { set(CellTypeState::ref); }; duke@435: duke@435: void do_double() { set(CellTypeState::value); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::value); } duke@435: void do_long () { set(CellTypeState::value); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::value); } duke@435: duke@435: public: coleenp@2497: ComputeCallStack(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) {}; duke@435: duke@435: // Compute methods duke@435: int compute_for_parameters(bool is_static, CellTypeState *effect) { duke@435: _idx = 0; duke@435: _effect = effect; duke@435: duke@435: if (!is_static) duke@435: effect[_idx++] = CellTypeState::ref; duke@435: duke@435: iterate_parameters(); duke@435: duke@435: return length(); duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: int compute_for_returntype(CellTypeState *effect) { duke@435: _idx = 0; duke@435: _effect = effect; duke@435: iterate_returntype(); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::bottom); // Always terminate with a bottom state, so ppush works duke@435: duke@435: return length(); duke@435: } duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: //========================================================================================= duke@435: // ComputeEntryStack duke@435: // duke@435: // Specialization of SignatureIterator - in order to set up first stack frame duke@435: // duke@435: class ComputeEntryStack : public SignatureIterator { duke@435: CellTypeState *_effect; duke@435: int _idx; duke@435: duke@435: void setup(); duke@435: void set(CellTypeState state) { _effect[_idx++] = state; } duke@435: int length() { return _idx; }; duke@435: duke@435: virtual void do_bool () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_char () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_float () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_byte () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_short () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_int () { set(CellTypeState::value); }; duke@435: virtual void do_void () { set(CellTypeState::bottom);}; duke@435: virtual void do_object(int begin, int end) { set(CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(_idx)); } duke@435: virtual void do_array (int begin, int end) { set(CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(_idx)); } duke@435: duke@435: void do_double() { set(CellTypeState::value); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::value); } duke@435: void do_long () { set(CellTypeState::value); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::value); } duke@435: duke@435: public: coleenp@2497: ComputeEntryStack(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) {}; duke@435: duke@435: // Compute methods duke@435: int compute_for_parameters(bool is_static, CellTypeState *effect) { duke@435: _idx = 0; duke@435: _effect = effect; duke@435: duke@435: if (!is_static) duke@435: effect[_idx++] = CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(0); duke@435: duke@435: iterate_parameters(); duke@435: duke@435: return length(); duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: int compute_for_returntype(CellTypeState *effect) { duke@435: _idx = 0; duke@435: _effect = effect; duke@435: iterate_returntype(); duke@435: set(CellTypeState::bottom); // Always terminate with a bottom state, so ppush works duke@435: duke@435: return length(); duke@435: } duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: //===================================================================================== duke@435: // duke@435: // Implementation of RetTable/RetTableEntry duke@435: // duke@435: // Contains function to itereate through all bytecodes duke@435: // and find all return entry points duke@435: // duke@435: int RetTable::_init_nof_entries = 10; duke@435: int RetTableEntry::_init_nof_jsrs = 5; duke@435: duke@435: void RetTableEntry::add_delta(int bci, int delta) { duke@435: if (_target_bci > bci) _target_bci += delta; duke@435: duke@435: for (int k = 0; k < _jsrs->length(); k++) { duke@435: int jsr = _jsrs->at(k); duke@435: if (jsr > bci) _jsrs->at_put(k, jsr+delta); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void RetTable::compute_ret_table(methodHandle method) { duke@435: BytecodeStream i(method); duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bytecode; duke@435: duke@435: while( (bytecode = i.next()) >= 0) { duke@435: switch (bytecode) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr: duke@435: add_jsr(i.next_bci(), i.dest()); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: duke@435: add_jsr(i.next_bci(), i.dest_w()); duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void RetTable::add_jsr(int return_bci, int target_bci) { duke@435: RetTableEntry* entry = _first; duke@435: duke@435: // Scan table for entry duke@435: for (;entry && entry->target_bci() != target_bci; entry = entry->next()); duke@435: duke@435: if (!entry) { duke@435: // Allocate new entry and put in list duke@435: entry = new RetTableEntry(target_bci, _first); duke@435: _first = entry; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Now "entry" is set. Make sure that the entry is initialized duke@435: // and has room for the new jsr. duke@435: entry->add_jsr(return_bci); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: RetTableEntry* RetTable::find_jsrs_for_target(int targBci) { duke@435: RetTableEntry *cur = _first; duke@435: duke@435: while(cur) { duke@435: assert(cur->target_bci() != -1, "sanity check"); duke@435: if (cur->target_bci() == targBci) return cur; duke@435: cur = cur->next(); duke@435: } duke@435: ShouldNotReachHere(); duke@435: return NULL; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // The instruction at bci is changing size by "delta". Update the return map. duke@435: void RetTable::update_ret_table(int bci, int delta) { duke@435: RetTableEntry *cur = _first; duke@435: while(cur) { duke@435: cur->add_delta(bci, delta); duke@435: cur = cur->next(); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Celltype state duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::bottom = CellTypeState::make_bottom(); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::uninit = CellTypeState::make_any(uninit_value); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::ref = CellTypeState::make_any(ref_conflict); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::value = CellTypeState::make_any(val_value); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::refUninit = CellTypeState::make_any(ref_conflict | uninit_value); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::top = CellTypeState::make_top(); duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::addr = CellTypeState::make_any(addr_conflict); duke@435: duke@435: // Commonly used constants duke@435: static CellTypeState epsilonCTS[1] = { CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState refCTS = CellTypeState::ref; duke@435: static CellTypeState valCTS = CellTypeState::value; duke@435: static CellTypeState vCTS[2] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState rCTS[2] = { CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState rrCTS[3] = { CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vrCTS[3] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vvCTS[3] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState rvrCTS[4] = { CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vvrCTS[4] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vvvCTS[4] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vvvrCTS[5] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::ref, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: static CellTypeState vvvvCTS[5] = { CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::value, CellTypeState::bottom }; duke@435: duke@435: char CellTypeState::to_char() const { duke@435: if (can_be_reference()) { duke@435: if (can_be_value() || can_be_address()) duke@435: return '#'; // Conflict that needs to be rewritten duke@435: else duke@435: return 'r'; duke@435: } else if (can_be_value()) duke@435: return 'v'; duke@435: else if (can_be_address()) duke@435: return 'p'; duke@435: else if (can_be_uninit()) duke@435: return ' '; duke@435: else duke@435: return '@'; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: // Print a detailed CellTypeState. Indicate all bits that are set. If duke@435: // the CellTypeState represents an address or a reference, print the duke@435: // value of the additional information. duke@435: void CellTypeState::print(outputStream *os) { duke@435: if (can_be_address()) { duke@435: os->print("(p"); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print("( "); duke@435: } duke@435: if (can_be_reference()) { duke@435: os->print("r"); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" "); duke@435: } duke@435: if (can_be_value()) { duke@435: os->print("v"); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" "); duke@435: } duke@435: if (can_be_uninit()) { duke@435: os->print("u|"); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" |"); duke@435: } duke@435: if (is_info_top()) { duke@435: os->print("Top)"); duke@435: } else if (is_info_bottom()) { duke@435: os->print("Bot)"); duke@435: } else { duke@435: if (is_reference()) { duke@435: int info = get_info(); duke@435: int data = info & ~(ref_not_lock_bit | ref_slot_bit); duke@435: if (info & ref_not_lock_bit) { duke@435: // Not a monitor lock reference. duke@435: if (info & ref_slot_bit) { duke@435: // slot duke@435: os->print("slot%d)", data); duke@435: } else { duke@435: // line duke@435: os->print("line%d)", data); duke@435: } duke@435: } else { duke@435: // lock duke@435: os->print("lock%d)", data); duke@435: } duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print("%d)", get_info()); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Basicblock handling methods duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap ::initialize_bb() { duke@435: _gc_points = 0; duke@435: _bb_count = 0; ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.clear(); ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.resize(method()->code_size()); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::bb_mark_fct(GenerateOopMap *c, int bci, int *data) { duke@435: assert(bci>= 0 && bci < c->method()->code_size(), "index out of bounds"); duke@435: if (c->is_bb_header(bci)) duke@435: return; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Basicblock#%d begins at: %d", c->_bb_count, bci); duke@435: } duke@435: c->set_bbmark_bit(bci); duke@435: c->_bb_count++; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::mark_bbheaders_and_count_gc_points() { duke@435: initialize_bb(); duke@435: duke@435: bool fellThrough = false; // False to get first BB marked. duke@435: duke@435: // First mark all exception handlers as start of a basic-block jiangli@3917: ExceptionTable excps(method()); jiangli@3917: for(int i = 0; i < excps.length(); i ++) { jiangli@3917: bb_mark_fct(this, excps.handler_pc(i), NULL); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Then iterate through the code duke@435: BytecodeStream bcs(_method); duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bytecode; duke@435: duke@435: while( (bytecode = bcs.next()) >= 0) { duke@435: int bci = bcs.bci(); duke@435: duke@435: if (!fellThrough) duke@435: bb_mark_fct(this, bci, NULL); duke@435: duke@435: fellThrough = jump_targets_do(&bcs, &GenerateOopMap::bb_mark_fct, NULL); duke@435: duke@435: /* We will also mark successors of jsr's as basic block headers. */ duke@435: switch (bytecode) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr: duke@435: assert(!fellThrough, "should not happen"); duke@435: bb_mark_fct(this, bci + Bytecodes::length_for(bytecode), NULL); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: duke@435: assert(!fellThrough, "should not happen"); duke@435: bb_mark_fct(this, bci + Bytecodes::length_for(bytecode), NULL); duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (possible_gc_point(&bcs)) duke@435: _gc_points++; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::reachable_basicblock(GenerateOopMap *c, int bci, int *data) { duke@435: assert(bci>= 0 && bci < c->method()->code_size(), "index out of bounds"); duke@435: BasicBlock* bb = c->get_basic_block_at(bci); duke@435: if (bb->is_dead()) { duke@435: bb->mark_as_alive(); duke@435: *data = 1; // Mark basicblock as changed duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::mark_reachable_code() { duke@435: int change = 1; // int to get function pointers to work duke@435: duke@435: // Mark entry basic block as alive and all exception handlers duke@435: _basic_blocks[0].mark_as_alive(); jiangli@3917: ExceptionTable excps(method()); jiangli@3917: for(int i = 0; i < excps.length(); i++) { jiangli@3917: BasicBlock *bb = get_basic_block_at(excps.handler_pc(i)); duke@435: // If block is not already alive (due to multiple exception handlers to same bb), then duke@435: // make it alive duke@435: if (bb->is_dead()) bb->mark_as_alive(); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: BytecodeStream bcs(_method); duke@435: duke@435: // Iterate through all basic blocks until we reach a fixpoint duke@435: while (change) { duke@435: change = 0; duke@435: duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < _bb_count; i++) { duke@435: BasicBlock *bb = &_basic_blocks[i]; duke@435: if (bb->is_alive()) { duke@435: // Position bytecodestream at last bytecode in basicblock duke@435: bcs.set_start(bb->_end_bci); duke@435: bcs.next(); duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bytecode = bcs.code(); duke@435: int bci = bcs.bci(); duke@435: assert(bci == bb->_end_bci, "wrong bci"); duke@435: duke@435: bool fell_through = jump_targets_do(&bcs, &GenerateOopMap::reachable_basicblock, &change); duke@435: duke@435: // We will also mark successors of jsr's as alive. duke@435: switch (bytecode) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: duke@435: assert(!fell_through, "should not happen"); duke@435: reachable_basicblock(this, bci + Bytecodes::length_for(bytecode), &change); duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: if (fell_through) { duke@435: // Mark successor as alive duke@435: if (bb[1].is_dead()) { duke@435: bb[1].mark_as_alive(); duke@435: change = 1; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: /* If the current instruction in "c" has no effect on control flow, duke@435: returns "true". Otherwise, calls "jmpFct" one or more times, with duke@435: "c", an appropriate "pcDelta", and "data" as arguments, then duke@435: returns "false". There is one exception: if the current duke@435: instruction is a "ret", returns "false" without calling "jmpFct". duke@435: Arrangements for tracking the control flow of a "ret" must be made duke@435: externally. */ duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::jump_targets_do(BytecodeStream *bcs, jmpFct_t jmpFct, int *data) { duke@435: int bci = bcs->bci(); duke@435: duke@435: switch (bcs->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifne: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iflt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifge: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifgt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifle: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmple: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifnull: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull: duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bcs->dest(), data); duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bci + 3, data); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_goto: duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bcs->dest(), data); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_goto_w: duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bcs->dest_w(), data); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_tableswitch: never@2462: { Bytecode_tableswitch tableswitch(method(), bcs->bcp()); never@2462: int len = tableswitch.length(); duke@435: never@2462: (*jmpFct)(this, bci + tableswitch.default_offset(), data); /* Default. jump address */ duke@435: while (--len >= 0) { never@2462: (*jmpFct)(this, bci + tableswitch.dest_offset_at(len), data); duke@435: } duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch: never@2462: { Bytecode_lookupswitch lookupswitch(method(), bcs->bcp()); never@2462: int npairs = lookupswitch.number_of_pairs(); never@2462: (*jmpFct)(this, bci + lookupswitch.default_offset(), data); /* Default. */ duke@435: while(--npairs >= 0) { never@2462: LookupswitchPair pair = lookupswitch.pair_at(npairs); never@2462: (*jmpFct)(this, bci + pair.offset(), data); duke@435: } duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr: duke@435: assert(bcs->is_wide()==false, "sanity check"); duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bcs->dest(), data); duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: duke@435: (*jmpFct)(this, bcs->dest_w(), data); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_wide: duke@435: ShouldNotReachHere(); duke@435: return true; duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_athrow: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ireturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lreturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_freturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dreturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_areturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_return: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ret: duke@435: break; duke@435: default: duke@435: return true; duke@435: } duke@435: return false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: /* Requires "pc" to be the head of a basic block; returns that basic duke@435: block. */ duke@435: BasicBlock *GenerateOopMap::get_basic_block_at(int bci) const { duke@435: BasicBlock* bb = get_basic_block_containing(bci); duke@435: assert(bb->_bci == bci, "should have found BB"); duke@435: return bb; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Requires "pc" to be the start of an instruction; returns the basic duke@435: // block containing that instruction. */ duke@435: BasicBlock *GenerateOopMap::get_basic_block_containing(int bci) const { duke@435: BasicBlock *bbs = _basic_blocks; duke@435: int lo = 0, hi = _bb_count - 1; duke@435: duke@435: while (lo <= hi) { duke@435: int m = (lo + hi) / 2; duke@435: int mbci = bbs[m]._bci; duke@435: int nbci; duke@435: duke@435: if ( m == _bb_count-1) { duke@435: assert( bci >= mbci && bci < method()->code_size(), "sanity check failed"); duke@435: return bbs+m; duke@435: } else { duke@435: nbci = bbs[m+1]._bci; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if ( mbci <= bci && bci < nbci) { duke@435: return bbs+m; duke@435: } else if (mbci < bci) { duke@435: lo = m + 1; duke@435: } else { duke@435: assert(mbci > bci, "sanity check"); duke@435: hi = m - 1; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: fatal("should have found BB"); duke@435: return NULL; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::restore_state(BasicBlock *bb) duke@435: { duke@435: memcpy(_state, bb->_state, _state_len*sizeof(CellTypeState)); duke@435: _stack_top = bb->_stack_top; duke@435: _monitor_top = bb->_monitor_top; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: int GenerateOopMap::next_bb_start_pc(BasicBlock *bb) { duke@435: int bbNum = bb - _basic_blocks + 1; duke@435: if (bbNum == _bb_count) duke@435: return method()->code_size(); duke@435: duke@435: return _basic_blocks[bbNum]._bci; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // CellType handling methods duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::init_state() { duke@435: _state_len = _max_locals + _max_stack + _max_monitors; duke@435: _state = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(CellTypeState, _state_len); duke@435: memset(_state, 0, _state_len * sizeof(CellTypeState)); duke@435: _state_vec_buf = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, MAX3(_max_locals, _max_stack, _max_monitors) + 1/*for null terminator char */); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::make_context_uninitialized() { duke@435: CellTypeState* vs = vars(); duke@435: duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < _max_locals; i++) duke@435: vs[i] = CellTypeState::uninit; duke@435: duke@435: _stack_top = 0; duke@435: _monitor_top = 0; duke@435: } duke@435: coleenp@2497: int GenerateOopMap::methodsig_to_effect(Symbol* signature, bool is_static, CellTypeState* effect) { duke@435: ComputeEntryStack ces(signature); duke@435: return ces.compute_for_parameters(is_static, effect); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Return result of merging cts1 and cts2. duke@435: CellTypeState CellTypeState::merge(CellTypeState cts, int slot) const { duke@435: CellTypeState result; duke@435: duke@435: assert(!is_bottom() && !cts.is_bottom(), duke@435: "merge of bottom values is handled elsewhere"); duke@435: duke@435: result._state = _state | cts._state; duke@435: duke@435: // If the top bit is set, we don't need to do any more work. duke@435: if (!result.is_info_top()) { duke@435: assert((result.can_be_address() || result.can_be_reference()), duke@435: "only addresses and references have non-top info"); duke@435: duke@435: if (!equal(cts)) { duke@435: // The two values being merged are different. Raise to top. duke@435: if (result.is_reference()) { duke@435: result = CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(slot); duke@435: } else { duke@435: result._state |= info_conflict; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: assert(result.is_valid_state(), "checking that CTS merge maintains legal state"); duke@435: duke@435: return result; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Merge the variable state for locals and stack from cts into bbts. duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::merge_local_state_vectors(CellTypeState* cts, duke@435: CellTypeState* bbts) { duke@435: int i; duke@435: int len = _max_locals + _stack_top; duke@435: bool change = false; duke@435: duke@435: for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { duke@435: CellTypeState v = cts[i].merge(bbts[i], i); duke@435: change = change || !v.equal(bbts[i]); duke@435: bbts[i] = v; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: return change; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Merge the monitor stack state from cts into bbts. duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::merge_monitor_state_vectors(CellTypeState* cts, duke@435: CellTypeState* bbts) { duke@435: bool change = false; duke@435: if (_max_monitors > 0 && _monitor_top != bad_monitors) { duke@435: // If there are no monitors in the program, or there has been duke@435: // a monitor matching error before this point in the program, duke@435: // then we do not merge in the monitor state. duke@435: duke@435: int base = _max_locals + _max_stack; duke@435: int len = base + _monitor_top; duke@435: for (int i = len - 1; i >= base; i--) { duke@435: CellTypeState v = cts[i].merge(bbts[i], i); duke@435: duke@435: // Can we prove that, when there has been a change, it will already duke@435: // have been detected at this point? That would make this equal duke@435: // check here unnecessary. duke@435: change = change || !v.equal(bbts[i]); duke@435: bbts[i] = v; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: return change; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::copy_state(CellTypeState *dst, CellTypeState *src) { duke@435: int len = _max_locals + _stack_top; duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { duke@435: if (src[i].is_nonlock_reference()) { duke@435: dst[i] = CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(i); duke@435: } else { duke@435: dst[i] = src[i]; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: if (_max_monitors > 0 && _monitor_top != bad_monitors) { duke@435: int base = _max_locals + _max_stack; duke@435: len = base + _monitor_top; duke@435: for (int i = base; i < len; i++) { duke@435: dst[i] = src[i]; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: // Merge the states for the current block and the next. As long as a duke@435: // block is reachable the locals and stack must be merged. If the duke@435: // stack heights don't match then this is a verification error and duke@435: // it's impossible to interpret the code. Simultaneously monitor duke@435: // states are being check to see if they nest statically. If monitor duke@435: // depths match up then their states are merged. Otherwise the duke@435: // mismatch is simply recorded and interpretation continues since duke@435: // monitor matching is purely informational and doesn't say anything duke@435: // about the correctness of the code. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::merge_state_into_bb(BasicBlock *bb) { duke@435: assert(bb->is_alive(), "merging state into a dead basicblock"); duke@435: duke@435: if (_stack_top == bb->_stack_top) { duke@435: // always merge local state even if monitors don't match. duke@435: if (merge_local_state_vectors(_state, bb->_state)) { duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: } duke@435: if (_monitor_top == bb->_monitor_top) { duke@435: // monitors still match so continue merging monitor states. duke@435: if (merge_monitor_state_vectors(_state, bb->_state)) { duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: } duke@435: } else { duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("monitor stack height merge conflict"); duke@435: } duke@435: // When the monitor stacks are not matched, we set _monitor_top to duke@435: // bad_monitors. This signals that, from here on, the monitor stack cannot duke@435: // be trusted. In particular, monitorexit bytecodes may throw duke@435: // exceptions. We mark this block as changed so that the change duke@435: // propagates properly. duke@435: bb->_monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: } duke@435: } else if (!bb->is_reachable()) { duke@435: // First time we look at this BB duke@435: copy_state(bb->_state, _state); duke@435: bb->_stack_top = _stack_top; duke@435: bb->_monitor_top = _monitor_top; duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: } else { duke@435: verify_error("stack height conflict: %d vs. %d", _stack_top, bb->_stack_top); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::merge_state(GenerateOopMap *gom, int bci, int* data) { duke@435: gom->merge_state_into_bb(gom->get_basic_block_at(bci)); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::set_var(int localNo, CellTypeState cts) { duke@435: assert(cts.is_reference() || cts.is_value() || cts.is_address(), duke@435: "wrong celltypestate"); duke@435: if (localNo < 0 || localNo > _max_locals) { duke@435: verify_error("variable write error: r%d", localNo); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: vars()[localNo] = cts; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState GenerateOopMap::get_var(int localNo) { jcoomes@1844: assert(localNo < _max_locals + _nof_refval_conflicts, "variable read error"); duke@435: if (localNo < 0 || localNo > _max_locals) { duke@435: verify_error("variable read error: r%d", localNo); duke@435: return valCTS; // just to pick something; duke@435: } duke@435: return vars()[localNo]; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState GenerateOopMap::pop() { duke@435: if ( _stack_top <= 0) { duke@435: verify_error("stack underflow"); duke@435: return valCTS; // just to pick something duke@435: } duke@435: return stack()[--_stack_top]; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::push(CellTypeState cts) { duke@435: if ( _stack_top >= _max_stack) { duke@435: verify_error("stack overflow"); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: stack()[_stack_top++] = cts; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState GenerateOopMap::monitor_pop() { duke@435: assert(_monitor_top != bad_monitors, "monitor_pop called on error monitor stack"); duke@435: if (_monitor_top == 0) { duke@435: // We have detected a pop of an empty monitor stack. duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: _monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("monitor stack underflow"); duke@435: } duke@435: return CellTypeState::ref; // just to keep the analysis going. duke@435: } duke@435: return monitors()[--_monitor_top]; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::monitor_push(CellTypeState cts) { duke@435: assert(_monitor_top != bad_monitors, "monitor_push called on error monitor stack"); duke@435: if (_monitor_top >= _max_monitors) { duke@435: // Some monitorenter is being executed more than once. duke@435: // This means that the monitor stack cannot be simulated. duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: _monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("monitor stack overflow"); duke@435: } duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: monitors()[_monitor_top++] = cts; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Interpretation handling methods duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_interpretation() duke@435: { duke@435: // "i" is just for debugging, so we can detect cases where this loop is duke@435: // iterated more than once. duke@435: int i = 0; duke@435: do { duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: tty->print("\n\nIteration #%d of do_interpretation loop, method:\n", i); duke@435: method()->print_name(tty); duke@435: tty->print("\n\n"); duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: _conflict = false; duke@435: _monitor_safe = true; duke@435: // init_state is now called from init_basic_blocks. The length of a duke@435: // state vector cannot be determined until we have made a pass through duke@435: // the bytecodes counting the possible monitor entries. duke@435: if (!_got_error) init_basic_blocks(); duke@435: if (!_got_error) setup_method_entry_state(); duke@435: if (!_got_error) interp_all(); duke@435: if (!_got_error) rewrite_refval_conflicts(); duke@435: i++; duke@435: } while (_conflict && !_got_error); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::init_basic_blocks() { duke@435: // Note: Could consider reserving only the needed space for each BB's state duke@435: // (entry stack may not be of maximal height for every basic block). duke@435: // But cumbersome since we don't know the stack heights yet. (Nor the duke@435: // monitor stack heights...) duke@435: duke@435: _basic_blocks = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicBlock, _bb_count); duke@435: duke@435: // Make a pass through the bytecodes. Count the number of monitorenters. duke@435: // This can be used an upper bound on the monitor stack depth in programs duke@435: // which obey stack discipline with their monitor usage. Initialize the duke@435: // known information about basic blocks. duke@435: BytecodeStream j(_method); duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bytecode; duke@435: duke@435: int bbNo = 0; duke@435: int monitor_count = 0; duke@435: int prev_bci = -1; duke@435: while( (bytecode = j.next()) >= 0) { duke@435: if (j.code() == Bytecodes::_monitorenter) { duke@435: monitor_count++; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: int bci = j.bci(); duke@435: if (is_bb_header(bci)) { duke@435: // Initialize the basicblock structure duke@435: BasicBlock *bb = _basic_blocks + bbNo; duke@435: bb->_bci = bci; duke@435: bb->_max_locals = _max_locals; duke@435: bb->_max_stack = _max_stack; duke@435: bb->set_changed(false); duke@435: bb->_stack_top = BasicBlock::_dead_basic_block; // Initialize all basicblocks are dead. duke@435: bb->_monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: duke@435: if (bbNo > 0) { duke@435: _basic_blocks[bbNo - 1]._end_bci = prev_bci; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: bbNo++; duke@435: } duke@435: // Remember prevous bci. duke@435: prev_bci = bci; duke@435: } duke@435: // Set duke@435: _basic_blocks[bbNo-1]._end_bci = prev_bci; duke@435: duke@435: ysr@777: // Check that the correct number of basicblocks was found ysr@777: if (bbNo !=_bb_count) { ysr@777: if (bbNo < _bb_count) { ysr@777: verify_error("jump into the middle of instruction?"); ysr@777: return; ysr@777: } else { ysr@777: verify_error("extra basic blocks - should not happen?"); ysr@777: return; ysr@777: } ysr@777: } ysr@777: duke@435: _max_monitors = monitor_count; duke@435: duke@435: // Now that we have a bound on the depth of the monitor stack, we can duke@435: // initialize the CellTypeState-related information. duke@435: init_state(); duke@435: kamg@3060: // We allocate space for all state-vectors for all basicblocks in one huge kamg@3060: // chunk. Then in the next part of the code, we set a pointer in each kamg@3060: // _basic_block that points to each piece. kamg@3060: kamg@3060: // The product of bbNo and _state_len can get large if there are lots of kamg@3060: // basic blocks and stack/locals/monitors. Need to check to make sure kamg@3060: // we don't overflow the capacity of a pointer. kamg@3060: if ((unsigned)bbNo > UINTPTR_MAX / sizeof(CellTypeState) / _state_len) { kamg@3060: report_error("The amount of memory required to analyze this method " kamg@3060: "exceeds addressable range"); kamg@3060: return; kamg@3060: } kamg@3060: kamg@3060: CellTypeState *basicBlockState = kamg@3060: NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(CellTypeState, bbNo * _state_len); duke@435: memset(basicBlockState, 0, bbNo * _state_len * sizeof(CellTypeState)); duke@435: duke@435: // Make a pass over the basicblocks and assign their state vectors. duke@435: for (int blockNum=0; blockNum < bbNo; blockNum++) { duke@435: BasicBlock *bb = _basic_blocks + blockNum; duke@435: bb->_state = basicBlockState + blockNum * _state_len; duke@435: duke@435: #ifdef ASSERT duke@435: if (blockNum + 1 < bbNo) { duke@435: address bcp = _method->bcp_from(bb->_end_bci); never@2462: int bc_len = Bytecodes::java_length_at(_method(), bcp); duke@435: assert(bb->_end_bci + bc_len == bb[1]._bci, "unmatched bci info in basicblock"); duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: } duke@435: #ifdef ASSERT duke@435: { BasicBlock *bb = &_basic_blocks[bbNo-1]; duke@435: address bcp = _method->bcp_from(bb->_end_bci); never@2462: int bc_len = Bytecodes::java_length_at(_method(), bcp); duke@435: assert(bb->_end_bci + bc_len == _method->code_size(), "wrong end bci"); duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: duke@435: // Mark all alive blocks duke@435: mark_reachable_code(); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::setup_method_entry_state() { duke@435: duke@435: // Initialize all locals to 'uninit' and set stack-height to 0 duke@435: make_context_uninitialized(); duke@435: duke@435: // Initialize CellState type of arguments duke@435: methodsig_to_effect(method()->signature(), method()->is_static(), vars()); duke@435: duke@435: // If some references must be pre-assigned to null, then set that up duke@435: initialize_vars(); duke@435: duke@435: // This is the start state duke@435: merge_state_into_bb(&_basic_blocks[0]); duke@435: duke@435: assert(_basic_blocks[0].changed(), "we are not getting off the ground"); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // The instruction at bci is changing size by "delta". Update the basic blocks. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::update_basic_blocks(int bci, int delta, duke@435: int new_method_size) { duke@435: assert(new_method_size >= method()->code_size() + delta, duke@435: "new method size is too small"); duke@435: ysr@777: BitMap::bm_word_t* new_bb_hdr_bits = ysr@777: NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BitMap::bm_word_t, ysr@777: BitMap::word_align_up(new_method_size)); ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.set_map(new_bb_hdr_bits); ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.set_size(new_method_size); ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.clear(); duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: for(int k = 0; k < _bb_count; k++) { duke@435: if (_basic_blocks[k]._bci > bci) { duke@435: _basic_blocks[k]._bci += delta; duke@435: _basic_blocks[k]._end_bci += delta; duke@435: } ysr@777: _bb_hdr_bits.at_put(_basic_blocks[k]._bci, true); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Initvars handling duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::initialize_vars() { duke@435: for (int k = 0; k < _init_vars->length(); k++) duke@435: _state[_init_vars->at(k)] = CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(k); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::add_to_ref_init_set(int localNo) { duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) duke@435: tty->print_cr("Added init vars: %d", localNo); duke@435: duke@435: // Is it already in the set? duke@435: if (_init_vars->contains(localNo) ) duke@435: return; duke@435: duke@435: _init_vars->append(localNo); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Interpreration code duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::interp_all() { duke@435: bool change = true; duke@435: duke@435: while (change && !_got_error) { duke@435: change = false; duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < _bb_count && !_got_error; i++) { duke@435: BasicBlock *bb = &_basic_blocks[i]; duke@435: if (bb->changed()) { duke@435: if (_got_error) return; duke@435: change = true; duke@435: bb->set_changed(false); duke@435: interp_bb(bb); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::interp_bb(BasicBlock *bb) { duke@435: duke@435: // We do not want to do anything in case the basic-block has not been initialized. This duke@435: // will happen in the case where there is dead-code hang around in a method. duke@435: assert(bb->is_reachable(), "should be reachable or deadcode exist"); duke@435: restore_state(bb); duke@435: duke@435: BytecodeStream itr(_method); duke@435: duke@435: // Set iterator interval to be the current basicblock duke@435: int lim_bci = next_bb_start_pc(bb); duke@435: itr.set_interval(bb->_bci, lim_bci); duke@435: assert(lim_bci != bb->_bci, "must be at least one instruction in a basicblock"); duke@435: itr.next(); // read first instruction duke@435: duke@435: // Iterates through all bytecodes except the last in a basic block. duke@435: // We handle the last one special, since there is controlflow change. duke@435: while(itr.next_bci() < lim_bci && !_got_error) { duke@435: if (_has_exceptions || _monitor_top != 0) { duke@435: // We do not need to interpret the results of exceptional duke@435: // continuation from this instruction when the method has no duke@435: // exception handlers and the monitor stack is currently duke@435: // empty. duke@435: do_exception_edge(&itr); duke@435: } duke@435: interp1(&itr); duke@435: itr.next(); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Handle last instruction. duke@435: if (!_got_error) { duke@435: assert(itr.next_bci() == lim_bci, "must point to end"); duke@435: if (_has_exceptions || _monitor_top != 0) { duke@435: do_exception_edge(&itr); duke@435: } duke@435: interp1(&itr); duke@435: duke@435: bool fall_through = jump_targets_do(&itr, GenerateOopMap::merge_state, NULL); duke@435: if (_got_error) return; duke@435: duke@435: if (itr.code() == Bytecodes::_ret) { duke@435: assert(!fall_through, "cannot be set if ret instruction"); duke@435: // Automatically handles 'wide' ret indicies duke@435: ret_jump_targets_do(&itr, GenerateOopMap::merge_state, itr.get_index(), NULL); duke@435: } else if (fall_through) { duke@435: // Hit end of BB, but the instr. was a fall-through instruction, duke@435: // so perform transition as if the BB ended in a "jump". duke@435: if (lim_bci != bb[1]._bci) { duke@435: verify_error("bytecodes fell through last instruction"); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: merge_state_into_bb(bb + 1); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_exception_edge(BytecodeStream* itr) { duke@435: // Only check exception edge, if bytecode can trap duke@435: if (!Bytecodes::can_trap(itr->code())) return; duke@435: switch (itr->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_0: duke@435: // These bytecodes can trap for rewriting. We need to assume that duke@435: // they do not throw exceptions to make the monitor analysis work. duke@435: return; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ireturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lreturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_freturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dreturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_areturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_return: duke@435: // If the monitor stack height is not zero when we leave the method, duke@435: // then we are either exiting with a non-empty stack or we have duke@435: // found monitor trouble earlier in our analysis. In either case, duke@435: // assume an exception could be taken here. duke@435: if (_monitor_top == 0) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_monitorexit: duke@435: // If the monitor stack height is bad_monitors, then we have detected a duke@435: // monitor matching problem earlier in the analysis. If the duke@435: // monitor stack height is 0, we are about to pop a monitor duke@435: // off of an empty stack. In either case, the bytecode duke@435: // could throw an exception. duke@435: if (_monitor_top != bad_monitors && _monitor_top != 0) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (_has_exceptions) { duke@435: int bci = itr->bci(); jiangli@3917: ExceptionTable exct(method()); jiangli@3917: for(int i = 0; i< exct.length(); i++) { jiangli@3917: int start_pc = exct.start_pc(i); jiangli@3917: int end_pc = exct.end_pc(i); jiangli@3917: int handler_pc = exct.handler_pc(i); jiangli@3917: int catch_type = exct.catch_type_index(i); duke@435: duke@435: if (start_pc <= bci && bci < end_pc) { duke@435: BasicBlock *excBB = get_basic_block_at(handler_pc); duke@435: CellTypeState *excStk = excBB->stack(); duke@435: CellTypeState *cOpStck = stack(); duke@435: CellTypeState cOpStck_0 = cOpStck[0]; duke@435: int cOpStackTop = _stack_top; duke@435: duke@435: // Exception stacks are always the same. duke@435: assert(method()->max_stack() > 0, "sanity check"); duke@435: duke@435: // We remembered the size and first element of "cOpStck" duke@435: // above; now we temporarily set them to the appropriate duke@435: // values for an exception handler. */ duke@435: cOpStck[0] = CellTypeState::make_slot_ref(_max_locals); duke@435: _stack_top = 1; duke@435: duke@435: merge_state_into_bb(excBB); duke@435: duke@435: // Now undo the temporary change. duke@435: cOpStck[0] = cOpStck_0; duke@435: _stack_top = cOpStackTop; duke@435: duke@435: // If this is a "catch all" handler, then we do not need to duke@435: // consider any additional handlers. duke@435: if (catch_type == 0) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // It is possible that none of the exception handlers would have caught duke@435: // the exception. In this case, we will exit the method. We must duke@435: // ensure that the monitor stack is empty in this case. duke@435: if (_monitor_top == 0) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // We pessimistically assume that this exception can escape the duke@435: // method. (It is possible that it will always be caught, but duke@435: // we don't care to analyse the types of the catch clauses.) duke@435: duke@435: // We don't set _monitor_top to bad_monitors because there are no successors duke@435: // to this exceptional exit. duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch && _monitor_safe) { duke@435: // We check _monitor_safe so that we only report the first mismatched duke@435: // exceptional exit. duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("non-empty monitor stack at exceptional exit"); duke@435: } duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::report_monitor_mismatch(const char *msg) { duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: tty->print(" Monitor mismatch in method "); duke@435: method()->print_short_name(tty); duke@435: tty->print_cr(": %s", msg); duke@435: #endif duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::print_states(outputStream *os, duke@435: CellTypeState* vec, int num) { duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { duke@435: vec[i].print(tty); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Print the state values at the current bytecode. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::print_current_state(outputStream *os, duke@435: BytecodeStream *currentBC, duke@435: bool detailed) { duke@435: duke@435: if (detailed) { duke@435: os->print(" %4d vars = ", currentBC->bci()); duke@435: print_states(os, vars(), _max_locals); duke@435: os->print(" %s", Bytecodes::name(currentBC->code())); duke@435: switch(currentBC->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokespecial: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokestatic: jrose@1161: case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: jrose@2265: int idx = currentBC->has_index_u4() ? currentBC->get_index_u4() : currentBC->get_index_u2_cpcache(); coleenp@4037: ConstantPool* cp = method()->constants(); duke@435: int nameAndTypeIdx = cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx); duke@435: int signatureIdx = cp->signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx); coleenp@2497: Symbol* signature = cp->symbol_at(signatureIdx); duke@435: os->print("%s", signature->as_C_string()); duke@435: } duke@435: os->cr(); duke@435: os->print(" stack = "); duke@435: print_states(os, stack(), _stack_top); duke@435: os->cr(); duke@435: if (_monitor_top != bad_monitors) { duke@435: os->print(" monitors = "); duke@435: print_states(os, monitors(), _monitor_top); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" [bad monitor stack]"); duke@435: } duke@435: os->cr(); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" %4d vars = '%s' ", currentBC->bci(), state_vec_to_string(vars(), _max_locals)); duke@435: os->print(" stack = '%s' ", state_vec_to_string(stack(), _stack_top)); duke@435: if (_monitor_top != bad_monitors) { duke@435: os->print(" monitors = '%s' \t%s", state_vec_to_string(monitors(), _monitor_top), Bytecodes::name(currentBC->code())); duke@435: } else { duke@435: os->print(" [bad monitor stack]"); duke@435: } duke@435: switch(currentBC->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokespecial: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokestatic: jrose@1161: case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: jrose@2265: int idx = currentBC->has_index_u4() ? currentBC->get_index_u4() : currentBC->get_index_u2_cpcache(); coleenp@4037: ConstantPool* cp = method()->constants(); duke@435: int nameAndTypeIdx = cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx); duke@435: int signatureIdx = cp->signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx); coleenp@2497: Symbol* signature = cp->symbol_at(signatureIdx); duke@435: os->print("%s", signature->as_C_string()); duke@435: } duke@435: os->cr(); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Sets the current state to be the state after executing the duke@435: // current instruction, starting in the current state. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::interp1(BytecodeStream *itr) { duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: print_current_state(tty, itr, TraceNewOopMapGenerationDetailed); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Should we report the results? Result is reported *before* the instruction at the current bci is executed. duke@435: // However, not for calls. For calls we do not want to include the arguments, so we postpone the reporting until duke@435: // they have been popped (in method ppl). duke@435: if (_report_result == true) { duke@435: switch(itr->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokespecial: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokestatic: jrose@1161: case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: duke@435: _itr_send = itr; duke@435: _report_result_for_send = true; duke@435: break; duke@435: default: duke@435: fill_stackmap_for_opcodes(itr, vars(), stack(), _stack_top); duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // abstract interpretation of current opcode duke@435: switch(itr->code()) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_nop: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_goto: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_goto_w: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iinc: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_return: do_return_monitor_check(); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aconst_null: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_new: ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_ref(itr->bci())); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_m1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_3: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_4: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iconst_5: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fconst_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fconst_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fconst_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_bipush: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_sipush: ppush1(valCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lconst_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lconst_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dconst_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dconst_1: ppush(vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ldc2_w: ppush(vvCTS); break; duke@435: jrose@2265: case Bytecodes::_ldc: // fall through: jrose@2265: case Bytecodes::_ldc_w: do_ldc(itr->bci()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fload: ppload(vCTS, itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dload: ppload(vvCTS,itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload: ppload(rCTS, itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iload_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fload_0: ppload(vCTS, 0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iload_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fload_1: ppload(vCTS, 1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iload_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fload_2: ppload(vCTS, 2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iload_3: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fload_3: ppload(vCTS, 3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lload_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dload_0: ppload(vvCTS, 0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lload_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dload_1: ppload(vvCTS, 1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lload_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dload_2: ppload(vvCTS, 2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lload_3: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dload_3: ppload(vvCTS, 3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_0: ppload(rCTS, 0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_1: ppload(rCTS, 1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_2: ppload(rCTS, 2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_3: ppload(rCTS, 3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iaload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_faload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_baload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_caload: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_saload: pp(vrCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_laload: pp(vrCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_daload: pp(vrCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aaload: pp_new_ref(vrCTS, itr->bci()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_istore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fstore: ppstore(vCTS, itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lstore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dstore: ppstore(vvCTS, itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore: do_astore(itr->get_index()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_istore_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fstore_0: ppstore(vCTS, 0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_istore_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fstore_1: ppstore(vCTS, 1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_istore_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fstore_2: ppstore(vCTS, 2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_istore_3: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fstore_3: ppstore(vCTS, 3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lstore_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dstore_0: ppstore(vvCTS, 0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lstore_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dstore_1: ppstore(vvCTS, 1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lstore_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dstore_2: ppstore(vvCTS, 2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lstore_3: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dstore_3: ppstore(vvCTS, 3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_0: do_astore(0); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_1: do_astore(1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_2: do_astore(2); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_3: do_astore(3); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iastore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fastore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_bastore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_castore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_sastore: ppop(vvrCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lastore: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dastore: ppop(vvvrCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aastore: ppop(rvrCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_pop: ppop_any(1); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_pop2: ppop_any(2); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup: ppdupswap(1, "11"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup_x1: ppdupswap(2, "121"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup_x2: ppdupswap(3, "1321"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup2: ppdupswap(2, "2121"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup2_x1: ppdupswap(3, "21321"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dup2_x2: ppdupswap(4, "214321"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_swap: ppdupswap(2, "12"); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iadd: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fadd: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_isub: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fsub: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_imul: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fmul: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_idiv: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fdiv: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_irem: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_frem: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ishl: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ishr: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iushr: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iand: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ior: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ixor: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_l2f: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_l2i: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_d2f: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_d2i: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fcmpl: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fcmpg: pp(vvCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ladd: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dadd: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lsub: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dsub: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lmul: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dmul: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ldiv: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ddiv: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lrem: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_drem: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_land: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lor: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lxor: pp(vvvvCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ineg: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_fneg: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2f: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_f2i: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2c: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2s: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2b: pp(vCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lneg: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dneg: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_l2d: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_d2l: pp(vvCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lshl: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lshr: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lushr: pp(vvvCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2l: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_i2d: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_f2l: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_f2d: pp(vCTS, vvCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lcmp: pp(vvvvCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dcmpl: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dcmpg: pp(vvvvCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifne: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_iflt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifge: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifgt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifle: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_tableswitch: ppop1(valCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ireturn: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_freturn: do_return_monitor_check(); duke@435: ppop1(valCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_icmple: ppop(vvCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lreturn: do_return_monitor_check(); duke@435: ppop(vvCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_dreturn: do_return_monitor_check(); duke@435: ppop(vvCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne: ppop(rrCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr: do_jsr(itr->dest()); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_jsr_w: do_jsr(itr->dest_w()); break; duke@435: never@3036: case Bytecodes::_getstatic: do_field(true, true, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_putstatic: do_field(false, true, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_getfield: do_field(true, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_putfield: do_field(false, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; duke@435: twisti@1573: case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual: jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_invokespecial: do_method(false, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_invokestatic: do_method(true, false, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: do_method(true, false, itr->get_index_u4(), itr->bci()); break; jrose@1920: case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: do_method(false, true, itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break; twisti@1573: case Bytecodes::_newarray: twisti@1573: case Bytecodes::_anewarray: pp_new_ref(vCTS, itr->bci()); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_checkcast: do_checkcast(); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_arraylength: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_instanceof: pp(rCTS, vCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_monitorenter: do_monitorenter(itr->bci()); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_monitorexit: do_monitorexit(itr->bci()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_athrow: // handled by do_exception_edge() BUT ... duke@435: // vlh(apple): do_exception_edge() does not get duke@435: // called if method has no exception handlers duke@435: if ((!_has_exceptions) && (_monitor_top > 0)) { duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: } duke@435: break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_areturn: do_return_monitor_check(); duke@435: ppop1(refCTS); duke@435: break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifnull: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull: ppop1(refCTS); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_multianewarray: do_multianewarray(*(itr->bcp()+3), itr->bci()); break; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_wide: fatal("Iterator should skip this bytecode"); break; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_ret: break; duke@435: duke@435: // Java opcodes duke@435: case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch: ppop1(valCTS); break; duke@435: duke@435: default: duke@435: tty->print("unexpected opcode: %d\n", itr->code()); duke@435: ShouldNotReachHere(); duke@435: break; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::check_type(CellTypeState expected, CellTypeState actual) { duke@435: if (!expected.equal_kind(actual)) { duke@435: verify_error("wrong type on stack (found: %c expected: %c)", actual.to_char(), expected.to_char()); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppstore(CellTypeState *in, int loc_no) { duke@435: while(!(*in).is_bottom()) { duke@435: CellTypeState expected =*in++; duke@435: CellTypeState actual = pop(); duke@435: check_type(expected, actual); duke@435: assert(loc_no >= 0, "sanity check"); duke@435: set_var(loc_no++, actual); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppload(CellTypeState *out, int loc_no) { duke@435: while(!(*out).is_bottom()) { duke@435: CellTypeState out1 = *out++; duke@435: CellTypeState vcts = get_var(loc_no); duke@435: assert(out1.can_be_reference() || out1.can_be_value(), duke@435: "can only load refs. and values."); duke@435: if (out1.is_reference()) { duke@435: assert(loc_no>=0, "sanity check"); duke@435: if (!vcts.is_reference()) { duke@435: // We were asked to push a reference, but the type of the duke@435: // variable can be something else duke@435: _conflict = true; duke@435: if (vcts.can_be_uninit()) { duke@435: // It is a ref-uninit conflict (at least). If there are other duke@435: // problems, we'll get them in the next round duke@435: add_to_ref_init_set(loc_no); duke@435: vcts = out1; duke@435: } else { duke@435: // It wasn't a ref-uninit conflict. So must be a duke@435: // ref-val or ref-pc conflict. Split the variable. duke@435: record_refval_conflict(loc_no); duke@435: vcts = out1; duke@435: } duke@435: push(out1); // recover... duke@435: } else { duke@435: push(vcts); // preserve reference. duke@435: } duke@435: // Otherwise it is a conflict, but one that verification would duke@435: // have caught if illegal. In particular, it can't be a topCTS duke@435: // resulting from mergeing two difference pcCTS's since the verifier duke@435: // would have rejected any use of such a merge. duke@435: } else { duke@435: push(out1); // handle val/init conflict duke@435: } duke@435: loc_no++; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppdupswap(int poplen, const char *out) { duke@435: CellTypeState actual[5]; duke@435: assert(poplen < 5, "this must be less than length of actual vector"); duke@435: duke@435: // pop all arguments duke@435: for(int i = 0; i < poplen; i++) actual[i] = pop(); duke@435: duke@435: // put them back duke@435: char push_ch = *out++; duke@435: while (push_ch != '\0') { duke@435: int idx = push_ch - '1'; duke@435: assert(idx >= 0 && idx < poplen, "wrong arguments"); duke@435: push(actual[idx]); duke@435: push_ch = *out++; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppop1(CellTypeState out) { duke@435: CellTypeState actual = pop(); duke@435: check_type(out, actual); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppop(CellTypeState *out) { duke@435: while (!(*out).is_bottom()) { duke@435: ppop1(*out++); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppush1(CellTypeState in) { duke@435: assert(in.is_reference() | in.is_value(), "sanity check"); duke@435: push(in); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppush(CellTypeState *in) { duke@435: while (!(*in).is_bottom()) { duke@435: ppush1(*in++); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::pp(CellTypeState *in, CellTypeState *out) { duke@435: ppop(in); duke@435: ppush(out); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::pp_new_ref(CellTypeState *in, int bci) { duke@435: ppop(in); duke@435: ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci)); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ppop_any(int poplen) { duke@435: if (_stack_top >= poplen) { duke@435: _stack_top -= poplen; duke@435: } else { duke@435: verify_error("stack underflow"); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Replace all occurences of the state 'match' with the state 'replace' duke@435: // in our current state vector. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::replace_all_CTS_matches(CellTypeState match, duke@435: CellTypeState replace) { duke@435: int i; duke@435: int len = _max_locals + _stack_top; duke@435: bool change = false; duke@435: duke@435: for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { duke@435: if (match.equal(_state[i])) { duke@435: _state[i] = replace; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (_monitor_top > 0) { duke@435: int base = _max_locals + _max_stack; duke@435: len = base + _monitor_top; duke@435: for (i = len - 1; i >= base; i--) { duke@435: if (match.equal(_state[i])) { duke@435: _state[i] = replace; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_checkcast() { duke@435: CellTypeState actual = pop(); duke@435: check_type(refCTS, actual); duke@435: push(actual); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_monitorenter(int bci) { duke@435: CellTypeState actual = pop(); duke@435: if (_monitor_top == bad_monitors) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Bail out when we get repeated locks on an identical monitor. This case duke@435: // isn't too hard to handle and can be made to work if supporting nested duke@435: // redundant synchronized statements becomes a priority. duke@435: // duke@435: // See also "Note" in do_monitorexit(), below. duke@435: if (actual.is_lock_reference()) { duke@435: _monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("nested redundant lock -- bailout..."); duke@435: } duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState lock = CellTypeState::make_lock_ref(bci); duke@435: check_type(refCTS, actual); duke@435: if (!actual.is_info_top()) { duke@435: replace_all_CTS_matches(actual, lock); duke@435: monitor_push(lock); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_monitorexit(int bci) { duke@435: CellTypeState actual = pop(); duke@435: if (_monitor_top == bad_monitors) { duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: check_type(refCTS, actual); duke@435: CellTypeState expected = monitor_pop(); duke@435: if (!actual.is_lock_reference() || !expected.equal(actual)) { duke@435: // The monitor we are exiting is not verifiably the one duke@435: // on the top of our monitor stack. This causes a monitor duke@435: // mismatch. duke@435: _monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: duke@435: // We need to mark this basic block as changed so that duke@435: // this monitorexit will be visited again. We need to duke@435: // do this to ensure that we have accounted for the duke@435: // possibility that this bytecode will throw an duke@435: // exception. duke@435: BasicBlock* bb = get_basic_block_containing(bci); duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: bb->_monitor_top = bad_monitors; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("improper monitor pair"); duke@435: } duke@435: } else { duke@435: // This code is a fix for the case where we have repeated duke@435: // locking of the same object in straightline code. We clear duke@435: // out the lock when it is popped from the monitor stack duke@435: // and replace it with an unobtrusive reference value that can duke@435: // be locked again. duke@435: // duke@435: // Note: when generateOopMap is fixed to properly handle repeated, duke@435: // nested, redundant locks on the same object, then this duke@435: // fix will need to be removed at that time. duke@435: replace_all_CTS_matches(actual, CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci)); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_return_monitor_check() { duke@435: if (_monitor_top > 0) { duke@435: // The monitor stack must be empty when we leave the method duke@435: // for the monitors to be properly matched. duke@435: _monitor_safe = false; duke@435: duke@435: // Since there are no successors to the *return bytecode, it duke@435: // isn't necessary to set _monitor_top to bad_monitors. duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceMonitorMismatch) { duke@435: report_monitor_mismatch("non-empty monitor stack at return"); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_jsr(int targ_bci) { duke@435: push(CellTypeState::make_addr(targ_bci)); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: jrose@2265: void GenerateOopMap::do_ldc(int bci) { never@2462: Bytecode_loadconstant ldc(method(), bci); coleenp@4037: ConstantPool* cp = method()->constants(); coleenp@4037: constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(ldc.pool_index()); // idx is index in resolved_references never@2462: BasicType bt = ldc.result_type(); coleenp@4037: CellTypeState cts; coleenp@4037: if (tag.is_klass() || coleenp@4037: tag.is_unresolved_klass() || coleenp@4037: tag.is_string() || coleenp@4037: tag.is_method_handle() || coleenp@4037: tag.is_method_type()) { coleenp@4037: assert(bt == T_OBJECT, "Guard is incorrect"); coleenp@4037: cts = CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci); coleenp@4037: } else { coleenp@4037: assert(bt != T_OBJECT, "Guard is incorrect"); coleenp@4037: cts = valCTS; coleenp@4037: } duke@435: ppush1(cts); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_multianewarray(int dims, int bci) { duke@435: assert(dims >= 1, "sanity check"); duke@435: for(int i = dims -1; i >=0; i--) { duke@435: ppop1(valCTS); duke@435: } duke@435: ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci)); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_astore(int idx) { duke@435: CellTypeState r_or_p = pop(); duke@435: if (!r_or_p.is_address() && !r_or_p.is_reference()) { duke@435: // We actually expected ref or pc, but we only report that we expected a ref. It does not duke@435: // really matter (at least for now) duke@435: verify_error("wrong type on stack (found: %c, expected: {pr})", r_or_p.to_char()); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: set_var(idx, r_or_p); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Copies bottom/zero terminated CTS string from "src" into "dst". duke@435: // Does NOT terminate with a bottom. Returns the number of cells copied. duke@435: int GenerateOopMap::copy_cts(CellTypeState *dst, CellTypeState *src) { duke@435: int idx = 0; duke@435: while (!src[idx].is_bottom()) { duke@435: dst[idx] = src[idx]; duke@435: idx++; duke@435: } duke@435: return idx; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_field(int is_get, int is_static, int idx, int bci) { duke@435: // Dig up signature for field in constant pool coleenp@4037: ConstantPool* cp = method()->constants(); duke@435: int nameAndTypeIdx = cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx); duke@435: int signatureIdx = cp->signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx); coleenp@2497: Symbol* signature = cp->symbol_at(signatureIdx); duke@435: duke@435: // Parse signature (espcially simple for fields) duke@435: assert(signature->utf8_length() > 0, "field signatures cannot have zero length"); duke@435: // The signature is UFT8 encoded, but the first char is always ASCII for signatures. duke@435: char sigch = (char)*(signature->base()); duke@435: CellTypeState temp[4]; duke@435: CellTypeState *eff = sigchar_to_effect(sigch, bci, temp); duke@435: duke@435: CellTypeState in[4]; duke@435: CellTypeState *out; duke@435: int i = 0; duke@435: duke@435: if (is_get) { duke@435: out = eff; duke@435: } else { duke@435: out = epsilonCTS; duke@435: i = copy_cts(in, eff); duke@435: } duke@435: if (!is_static) in[i++] = CellTypeState::ref; duke@435: in[i] = CellTypeState::bottom; duke@435: assert(i<=3, "sanity check"); duke@435: pp(in, out); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::do_method(int is_static, int is_interface, int idx, int bci) { jrose@1494: // Dig up signature for field in constant pool coleenp@4037: ConstantPool* cp = _method->constants(); coleenp@2497: Symbol* signature = cp->signature_ref_at(idx); duke@435: duke@435: // Parse method signature duke@435: CellTypeState out[4]; duke@435: CellTypeState in[MAXARGSIZE+1]; // Includes result duke@435: ComputeCallStack cse(signature); duke@435: duke@435: // Compute return type duke@435: int res_length= cse.compute_for_returntype(out); duke@435: duke@435: // Temporary hack. duke@435: if (out[0].equal(CellTypeState::ref) && out[1].equal(CellTypeState::bottom)) { duke@435: out[0] = CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: assert(res_length<=4, "max value should be vv"); duke@435: duke@435: // Compute arguments duke@435: int arg_length = cse.compute_for_parameters(is_static != 0, in); duke@435: assert(arg_length<=MAXARGSIZE, "too many locals"); duke@435: duke@435: // Pop arguments duke@435: for (int i = arg_length - 1; i >= 0; i--) ppop1(in[i]);// Do args in reverse order. duke@435: duke@435: // Report results duke@435: if (_report_result_for_send == true) { duke@435: fill_stackmap_for_opcodes(_itr_send, vars(), stack(), _stack_top); duke@435: _report_result_for_send = false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Push return address duke@435: ppush(out); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // This is used to parse the signature for fields, since they are very simple... duke@435: CellTypeState *GenerateOopMap::sigchar_to_effect(char sigch, int bci, CellTypeState *out) { duke@435: // Object and array duke@435: if (sigch=='L' || sigch=='[') { duke@435: out[0] = CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci); duke@435: out[1] = CellTypeState::bottom; duke@435: return out; duke@435: } duke@435: if (sigch == 'J' || sigch == 'D' ) return vvCTS; // Long and Double duke@435: if (sigch == 'V' ) return epsilonCTS; // Void duke@435: return vCTS; // Otherwise duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: long GenerateOopMap::_total_byte_count = 0; duke@435: elapsedTimer GenerateOopMap::_total_oopmap_time; duke@435: duke@435: // This function assumes "bcs" is at a "ret" instruction and that the vars duke@435: // state is valid for that instruction. Furthermore, the ret instruction duke@435: // must be the last instruction in "bb" (we store information about the duke@435: // "ret" in "bb"). duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::ret_jump_targets_do(BytecodeStream *bcs, jmpFct_t jmpFct, int varNo, int *data) { duke@435: CellTypeState ra = vars()[varNo]; duke@435: if (!ra.is_good_address()) { duke@435: verify_error("ret returns from two jsr subroutines?"); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: int target = ra.get_info(); duke@435: duke@435: RetTableEntry* rtEnt = _rt.find_jsrs_for_target(target); duke@435: int bci = bcs->bci(); duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < rtEnt->nof_jsrs(); i++) { duke@435: int target_bci = rtEnt->jsrs(i); duke@435: // Make sure a jrtRet does not set the changed bit for dead basicblock. duke@435: BasicBlock* jsr_bb = get_basic_block_containing(target_bci - 1); duke@435: debug_only(BasicBlock* target_bb = &jsr_bb[1];) duke@435: assert(target_bb == get_basic_block_at(target_bci), "wrong calc. of successor basicblock"); duke@435: bool alive = jsr_bb->is_alive(); duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: tty->print("pc = %d, ret -> %d alive: %s\n", bci, target_bci, alive ? "true" : "false"); duke@435: } duke@435: if (alive) jmpFct(this, target_bci, data); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Debug method duke@435: // duke@435: char* GenerateOopMap::state_vec_to_string(CellTypeState* vec, int len) { duke@435: #ifdef ASSERT duke@435: int checklen = MAX3(_max_locals, _max_stack, _max_monitors) + 1; duke@435: assert(len < checklen, "state_vec_buf overflow"); duke@435: #endif duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) _state_vec_buf[i] = vec[i].to_char(); duke@435: _state_vec_buf[len] = 0; duke@435: return _state_vec_buf; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::print_time() { duke@435: tty->print_cr ("Accumulated oopmap times:"); duke@435: tty->print_cr ("---------------------------"); duke@435: tty->print_cr (" Total : %3.3f sec.", GenerateOopMap::_total_oopmap_time.seconds()); duke@435: tty->print_cr (" (%3.0f bytecodes per sec) ", duke@435: GenerateOopMap::_total_byte_count / GenerateOopMap::_total_oopmap_time.seconds()); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // ============ Main Entry Point =========== duke@435: // duke@435: GenerateOopMap::GenerateOopMap(methodHandle method) { twisti@1040: // We have to initialize all variables here, that can be queried directly duke@435: _method = method; duke@435: _max_locals=0; duke@435: _init_vars = NULL; duke@435: duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: // If we are doing a detailed trace, include the regular trace information. duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGenerationDetailed) { duke@435: TraceNewOopMapGeneration = true; duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::compute_map(TRAPS) { duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: if (TimeOopMap2) { duke@435: method()->print_short_name(tty); duke@435: tty->print(" "); duke@435: } duke@435: if (TimeOopMap) { duke@435: _total_byte_count += method()->code_size(); duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: TraceTime t_single("oopmap time", TimeOopMap2); duke@435: TraceTime t_all(NULL, &_total_oopmap_time, TimeOopMap); duke@435: duke@435: // Initialize values duke@435: _got_error = false; duke@435: _conflict = false; duke@435: _max_locals = method()->max_locals(); duke@435: _max_stack = method()->max_stack(); jiangli@3917: _has_exceptions = (method()->has_exception_handler()); duke@435: _nof_refval_conflicts = 0; duke@435: _init_vars = new GrowableArray(5); // There are seldom more than 5 init_vars duke@435: _report_result = false; duke@435: _report_result_for_send = false; duke@435: _new_var_map = NULL; duke@435: _ret_adr_tos = new GrowableArray(5); // 5 seems like a good number; duke@435: _did_rewriting = false; duke@435: _did_relocation = false; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: tty->print("Method name: %s\n", method()->name()->as_C_string()); duke@435: if (Verbose) { duke@435: _method->print_codes(); duke@435: tty->print_cr("Exception table:"); jiangli@3917: ExceptionTable excps(method()); jiangli@3917: for(int i = 0; i < excps.length(); i ++) { jiangli@3917: tty->print_cr("[%d - %d] -> %d", jiangli@3917: excps.start_pc(i), excps.end_pc(i), excps.handler_pc(i)); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // if no code - do nothing duke@435: // compiler needs info duke@435: if (method()->code_size() == 0 || _max_locals + method()->max_stack() == 0) { duke@435: fill_stackmap_prolog(0); duke@435: fill_stackmap_epilog(); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: // Step 1: Compute all jump targets and their return value duke@435: if (!_got_error) duke@435: _rt.compute_ret_table(_method); duke@435: duke@435: // Step 2: Find all basic blocks and count GC points duke@435: if (!_got_error) duke@435: mark_bbheaders_and_count_gc_points(); duke@435: duke@435: // Step 3: Calculate stack maps duke@435: if (!_got_error) duke@435: do_interpretation(); duke@435: duke@435: // Step 4:Return results duke@435: if (!_got_error && report_results()) duke@435: report_result(); duke@435: duke@435: if (_got_error) { duke@435: THROW_HANDLE(_exception); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Error handling methods duke@435: // These methods create an exception for the current thread which is thrown duke@435: // at the bottom of the call stack, when it returns to compute_map(). The duke@435: // _got_error flag controls execution. NOT TODO: The VM exception propagation duke@435: // mechanism using TRAPS/CHECKs could be used here instead but it would need duke@435: // to be added as a parameter to every function and checked for every call. duke@435: // The tons of extra code it would generate didn't seem worth the change. duke@435: // duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::error_work(const char *format, va_list ap) { duke@435: _got_error = true; duke@435: char msg_buffer[512]; duke@435: vsnprintf(msg_buffer, sizeof(msg_buffer), format, ap); duke@435: // Append method name duke@435: char msg_buffer2[512]; duke@435: jio_snprintf(msg_buffer2, sizeof(msg_buffer2), "%s in method %s", msg_buffer, method()->name()->as_C_string()); duke@435: _exception = Exceptions::new_exception(Thread::current(), duke@435: vmSymbols::java_lang_LinkageError(), msg_buffer2); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::report_error(const char *format, ...) { duke@435: va_list ap; duke@435: va_start(ap, format); duke@435: error_work(format, ap); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::verify_error(const char *format, ...) { duke@435: // We do not distinguish between different types of errors for verification duke@435: // errors. Let the verifier give a better message. duke@435: const char *msg = "Illegal class file encountered. Try running with -Xverify:all"; bobv@2036: _got_error = true; bobv@2036: // Append method name bobv@2036: char msg_buffer2[512]; bobv@2036: jio_snprintf(msg_buffer2, sizeof(msg_buffer2), "%s in method %s", msg, bobv@2036: method()->name()->as_C_string()); bobv@2036: _exception = Exceptions::new_exception(Thread::current(), bobv@2036: vmSymbols::java_lang_LinkageError(), msg_buffer2); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Report result opcodes duke@435: // duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::report_result() { duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) tty->print_cr("Report result pass"); duke@435: duke@435: // We now want to report the result of the parse duke@435: _report_result = true; duke@435: duke@435: // Prolog code duke@435: fill_stackmap_prolog(_gc_points); duke@435: duke@435: // Mark everything changed, then do one interpretation pass. duke@435: for (int i = 0; i<_bb_count; i++) { duke@435: if (_basic_blocks[i].is_reachable()) { duke@435: _basic_blocks[i].set_changed(true); duke@435: interp_bb(&_basic_blocks[i]); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Note: Since we are skipping dead-code when we are reporting results, then duke@435: // the no. of encountered gc-points might be fewer than the previously number duke@435: // we have counted. (dead-code is a pain - it should be removed before we get here) duke@435: fill_stackmap_epilog(); duke@435: duke@435: // Report initvars duke@435: fill_init_vars(_init_vars); duke@435: duke@435: _report_result = false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::result_for_basicblock(int bci) { duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) tty->print_cr("Report result pass for basicblock"); duke@435: duke@435: // We now want to report the result of the parse duke@435: _report_result = true; duke@435: duke@435: // Find basicblock and report results duke@435: BasicBlock* bb = get_basic_block_containing(bci); duke@435: assert(bb->is_reachable(), "getting result from unreachable basicblock"); duke@435: bb->set_changed(true); duke@435: interp_bb(bb); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // duke@435: // Conflict handling code duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::record_refval_conflict(int varNo) { duke@435: assert(varNo>=0 && varNo< _max_locals, "index out of range"); duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print("### Conflict detected (local no: %d)\n", varNo); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (!_new_var_map) { duke@435: _new_var_map = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(int, _max_locals); duke@435: for (int k = 0; k < _max_locals; k++) _new_var_map[k] = k; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if ( _new_var_map[varNo] == varNo) { duke@435: // Check if max. number of locals has been reached duke@435: if (_max_locals + _nof_refval_conflicts >= MAX_LOCAL_VARS) { duke@435: report_error("Rewriting exceeded local variable limit"); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: _new_var_map[varNo] = _max_locals + _nof_refval_conflicts; duke@435: _nof_refval_conflicts++; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::rewrite_refval_conflicts() duke@435: { duke@435: // We can get here two ways: Either a rewrite conflict was detected, or duke@435: // an uninitialize reference was detected. In the second case, we do not duke@435: // do any rewriting, we just want to recompute the reference set with the duke@435: // new information duke@435: duke@435: int nof_conflicts = 0; // Used for debugging only duke@435: duke@435: if ( _nof_refval_conflicts == 0 ) duke@435: return; duke@435: duke@435: // Check if rewrites are allowed in this parse. duke@435: if (!allow_rewrites() && !IgnoreRewrites) { duke@435: fatal("Rewriting method not allowed at this stage"); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: // This following flag is to tempoary supress rewrites. The locals that might conflict will duke@435: // all be set to contain values. This is UNSAFE - however, until the rewriting has been completely duke@435: // tested it is nice to have. duke@435: if (IgnoreRewrites) { duke@435: if (Verbose) { duke@435: tty->print("rewrites suppressed for local no. "); duke@435: for (int l = 0; l < _max_locals; l++) { duke@435: if (_new_var_map[l] != l) { duke@435: tty->print("%d ", l); duke@435: vars()[l] = CellTypeState::value; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: tty->cr(); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // That was that... duke@435: _new_var_map = NULL; duke@435: _nof_refval_conflicts = 0; duke@435: _conflict = false; duke@435: duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Tracing flag duke@435: _did_rewriting = true; duke@435: duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("ref/value conflict for method %s - bytecodes are getting rewritten", method()->name()->as_C_string()); duke@435: method()->print(); duke@435: method()->print_codes(); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: assert(_new_var_map!=NULL, "nothing to rewrite"); duke@435: assert(_conflict==true, "We should not be here"); duke@435: duke@435: compute_ret_adr_at_TOS(); duke@435: if (!_got_error) { duke@435: for (int k = 0; k < _max_locals && !_got_error; k++) { duke@435: if (_new_var_map[k] != k) { duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Rewriting: %d -> %d", k, _new_var_map[k]); duke@435: } duke@435: rewrite_refval_conflict(k, _new_var_map[k]); duke@435: if (_got_error) return; duke@435: nof_conflicts++; duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: assert(nof_conflicts == _nof_refval_conflicts, "sanity check"); duke@435: duke@435: // Adjust the number of locals duke@435: method()->set_max_locals(_max_locals+_nof_refval_conflicts); duke@435: _max_locals += _nof_refval_conflicts; duke@435: duke@435: // That was that... duke@435: _new_var_map = NULL; duke@435: _nof_refval_conflicts = 0; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::rewrite_refval_conflict(int from, int to) { duke@435: bool startOver; duke@435: do { duke@435: // Make sure that the BytecodeStream is constructed in the loop, since duke@435: // during rewriting a new method oop is going to be used, and the next time duke@435: // around we want to use that. duke@435: BytecodeStream bcs(_method); duke@435: startOver = false; duke@435: coleenp@4037: while( !startOver && !_got_error && coleenp@4037: // test bcs in case method changed and it became invalid coleenp@4037: bcs.next() >=0) { duke@435: startOver = rewrite_refval_conflict_inst(&bcs, from, to); duke@435: } duke@435: } while (startOver && !_got_error); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: /* If the current instruction is one that uses local variable "from" duke@435: in a ref way, change it to use "to". There's a subtle reason why we duke@435: renumber the ref uses and not the non-ref uses: non-ref uses may be duke@435: 2 slots wide (double, long) which would necessitate keeping track of duke@435: whether we should add one or two variables to the method. If the change duke@435: affected the width of some instruction, returns "TRUE"; otherwise, returns "FALSE". duke@435: Another reason for moving ref's value is for solving (addr, ref) conflicts, which duke@435: both uses aload/astore methods. duke@435: */ duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::rewrite_refval_conflict_inst(BytecodeStream *itr, int from, int to) { duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bc = itr->code(); duke@435: int index; duke@435: int bci = itr->bci(); duke@435: duke@435: if (is_aload(itr, &index) && index == from) { duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Rewriting aload at bci: %d", bci); duke@435: } duke@435: return rewrite_load_or_store(itr, Bytecodes::_aload, Bytecodes::_aload_0, to); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (is_astore(itr, &index) && index == from) { duke@435: if (!stack_top_holds_ret_addr(bci)) { duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Rewriting astore at bci: %d", bci); duke@435: } duke@435: return rewrite_load_or_store(itr, Bytecodes::_astore, Bytecodes::_astore_0, to); duke@435: } else { duke@435: if (TraceOopMapRewrites) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Supress rewriting of astore at bci: %d", bci); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: return false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // The argument to this method is: duke@435: // bc : Current bytecode duke@435: // bcN : either _aload or _astore duke@435: // bc0 : either _aload_0 or _astore_0 duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::rewrite_load_or_store(BytecodeStream *bcs, Bytecodes::Code bcN, Bytecodes::Code bc0, unsigned int varNo) { duke@435: assert(bcN == Bytecodes::_astore || bcN == Bytecodes::_aload, "wrong argument (bcN)"); duke@435: assert(bc0 == Bytecodes::_astore_0 || bc0 == Bytecodes::_aload_0, "wrong argument (bc0)"); never@2462: int ilen = Bytecodes::length_at(_method(), bcs->bcp()); duke@435: int newIlen; duke@435: duke@435: if (ilen == 4) { duke@435: // Original instruction was wide; keep it wide for simplicity duke@435: newIlen = 4; duke@435: } else if (varNo < 4) duke@435: newIlen = 1; duke@435: else if (varNo >= 256) duke@435: newIlen = 4; duke@435: else duke@435: newIlen = 2; duke@435: duke@435: // If we need to relocate in order to patch the byte, we duke@435: // do the patching in a temp. buffer, that is passed to the reloc. duke@435: // The patching of the bytecode stream is then done by the Relocator. duke@435: // This is neccesary, since relocating the instruction at a certain bci, might duke@435: // also relocate that instruction, e.g., if a _goto before it gets widen to a _goto_w. duke@435: // Hence, we do not know which bci to patch after relocation. duke@435: duke@435: assert(newIlen <= 4, "sanity check"); duke@435: u_char inst_buffer[4]; // Max. instruction size is 4. duke@435: address bcp; duke@435: duke@435: if (newIlen != ilen) { duke@435: // Relocation needed do patching in temp. buffer duke@435: bcp = (address)inst_buffer; duke@435: } else { duke@435: bcp = _method->bcp_from(bcs->bci()); duke@435: } duke@435: coleenp@4037: // Patch either directly in Method* or in temp. buffer duke@435: if (newIlen == 1) { duke@435: assert(varNo < 4, "varNo too large"); duke@435: *bcp = bc0 + varNo; duke@435: } else if (newIlen == 2) { duke@435: assert(varNo < 256, "2-byte index needed!"); duke@435: *(bcp + 0) = bcN; duke@435: *(bcp + 1) = varNo; duke@435: } else { duke@435: assert(newIlen == 4, "Wrong instruction length"); duke@435: *(bcp + 0) = Bytecodes::_wide; duke@435: *(bcp + 1) = bcN; duke@435: Bytes::put_Java_u2(bcp+2, varNo); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: if (newIlen != ilen) { duke@435: expand_current_instr(bcs->bci(), ilen, newIlen, inst_buffer); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: return (newIlen != ilen); duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: class RelocCallback : public RelocatorListener { duke@435: private: duke@435: GenerateOopMap* _gom; duke@435: public: duke@435: RelocCallback(GenerateOopMap* gom) { _gom = gom; }; duke@435: duke@435: // Callback method duke@435: virtual void relocated(int bci, int delta, int new_code_length) { duke@435: _gom->update_basic_blocks (bci, delta, new_code_length); duke@435: _gom->update_ret_adr_at_TOS(bci, delta); duke@435: _gom->_rt.update_ret_table (bci, delta); duke@435: } duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: // Returns true if expanding was succesful. Otherwise, reports an error and duke@435: // returns false. duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::expand_current_instr(int bci, int ilen, int newIlen, u_char inst_buffer[]) { duke@435: Thread *THREAD = Thread::current(); // Could really have TRAPS argument. duke@435: RelocCallback rcb(this); duke@435: Relocator rc(_method, &rcb); duke@435: methodHandle m= rc.insert_space_at(bci, newIlen, inst_buffer, THREAD); duke@435: if (m.is_null() || HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { duke@435: report_error("could not rewrite method - exception occurred or bytecode buffer overflow"); duke@435: return; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // Relocator returns a new method oop. duke@435: _did_relocation = true; duke@435: _method = m; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::is_astore(BytecodeStream *itr, int *index) { duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bc = itr->code(); duke@435: switch(bc) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore_3: duke@435: *index = bc - Bytecodes::_astore_0; duke@435: return true; duke@435: case Bytecodes::_astore: duke@435: *index = itr->get_index(); duke@435: return true; duke@435: } duke@435: return false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::is_aload(BytecodeStream *itr, int *index) { duke@435: Bytecodes::Code bc = itr->code(); duke@435: switch(bc) { duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_0: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_1: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_2: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload_3: duke@435: *index = bc - Bytecodes::_aload_0; duke@435: return true; duke@435: duke@435: case Bytecodes::_aload: duke@435: *index = itr->get_index(); duke@435: return true; duke@435: } duke@435: return false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: // Return true iff the top of the operand stack holds a return address at duke@435: // the current instruction duke@435: bool GenerateOopMap::stack_top_holds_ret_addr(int bci) { duke@435: for(int i = 0; i < _ret_adr_tos->length(); i++) { duke@435: if (_ret_adr_tos->at(i) == bci) duke@435: return true; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: return false; duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::compute_ret_adr_at_TOS() { duke@435: assert(_ret_adr_tos != NULL, "must be initialized"); duke@435: _ret_adr_tos->clear(); duke@435: duke@435: for (int i = 0; i < bb_count(); i++) { duke@435: BasicBlock* bb = &_basic_blocks[i]; duke@435: duke@435: // Make sure to only check basicblocks that are reachable duke@435: if (bb->is_reachable()) { duke@435: duke@435: // For each Basic block we check all instructions duke@435: BytecodeStream bcs(_method); duke@435: bcs.set_interval(bb->_bci, next_bb_start_pc(bb)); duke@435: duke@435: restore_state(bb); duke@435: duke@435: while (bcs.next()>=0 && !_got_error) { duke@435: // TDT: should this be is_good_address() ? duke@435: if (_stack_top > 0 && stack()[_stack_top-1].is_address()) { duke@435: _ret_adr_tos->append(bcs.bci()); duke@435: if (TraceNewOopMapGeneration) { duke@435: tty->print_cr("Ret_adr TOS at bci: %d", bcs.bci()); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: interp1(&bcs); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: void GenerateOopMap::update_ret_adr_at_TOS(int bci, int delta) { duke@435: for(int i = 0; i < _ret_adr_tos->length(); i++) { duke@435: int v = _ret_adr_tos->at(i); duke@435: if (v > bci) _ret_adr_tos->at_put(i, v + delta); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: duke@435: // =================================================================== duke@435: duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: int ResolveOopMapConflicts::_nof_invocations = 0; duke@435: int ResolveOopMapConflicts::_nof_rewrites = 0; duke@435: int ResolveOopMapConflicts::_nof_relocations = 0; duke@435: #endif duke@435: duke@435: methodHandle ResolveOopMapConflicts::do_potential_rewrite(TRAPS) { duke@435: compute_map(CHECK_(methodHandle())); duke@435: duke@435: #ifndef PRODUCT duke@435: // Tracking and statistics duke@435: if (PrintRewrites) { duke@435: _nof_invocations++; duke@435: if (did_rewriting()) { duke@435: _nof_rewrites++; duke@435: if (did_relocation()) _nof_relocations++; duke@435: tty->print("Method was rewritten %s: ", (did_relocation()) ? "and relocated" : ""); duke@435: method()->print_value(); tty->cr(); duke@435: tty->print_cr("Cand.: %d rewrts: %d (%d%%) reloc.: %d (%d%%)", duke@435: _nof_invocations, duke@435: _nof_rewrites, (_nof_rewrites * 100) / _nof_invocations, duke@435: _nof_relocations, (_nof_relocations * 100) / _nof_invocations); duke@435: } duke@435: } duke@435: #endif duke@435: return methodHandle(THREAD, method()); duke@435: }