duke@435: /* drchase@5353: * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. duke@435: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. duke@435: * duke@435: * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it duke@435: * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as duke@435: * published by the Free Software Foundation. duke@435: * duke@435: * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT duke@435: * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or duke@435: * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License duke@435: * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that duke@435: * accompanied this code). duke@435: * duke@435: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version duke@435: * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, duke@435: * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. duke@435: * trims@1907: * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA trims@1907: * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any trims@1907: * questions. duke@435: * duke@435: */ duke@435: stefank@2314: #ifndef SHARE_VM_INTERPRETER_ABSTRACTINTERPRETER_HPP stefank@2314: #define SHARE_VM_INTERPRETER_ABSTRACTINTERPRETER_HPP stefank@2314: stefank@2314: #include "code/stubs.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp" stefank@4299: #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp" stefank@2314: #include "utilities/top.hpp" roland@5987: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86 roland@5987: # include "interp_masm_x86.hpp" stefank@2314: #endif stefank@2314: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc stefank@2314: # include "interp_masm_sparc.hpp" stefank@2314: #endif stefank@2314: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_zero stefank@2314: # include "interp_masm_zero.hpp" stefank@2314: #endif bobv@2508: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_arm bobv@2508: # include "interp_masm_arm.hpp" bobv@2508: #endif goetz@6441: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc_32 goetz@6441: # include "interp_masm_ppc_32.hpp" goetz@6441: #endif goetz@6441: #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc_64 goetz@6441: # include "interp_masm_ppc_64.hpp" bobv@2508: #endif stefank@2314: twisti@1040: // This file contains the platform-independent parts duke@435: // of the abstract interpreter and the abstract interpreter generator. duke@435: duke@435: // Organization of the interpreter(s). There exists two different interpreters in hotpot duke@435: // an assembly language version (aka template interpreter) and a high level language version duke@435: // (aka c++ interpreter). Th division of labor is as follows: duke@435: duke@435: // Template Interpreter C++ Interpreter Functionality duke@435: // duke@435: // templateTable* bytecodeInterpreter* actual interpretation of bytecodes duke@435: // duke@435: // templateInterpreter* cppInterpreter* generation of assembly code that creates duke@435: // and manages interpreter runtime frames. duke@435: // Also code for populating interpreter duke@435: // frames created during deoptimization. duke@435: // duke@435: // For both template and c++ interpreter. There are common files for aspects of the interpreter duke@435: // that are generic to both interpreters. This is the layout: duke@435: // duke@435: // abstractInterpreter.hpp: generic description of the interpreter. duke@435: // interpreter*: generic frame creation and handling. duke@435: // duke@435: duke@435: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ duke@435: // The C++ interface to the bytecode interpreter(s). duke@435: duke@435: class AbstractInterpreter: AllStatic { duke@435: friend class VMStructs; duke@435: friend class Interpreter; duke@435: friend class CppInterpreterGenerator; duke@435: public: duke@435: enum MethodKind { duke@435: zerolocals, // method needs locals initialization duke@435: zerolocals_synchronized, // method needs locals initialization & is synchronized duke@435: native, // native method duke@435: native_synchronized, // native method & is synchronized duke@435: empty, // empty method (code: _return) duke@435: accessor, // accessor method (code: _aload_0, _getfield, _(a|i)return) duke@435: abstract, // abstract method (throws an AbstractMethodException) twisti@3969: method_handle_invoke_FIRST, // java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles::invokeExact, etc. twisti@3969: method_handle_invoke_LAST = (method_handle_invoke_FIRST twisti@3969: + (vmIntrinsics::LAST_MH_SIG_POLY twisti@3969: - vmIntrinsics::FIRST_MH_SIG_POLY)), duke@435: java_lang_math_sin, // implementation of java.lang.Math.sin (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_cos, // implementation of java.lang.Math.cos (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_tan, // implementation of java.lang.Math.tan (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_abs, // implementation of java.lang.Math.abs (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_sqrt, // implementation of java.lang.Math.sqrt (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_log, // implementation of java.lang.Math.log (x) duke@435: java_lang_math_log10, // implementation of java.lang.Math.log10 (x) roland@3787: java_lang_math_pow, // implementation of java.lang.Math.pow (x,y) roland@3787: java_lang_math_exp, // implementation of java.lang.Math.exp (x) johnc@2781: java_lang_ref_reference_get, // implementation of java.lang.ref.Reference.get() drchase@5353: java_util_zip_CRC32_update, // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.update() drchase@5353: java_util_zip_CRC32_updateBytes, // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.updateBytes() drchase@5353: java_util_zip_CRC32_updateByteBuffer, // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.updateByteBuffer() duke@435: number_of_method_entries, duke@435: invalid = -1 duke@435: }; duke@435: twisti@3969: // Conversion from the part of the above enum to vmIntrinsics::_invokeExact, etc. twisti@3969: static vmIntrinsics::ID method_handle_intrinsic(MethodKind kind) { twisti@3969: if (kind >= method_handle_invoke_FIRST && kind <= method_handle_invoke_LAST) twisti@3969: return (vmIntrinsics::ID)( vmIntrinsics::FIRST_MH_SIG_POLY + (kind - method_handle_invoke_FIRST) ); twisti@3969: else twisti@3969: return vmIntrinsics::_none; twisti@3969: } twisti@3969: duke@435: enum SomeConstants { duke@435: number_of_result_handlers = 10 // number of result handlers for native calls duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: protected: duke@435: static StubQueue* _code; // the interpreter code (codelets) duke@435: duke@435: static bool _notice_safepoints; // true if safepoints are activated duke@435: duke@435: static address _native_entry_begin; // Region for native entry code duke@435: static address _native_entry_end; duke@435: duke@435: // method entry points duke@435: static address _entry_table[number_of_method_entries]; // entry points for a given method duke@435: static address _native_abi_to_tosca[number_of_result_handlers]; // for native method result handlers duke@435: static address _slow_signature_handler; // the native method generic (slow) signature handler duke@435: duke@435: static address _rethrow_exception_entry; // rethrows an activation in previous frame duke@435: duke@435: friend class AbstractInterpreterGenerator; duke@435: friend class InterpreterGenerator; duke@435: friend class InterpreterMacroAssembler; duke@435: duke@435: public: duke@435: // Initialization/debugging duke@435: static void initialize(); duke@435: static StubQueue* code() { return _code; } duke@435: duke@435: duke@435: // Method activation duke@435: static MethodKind method_kind(methodHandle m); duke@435: static address entry_for_kind(MethodKind k) { assert(0 <= k && k < number_of_method_entries, "illegal kind"); return _entry_table[k]; } johnc@2781: static address entry_for_method(methodHandle m) { return entry_for_kind(method_kind(m)); } duke@435: twisti@3969: // used for bootstrapping method handles: twisti@3969: static void set_entry_for_kind(MethodKind k, address e); twisti@3969: duke@435: static void print_method_kind(MethodKind kind) PRODUCT_RETURN; duke@435: never@1609: static bool can_be_compiled(methodHandle m); never@1609: duke@435: // Runtime support duke@435: duke@435: // length = invoke bytecode length (to advance to next bytecode) twisti@6039: static address deopt_entry(TosState state, int length) { ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL; } twisti@6039: static address return_entry(TosState state, int length, Bytecodes::Code code) { ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL; } duke@435: duke@435: static address rethrow_exception_entry() { return _rethrow_exception_entry; } duke@435: duke@435: // Activation size in words for a method that is just being called. duke@435: // Parameters haven't been pushed so count them too. coleenp@4037: static int size_top_interpreter_activation(Method* method); duke@435: duke@435: // Deoptimization support cfang@1335: // Compute the entry address for continuation after coleenp@4037: static address deopt_continue_after_entry(Method* method, cfang@1335: address bcp, cfang@1335: int callee_parameters, cfang@1335: bool is_top_frame); cfang@1335: // Compute the entry address for reexecution coleenp@4037: static address deopt_reexecute_entry(Method* method, address bcp); cfang@1335: // Deoptimization should reexecute this bytecode cfang@1335: static bool bytecode_should_reexecute(Bytecodes::Code code); duke@435: roland@6723: // deoptimization support roland@6723: static int size_activation(int max_stack, duke@435: int temps, roland@6723: int extra_args, duke@435: int monitors, duke@435: int callee_params, duke@435: int callee_locals, roland@6723: bool is_top_frame); duke@435: roland@6723: static void layout_activation(Method* method, never@2901: int temps, never@2901: int popframe_args, never@2901: int monitors, never@2901: int caller_actual_parameters, never@2901: int callee_params, never@2901: int callee_locals, never@2901: frame* caller, never@2901: frame* interpreter_frame, roland@4727: bool is_top_frame, roland@4727: bool is_bottom_frame); duke@435: duke@435: // Runtime support duke@435: static bool is_not_reached( methodHandle method, int bci); duke@435: // Safepoint support duke@435: static void notice_safepoints() { ShouldNotReachHere(); } // stops the thread when reaching a safepoint duke@435: static void ignore_safepoints() { ShouldNotReachHere(); } // ignores safepoints duke@435: duke@435: // Support for native calls duke@435: static address slow_signature_handler() { return _slow_signature_handler; } duke@435: static address result_handler(BasicType type) { return _native_abi_to_tosca[BasicType_as_index(type)]; } duke@435: static int BasicType_as_index(BasicType type); // computes index into result_handler_by_index table duke@435: static bool in_native_entry(address pc) { return _native_entry_begin <= pc && pc < _native_entry_end; } duke@435: // Debugging/printing duke@435: static void print(); // prints the interpreter code duke@435: duke@435: public: twisti@1861: // Interpreter helpers twisti@1861: const static int stackElementWords = 1; twisti@1861: const static int stackElementSize = stackElementWords * wordSize; twisti@1861: const static int logStackElementSize = LogBytesPerWord; duke@435: duke@435: // Local values relative to locals[n] duke@435: static int local_offset_in_bytes(int n) { twisti@1861: return ((frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() * n) * stackElementSize); duke@435: } duke@435: jrose@1161: // access to stacked values according to type: jrose@1161: static oop* oop_addr_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr) { jrose@1161: return (oop*) slot_addr; jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: static jint* int_addr_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr) { jrose@1161: if ((int) sizeof(jint) < wordSize && !Bytes::is_Java_byte_ordering_different()) jrose@1161: // big-endian LP64 jrose@1161: return (jint*)(slot_addr + 1) - 1; jrose@1161: else jrose@1161: return (jint*) slot_addr; jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: static jlong long_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr) { jrose@1161: if (sizeof(intptr_t) >= sizeof(jlong)) { jrose@1161: return *(jlong*) slot_addr; twisti@1861: } else { jrose@1161: return Bytes::get_native_u8((address)slot_addr); jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: static void set_long_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr, jlong value) { jrose@1161: if (sizeof(intptr_t) >= sizeof(jlong)) { jrose@1161: *(jlong*) slot_addr = value; twisti@1861: } else { jrose@1161: Bytes::put_native_u8((address)slot_addr, value); jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: static void get_jvalue_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr, BasicType type, jvalue* value) { jrose@1161: switch (type) { jrose@1161: case T_BOOLEAN: value->z = *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_CHAR: value->c = *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_BYTE: value->b = *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_SHORT: value->s = *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_INT: value->i = *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_LONG: value->j = long_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_FLOAT: value->f = *(jfloat*)int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: case T_DOUBLE: value->d = jdouble_cast(long_in_slot(slot_addr)); break; jrose@1161: case T_OBJECT: value->l = (jobject)*oop_addr_in_slot(slot_addr); break; jrose@1161: default: ShouldNotReachHere(); jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: static void set_jvalue_in_slot(intptr_t* slot_addr, BasicType type, jvalue* value) { jrose@1161: switch (type) { jrose@1161: case T_BOOLEAN: *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = (value->z != 0); break; jrose@1161: case T_CHAR: *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = value->c; break; jrose@1161: case T_BYTE: *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = value->b; break; jrose@1161: case T_SHORT: *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = value->s; break; jrose@1161: case T_INT: *int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = value->i; break; jrose@1161: case T_LONG: set_long_in_slot(slot_addr, value->j); break; jrose@1161: case T_FLOAT: *(jfloat*)int_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = value->f; break; jrose@1161: case T_DOUBLE: set_long_in_slot(slot_addr, jlong_cast(value->d)); break; jrose@1161: case T_OBJECT: *oop_addr_in_slot(slot_addr) = (oop) value->l; break; jrose@1161: default: ShouldNotReachHere(); jrose@1161: } jrose@1161: } duke@435: }; duke@435: duke@435: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ duke@435: // The interpreter generator. duke@435: duke@435: class Template; duke@435: class AbstractInterpreterGenerator: public StackObj { duke@435: protected: duke@435: InterpreterMacroAssembler* _masm; duke@435: duke@435: // shared code sequences duke@435: // Converter for native abi result to tosca result duke@435: address generate_result_handler_for(BasicType type); duke@435: address generate_slow_signature_handler(); duke@435: duke@435: // entry point generator duke@435: address generate_method_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind); duke@435: duke@435: void bang_stack_shadow_pages(bool native_call); duke@435: duke@435: void generate_all(); twisti@4237: void initialize_method_handle_entries(); duke@435: duke@435: public: duke@435: AbstractInterpreterGenerator(StubQueue* _code); duke@435: }; stefank@2314: stefank@2314: #endif // SHARE_VM_INTERPRETER_ABSTRACTINTERPRETER_HPP