8245412: Better class definitions jdk8u272-b10 jdk8u272-ga jdk8u275-b00

8243302: Advanced class supports

8254937: Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272

8254673: Call to JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158

8241114: Better range handling

8244955: Additional Fix for JDK-8240124

8240124: Better VM Interning

8236196: Improve string pooling

8233624: Enhance JNI linkage

Added tag jdk8u272-b09 for changeset 176a7e5cc060

(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -10 +10 tip
