duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: package duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM duke@1: programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented duke@1: so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker duke@1: (ORB). duke@1: duke@1:

For a precise list of supported sections of official CORBA specifications with which duke@1: the Java[TM] Platform, Standard Edition 6 complies, see Official Specifications for CORBA support in duke@1: Java[TM] SE 6. duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

General Information

duke@1: The information in this section is information relevant to someone who duke@1: compiles Interface Definition Language (IDL) files and uses the duke@1: ORB to write clients and servers. duke@1: duke@1:

The classes and interfaces described in this section can be put into duke@1: four groups: ORB classes, Exceptions, Helper classes, duke@1: and Holder classes. duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: The ORB Class

duke@1: duke@1:

An ORB handles (or brokers) method invocations between a client and duke@1: the method's implementation on a server. Because the client and server duke@1: may be anywhere on a network, and because the invocation and implementation duke@1: may be written in different programming languages, an ORB does a great duke@1: deal of work behind the scenes to accomplish this communication. duke@1: duke@1:

Most of what an ORB does is completely transparent to the user, and a major duke@1: portion of the CORBA package consists of classes used by the ORB duke@1: behind the scenes. The result is that most programmers will use only a duke@1: small part of this package directly. In fact, most programmers will use duke@1: only a few methods from the ORB class, some exceptions, and duke@1: occasionally, duke@1: a holder class. duke@1:

duke@1: ORB Methods

duke@1: duke@1:

Before an application can enter the CORBA environment, it must first: duke@1:



The following operations are provided to initialize applications and obtain duke@1: the appropriate object references: duke@1:



duke@1: When an application requires a CORBA environment it needs a mechanism to duke@1: get an ORB object reference and possibly an OA object reference duke@1: (such as the root POA). This serves two purposes. First, it initializes duke@1: an application into the ORB and OA environments. Second, it returns the duke@1: ORB object reference and the OA object reference to the application duke@1: for use in future ORB and OA operations. duke@1: duke@1:

In order to obtain an ORB object reference, applications call duke@1: the ORB.init operation. The parameters to the call can comprise an duke@1: identifier for the ORB for which the object reference is required, duke@1: and an arg_list, which is used to allow environment-specific data to be duke@1: passed into the call. duke@1: duke@1:

These are the ORB methods duke@1: that provide access to the ORB: duke@1:

duke@1: duke@1:

Using the init() method without parameters initiates duke@1: a singleton ORB, which can only duke@1: give typecode creation anys needed in code generated duke@1: in Helper classes by idlj. duke@1: duke@1:

Applications require a portable means by which to obtain their duke@1: initial object references. References are required for the root duke@1: POA, POA Current, Interface Repository, and various Object Services duke@1: instances. The functionality required by the application is similar duke@1: to that provided by the Naming Service. However, the OMG does not duke@1: want to mandate that the Naming Service be made available to all duke@1: applications in order that they may be portably initialized. duke@1: Consequently, the operations shown in this section provide a duke@1: simplified, local version of the Naming Service that applications duke@1: can use to obtain a small, defined set of object references which duke@1: are essential to its operation. Because only a small well-defined duke@1: set of objects are expected with this mechanism, the naming context duke@1: can be flattened to be a single-level name space. This simplification duke@1: results in only two operations being defined to achieve the functionality duke@1: required. duke@1: duke@1:

Initial references are obtained via two operations provided in duke@1: the ORB object interface, providing facilities to list and duke@1: resolve initial object references. These are: duke@1:

duke@1: duke@1:

An example that uses some of these methods is duke@1: Getting Started with Java IDL. duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Exceptions

duke@1: Exceptions in Java IDL are similar to those in any code written in the duke@1: Java programming language. If a method is defined to throw an exception, duke@1: then any code using that method must have a try/catch duke@1: block and handle that exception when it is thrown. duke@1: duke@1:

The documentation on Java duke@1: IDL exceptions has more information and explains the difference between duke@1: system exceptions and user-defined exceptions. duke@1: duke@1:

The following is a list of the system exceptions (which are unchecked duke@1: exceptions inheriting through duke@1: org.omg.CORBA.SystemException from duke@1: java.lang.RuntimeException) that are defined in the package duke@1: org.omg.CORBA: duke@1:

duke@1:         BAD_CONTEXT
duke@1:         BAD_INV_ORDER
duke@1:         BAD_OPERATION
duke@1:         BAD_PARAM
duke@1:         BAD_TYPECODE
duke@1:         COMM_FAILURE
duke@1:         DATA_CONVERSION
duke@1:         FREE_MEM
duke@1:         IMP_LIMIT
duke@1:         INITIALIZE
duke@1:         INTERNAL
duke@1:         INTF_REPOS
duke@1:         INV_FLAG
duke@1:         INV_IDENT
duke@1:         INV_OBJREF
duke@1:         INV_POLICY
duke@1:         MARSHAL
duke@1:         NO_IMPLEMENT
duke@1:         NO_MEMORY
duke@1:         NO_PERMISSION
duke@1:         NO_RESOURCES
duke@1:         NO_RESPONSE
duke@1:         OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
duke@1:         OBJ_ADAPTER
duke@1:         PERSIST_STORE
duke@1:         TRANSIENT
duke@1:         UNKNOWN

duke@1: The following is a list of user-defined exceptions defined in the package duke@1: org.omg.CORBA. duke@1:

duke@1:         Bounds
duke@1:         UnknownUserException
duke@1:         WrongTransaction 
duke@1:         PolicyError
duke@1: duke@1:


duke@1: There are some packages inside the CORBA package with duke@1: "Package" as part of their names. These packages are generally quite small duke@1: because all they do is provide exceptions or classes for use by interfaces duke@1: and classes in the CORBA package. duke@1: duke@1:

For example, the package duke@1: org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage contains duke@1: two exceptions thrown by methods in the class TypeCode. These duke@1: exceptions are: duke@1:

duke@1: The package duke@1: org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage contains two exceptions: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

Another package that is a subpackage of CORBA is the duke@1: portable package. It duke@1: provides a set of ORB APIs that makes it duke@1: possible for code generated by one vendor's IDL compiler to run duke@1: on another vendor's ORB. duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Holder classes

duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

Support for out and inout parameter passing modes requires the use of duke@1: additional holder duke@1: classes. Because the Java programming language does not support out or duke@1: inout parameters, holder classes are needed as a means of passing a parameter duke@1: that can be modified. To support portable stubs and skeletons, holder classes also implement duke@1: the org.omg.CORBA.portable.Streamable duke@1: interface. duke@1: duke@1:

Holder classes are named by appending "Holder" to the name of the type. duke@1: The name of the type refers to its name in the Java programming language. For duke@1: example, a holder class for the interface named Account in the Java programming duke@1: language would be named AccountHolder. duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

Holder classes are available for all of the basic IDL duke@1: datatypes in the org.omg.CORBA package. So, for example, duke@1: there are already-defined classes for LongHolder, ShortHolder, duke@1: FloatHolder, and so on. Classes are also generated for duke@1: all named user-defined IDL types except those defined by typedefs. duke@1: (Note that in this context user defined includes types that are duke@1: defined in OMG specifications such as those for the Interface duke@1: Repository, and other OMG services.) duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

Each holder class has: duke@1:


duke@1: duke@1:

The default constructor sets the value field to the default value for the duke@1: type as defined by the Java language: duke@1:


duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: As an example, if the interface Account, defined in OMG IDL, duke@1: were mapped to the Java programming language, the following holder class duke@1: would be generated: duke@1:

duke@1: public final class AccountHolder implements 
duke@1:     org.omg.CORBA.portable.Streamable
duke@1: {
duke@1:   // field that holds an Account object
duke@1:   public Account value = null;
duke@1:   // default constructor
duke@1:   public AccountHolder ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // creates a new AccountHolder from initialValue
duke@1:   public AccountHolder (Account initialValue)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     value = initialValue;
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // reads the contents of i and assigns the contents to value
duke@1:   public void _read (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream i)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     value = AccountHelper.read (i);
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // writes value to o
duke@1:   public void _write (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream o)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     AccountHelper.write (o, value);
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // returns the typecode for Account
duke@1:   public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode _type ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return AccountHelper.type ();
duke@1:   }
duke@1: }
duke@1: duke@1:

For more information on Holder classes, see Chapter 1.4, Mapping for duke@1: Basic Types in the duke@1: OMG IDL to Java Language Mapping. The Holder classes defined duke@1: in the package org.omg.CORBA are: duke@1:

duke@1:      AnyHolder
duke@1:      AnySeqHolder
duke@1:      BooleanHolder
duke@1:      BooleanSeqHolder
duke@1:      ByteHolder
duke@1:      CharHolder
duke@1:      CharSeqHolder
duke@1:      CurrentHolder
duke@1:      DoubleHolder
duke@1:      DoubleSeqHolder
duke@1:      FixedHolder
duke@1:      FloatHolder
duke@1:      FloatSeqHolder
duke@1:      IntHolder
duke@1:      LongHolder
duke@1:      LongLongSeqHolder
duke@1:      LongSeqHolder
duke@1:      ObjectHolder
duke@1:      OctetSeqHolder
duke@1:      ParameterModeHolder
duke@1:      PolicyErrorHolder
duke@1:      PolicyListHolder
duke@1:      PrincipalHolder
duke@1:      ServiceInformationHolder
duke@1:      ShortHolder
duke@1:      ShortSeqHolder
duke@1:      StringHolder
duke@1:      StringSeqHolder
duke@1:      TypeCodeHolder
duke@1:      ULongLongSeqHolder
duke@1:      ULongSeqHolder
duke@1:      UnknownUserExceptionHolder
duke@1:      UShortSeqHolder
duke@1:      ValueBaseHolder
duke@1:      WCharSeqHolder
duke@1:      WrongTransactionHolder
duke@1:      WStringSeqHolder
duke@1: duke@1:

Helper Classes


Helper files supply several static methods needed to manipulate the type. duke@1: These include: duke@1:


duke@1: duke@1:

The helper class for a mapped IDL interface or abstract interface duke@1: also include narrow operation(s). The static narrow method allows duke@1: an org.omg.CORBA.Object to be narrowed to the object reference duke@1: of a more specific type. The IDL exception CORBA.BAD_PARAM duke@1: is thrown if the narrow fails because the object reference does not duke@1: support the requested type. A different system exception is raised duke@1: to indicate other kinds of errors. Trying to narrow a null will always duke@1: succeed with a return value of null. Generally, the only helper method an application programmer uses is duke@1: the narrow method. The other methods are normally used behind duke@1: the scenes and are transparent to the programmer. duke@1: duke@1:

Helper classes duke@1: fall into two broad categories, helpers for value types and duke@1: helpers for non value types. Because all of the helper duke@1: classes in one category duke@1: provide the same methods, one generic explanation of each duke@1: category of helper classes is presented here. duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: When OMG IDL is mapped to the Java programming language, duke@1: a "helper" class is generated for each user-defined type. duke@1: This generated class will have the name of the user-defined type with duke@1: the suffix Helper appended. For example, if the duke@1: interface Account is defined in OMG IDL, the duke@1: idlj compiler will automatically generate a class named duke@1: AccountHelper. The AccountHelper class duke@1: will contain the static methods needed for manipulating instances of the type, duke@1: in this case, Account objects. duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

The narrow Method

duke@1: When an object is the return value for a method, it is returned in the duke@1: form of a generic object, either an org.omg.CORBA.Object object duke@1: or a java.lang.Object object. This object must be cast to its duke@1: more specific type before it can be operated on. For example, an duke@1: Account object will be returned as a generic object and must duke@1: be narrowed to an Account object so that Account duke@1: methods may be called on it. duke@1:

duke@1: The narrow method has two forms, one that takes an duke@1: org.omg.CORBA.Object object and one that takes a duke@1: java.lang.Object object. Whether the interface is abstract or duke@1: not determines which narrow method its helper class will provide. duke@1: The helper class for an interface duke@1: that is not abstract will have a narrow method that takes a CORBA duke@1: object, whereas the narrow method for an interface that is abstract duke@1: will duke@1: take an object in the Java programming language. The helper class for a duke@1: non-abstract interface that has at least one abstract base interface will provide duke@1: both versions of the narrow method. duke@1:

The Hello World duke@1: tutorial uses a narrow method that looks duke@1: like this: duke@1:


duke@1:         // create and initialize the ORB
duke@1: 	ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);
duke@1:         // get the root naming context
duke@1:         org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = 
duke@1: 	    orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
duke@1:         // Use NamingContextExt instead of NamingContext. This is 
duke@1:         // part of latest Inter-Operable naming Service.  
duke@1:         NamingContextExt ncRef = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(objRef);
duke@1:         // resolve the Object Reference in Naming
duke@1:         String name = "Hello";
duke@1:         helloImpl = HelloHelper.narrow(ncRef.resolve_str(name));
duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

Example of a Basic Helper Class

duke@1: A basic helper class, for purposes of this explanation, is one with duke@1: the methods that are provided by every helper class, plus a narrow duke@1: method if the type defined in OMG IDL maps to an interface in the Java duke@1: programming language. Types that are not value types will have a basic duke@1: helper class generated for them. duke@1:

duke@1: For example, assuming that the interface Account is not a duke@1: value type IDL type and is also not an abstract interface and has no duke@1: abstract base interfaces, its AccountHelper class will look duke@1: like this: duke@1:

duke@1: abstract public class AccountHelper
duke@1: {
duke@1:   private static String  _id = "IDL:Account:1.0";
duke@1:   // inserts an Account object into an Any object
duke@1:   public static void insert (org.omg.CORBA.Any a, Account that)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream out = a.create_output_stream ();
duke@1:     a.type (type ());
duke@1:     write (out, that);
duke@1:     a.read_value (out.create_input_stream (), type ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // extracts an Account object from an Any object
duke@1:   public static Account extract (org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return read (a.create_input_stream ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   private static org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode __typeCode = null;
duke@1:   // gets the typecode for this type
duke@1:   synchronized public static org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode type ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     if (__typeCode == null)
duke@1:     {
duke@1:       __typeCode = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_interface_tc (AccountHelper.id (), "Account");
duke@1:     }
duke@1:     return __typeCode;
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // gets the repository id for this type
duke@1:   public static String id ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return _id;
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // reads an Account object from an input stream
duke@1:   public static Account read (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream istream)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return narrow (istream.read_Object (_AccountStub.class));
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // writes an Account object to an outputstream
duke@1:   public static void write (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, Account value)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     ostream.write_Object ((org.omg.CORBA.Object) value);
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // converts (narrows) an Object to an Account object
duke@1:   public static Account narrow (org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     if (obj == null)
duke@1:       return null;
duke@1:     else if (obj instanceof Account)
duke@1:       return (Account)obj;
duke@1:     else if (!obj._is_a (id ()))
duke@1:       throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM ();
duke@1:     else
duke@1:     {
duke@1:       org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate delegate = ((org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl)obj)._get_delegate ();
duke@1:       _AccountStub stub = new _AccountStub ();
duke@1:       stub._set_delegate(delegate);
duke@1:       return stub;
duke@1:     }
duke@1:   }
duke@1: }

duke@1: duke@1:

Value Type Helper Classes

duke@1: A helper class for a value type includes different renderings of duke@1: the same methods generated for non-value type methods. The main difference duke@1: is that value types are types that can be duke@1: passed by value as parameters or return values of a method, which means that duke@1: they must be serializable. duke@1:

Assuming that Address is a value type, the duke@1: AddressHelper class will look like this: duke@1:

duke@1: abstract public class AddressHelper
duke@1: {
duke@1:   private static String  _id = "IDL:Address:1.0";
duke@1:   // same as for non-value type
duke@1:   public static void insert (org.omg.CORBA.Any a, Address that)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream out = a.create_output_stream ();
duke@1:     a.type (type ());
duke@1:     write (out, that);
duke@1:     a.read_value (out.create_input_stream (), type ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // same as for non-value type
duke@1:   public static Address extract (org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return read (a.create_input_stream ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   private static org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode __typeCode = null;
duke@1:   private static boolean __active = false;
duke@1:   // getting the typecode for the type
duke@1:   synchronized public static org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode type ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     if (__typeCode == null)
duke@1:     {
duke@1:       synchronized (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode.class)
duke@1:       {
duke@1:         if (__typeCode == null)
duke@1:         {
duke@1:           if (__active)
duke@1:           {
duke@1:             return org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init().create_recursive_tc ( _id );
duke@1:           }
duke@1:           __active = true;
duke@1:           org.omg.CORBA.ValueMember[] _members0 = new org.omg.CORBA.ValueMember[0];
duke@1:           org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode _tcOf_members0 = null;
duke@1:           __typeCode = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_value_tc (_id, "Address", org.omg.CORBA.VM_NONE.value, null, _members0);
duke@1:           __active = false;
duke@1:         }
duke@1:       }
duke@1:     }
duke@1:     return __typeCode;
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // same as for non-value type
duke@1:   public static String id ()
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return _id;
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // reads a serializable instance of Address from the given input stream
duke@1:   public static Address read (org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream istream)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     return (Address)((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) istream).read_value (id ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1:   // writes a serializable instance of Address to the given output stream
duke@1:   public static void write (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, Address value)
duke@1:   {
duke@1:     ((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) ostream).write_value (value, id ());
duke@1:   }
duke@1: }
duke@1: duke@1:

The Helper classes defined in the package org.omg.CORBA are: duke@1:

duke@1:      AnySeqHelper
duke@1:      BooleanSeqHelper
duke@1:      CharSeqHelper
duke@1:      CompletionStatusHelper
duke@1:      CurrentHelper
duke@1:      DefinitionKindHelper
duke@1:      DoubleSeqHelper
duke@1:      FieldNameHelper
duke@1:      FloatSeqHelper
duke@1:      IdentifierHelper
duke@1:      IDLTypeHelper
duke@1:      LongLongSeqHelper
duke@1:      LongSeqHelper
duke@1:      NameValuePairHelper
duke@1:      ObjectHelper
duke@1:      OctetSeqHelper
duke@1:      ParameterModeHelper
duke@1:      PolicyErrorCodeHelper
duke@1:      PolicyErrorHelper
duke@1:      PolicyHelper
duke@1:      PolicyListHelper
duke@1:      PolicyTypeHelper
duke@1:      RepositoryIdHelper
duke@1:      ServiceDetailHelper
duke@1:      ServiceInformationHelper
duke@1:      SetOverrideTypeHelper
duke@1:      ShortSeqHelper
duke@1:      StringSeqHelper
duke@1:      StringValueHelper
duke@1:      StructMemberHelper
duke@1:      ULongLongSeqHelper
duke@1:      ULongSeqHelper
duke@1:      UnionMemberHelper
duke@1:      UnknownUserExceptionHelper
duke@1:      UShortSeqHelper
duke@1:      ValueBaseHelper
duke@1:      ValueMemberHelper
duke@1:      VersionSpecHelper
duke@1:      VisibilityHelper
duke@1:      WCharSeqHelper
duke@1:      WrongTransactionHelper
duke@1:      WStringSeqHelper
duke@1:      WStringValueHelper
duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Other Classes

duke@1: The other classes and interfaces in the CORBA package, which are duke@1: used behind the scenes, can be put into four groups. Three of the groups duke@1: are used with requests in some capacity, and the fourth group, concerning duke@1: the Interface Repository, is a category by itself. duke@1:

duke@1: Classes Created by an ORB

duke@1: The first group contains classes that are created by an ORB and contain duke@1: information used in request operations. duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Classes That Deal with Requests

duke@1: The second group of classes deals with requests: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Interfaces That Serve as Constants

duke@1: The third group contains interfaces that serve as constants. The IDL-to-Java duke@1: mapping mandates that IDL enums are mapped to a Java class with the enumerated duke@1: values represented as public static final fields in that class (e.g. duke@1: DefinitionKind). duke@1: On the other hand IDL constants defined outside of an IDL interface are duke@1: mapped to a Java interface for each constant. duke@1: duke@1:

This is why several interfaces in the org.omg.CORBA package duke@1: consist of a single field, value, which is a short. This duke@1: field is a constant used for such things as an error code or value modifier. duke@1: For example, the value field of the interface BAD_POLICY duke@1: is one of the possible reasons for the exception PolicyError to duke@1: be thrown. To specify this error code, you would use BAD_POLICY.value. duke@1: duke@1:

The exception PolicyError uses the value field of duke@1: the following interfaces as its possible error codes. duke@1:

duke@1: The method TypeCode.type_modifier returns the value field duke@1: of one of the following interfaces. The VM in the names of these duke@1: interfaces stands for "value modifier." duke@1: duke@1: The following constants are returned by a ValueMember object's duke@1: access method to denote the visibility of the ValueMember object. duke@1: duke@1: These flags, used in NamedValue objects or as parameters to methods, duke@1: are defined in the following interfaces: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Interface Repository Interfaces and Classes

duke@1: A fourth group contains the Interface Repository interfaces and classes, duke@1: which are generated by the idlj compiler from the OMG IDL duke@1: interface ir.idl. The purpose of the Interface Repository is to duke@1: identify the interfaces stored in it so that they can be accessed by an duke@1: ORB. Each module, type, interface, attribute, operation, parameter, exception, duke@1: constant, and so on is described completely by the Interface Repository duke@1: API. duke@1: duke@1:

An ORB does not require that there be an interface repository, and Java duke@1: IDL does not include one. Even though this release does not include an duke@1: implementation of an interface repository, the following IR classes and duke@1: interfaces have been included for the purpose of creating typecodes (see duke@1: create_value_tc, create_struct_tc, create_union_tc and create_exception_tc duke@1: methods in interface org.omg.CORBA.ORB): duke@1:
&nbs duke@1:

duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Related Documentation

duke@1: For overviews, guides, and a tutorial, please see: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:


duke@1: CORBA Features Not Implemented in Java IDL

duke@1: duke@1:

Some of the API included in org.omg subpackages is provided for duke@1: conformance with the current OMG CORBA specification but is not implemented duke@1: in Sun's release of the JDKTM. This enables duke@1: other JDK licensees to provide implementations of this API in standard duke@1: extensions and products. duke@1: duke@1:


Features That Throw NO_IMPLEMENT

duke@1: duke@1:

Some of the API included in org.omg subpackages throw duke@1: NO_IMPLEMENT exceptions for various reasons. Among these reasons duke@1: are: duke@1:


duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: General Summary of Features or API Not Implemented in This Release:

duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Specific List of Unimplemented Features in Package org.omg.CORBA

duke@1: duke@1: duke@1:

duke@1: Unimplemented Methods in package org.omg.CORBA:

duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: @since JDK1.2 duke@1: @serial exclude duke@1: duke@1: