duke@1: # ohair@158: # Copyright (c) 2000, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. duke@1: # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. duke@1: # duke@1: # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it duke@1: # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as ohair@158: # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this duke@1: # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided ohair@158: # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. duke@1: # duke@1: # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT duke@1: # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or duke@1: # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License duke@1: # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that duke@1: # accompanied this code). duke@1: # duke@1: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version duke@1: # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, duke@1: # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. duke@1: # ohair@158: # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA ohair@158: # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any ohair@158: # questions. duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: BUILDDIR = ../../.. duke@1: duke@1: PACKAGE = org.omg duke@1: PRODUCT = org duke@1: duke@1: include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Defs.gmk duke@1: duke@1: # duke@1: # Files duke@1: # duke@1: CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY=$(TOPDIR)/make/com/sun/corba/minclude/ duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_PortableServer.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_DynamicAny.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_CosNaming.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_IOP.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_Messaging.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_CORBAX.jmk duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_PortableInterceptor.jmk duke@1: duke@1: ifdef STANDALONE_CORBA_WS duke@1: include $(CORBA_JMK_DIRECTORY)org_omg_CosTransactions.jmk duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # duke@1: # Rules duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: ifdef STANDALONE_CORBA_WS duke@1: build: poa.compile iop.compile corbax.compile messaging.compile pi.compile dynany.compile ns.compile tr.compile duke@1: clean clobber:: pi.clean iop.clean corbax.clean messaging.clean poa.clean dynany.clean ns.clean tr.clean duke@1: else duke@1: build: poa.compile iop.compile corbax.compile messaging.compile pi.compile ns.compile dynany.compile duke@1: clean clobber:: iop.clean corbax.clean messaging.clean pi.clean poa.clean ns.clean dynany.clean duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: # duke@1: # These rules are for compiling/cleaning the POA generated stuff duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: SRC_DIR = $(SHARE_SRC)/classes duke@1: CORBA_IDL_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableServer duke@1: duke@1: # IDL Files duke@1: duke@1: POA.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableServer/poa.idl duke@1: DYNAMIC_ANY.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/DynamicAny/DynamicAny.idl duke@1: COSTRANSACTIONS.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/CosTransactions/CosTransactions.idl duke@1: COSTSINTEROP.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/CosTransactions/CosTSInteroperation.idl duke@1: NAMESERVICE.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/CosNaming/nameservice.idl duke@1: # The following 4 files are for Portable Interceptors duke@1: IOP.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IOP.idl duke@1: CORBAX.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CORBAX.idl duke@1: MESSAGING.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Messaging.idl duke@1: INTERCEPTORS.IDL = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptors.idl duke@1: duke@1: # IDL Directories duke@1: duke@1: POAFILEDIR = $(GENSRCDIR)/org/omg/PortableServer duke@1: POASRCDIR = $(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableServer duke@1: DYNANY_DIR = $(GENSRCDIR)/org/omg/DynamicAny duke@1: NAMESERVICEDIR = $(GENSRCDIR)/org/omg/CosNaming duke@1: INTERCEPTORSDIR = $(GENSRCDIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor duke@1: duke@1: # POA files and Rules duke@1: duke@1: POAGENERATEDFILES = $(POA_GENERATED_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: POAHELHOLFILES = $(POA_GENERATED_HELP_HOL_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: $(POAGENERATEDFILES):: $(POA.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableServer" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix PortableServer org.omg $(POA.IDL) duke@1: $(RM) -r $(POAHELHOLFILES) duke@1: duke@1: poa.compile: $(POAGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: poa.clean: duke@1: $(RM) -r $(POAFILEDIR) duke@1: duke@1: # DynAny Files and Rules duke@1: duke@1: DYNANY_IDLJ_FLAGS=-i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/CORBA" -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix DynamicAny org.omg duke@1: duke@1: DYNANYFILES = $(DYNANY_GENERATED_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: DYNANYDELETEFILES = $(DYNANY_TO_DELETE_FILES:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: # Generating and deleting unused files to reduce images size duke@1: $(DYNANYFILES): $(DYNAMIC_ANY.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(DYNANY_IDLJ_FLAGS) $(DYNAMIC_ANY.IDL) duke@1: $(RM) $(DYNANY_DIR)/*POA* duke@1: $(RM) $(DYNANY_DIR)/*Holder* duke@1: $(RM) $(DYNANYDELETEFILES) duke@1: duke@1: dynany.compile: $(DYNANYFILES) duke@1: duke@1: dynany.clean: duke@1: $(RM) -r $(DYNANY_DIR) duke@1: duke@1: # CosTransactions Files duke@1: TRGENERATEDFILES = $(TR_GENERATED_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: TR_IDLJ_FLAGS =-i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableServer" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/CosTransactions" duke@1: duke@1: $(TRGENERATEDFILES):: $(COSTRANSACTIONS.IDL) $(COSTSINTEROP.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg -pkgPrefix CosTransactions org.omg $(COSTRANSACTIONS.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg -pkgPrefix CosTSInteroperation org.omg $(COSTSINTEROP.IDL) duke@1: # $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg $(TRANSACTIONS.IDL) duke@1: # $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fallTIE -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg $(TRANSACTIONS.IDL) duke@1: # $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fall -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg $(TRANSACTIONS.IDL) duke@1: # $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" $(TR_IDLJ_FLAGS) -D CORBA3 -corba 3.0 -fallTIE -pkgPrefix CORBA org.omg $(TRANSACTIONS.IDL) duke@1: duke@1: tr.compile: $(TRGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: tr.clean: duke@1: $(RM) -f $(TRGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: #CosNaming Files duke@1: NSGENERATEDFILES = $(NS_GENERATED_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: # Compile NameService IDL file and then copy duke@1: # _NamingContextImplBase.java and _BindingIteratorImplBase.java files duke@1: # to GENSRC directory. Note that these two classes are deprecated. duke@1: $(NSGENERATEDFILES): $(NAMESERVICE.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i $(NAMESERVICEDIR) -fall -pkgPrefix CosNaming org.omg $(NAMESERVICE.IDL) duke@1: duke@1: ns.compile: $(NSGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: ns.clean: duke@1: $(RM) -f $(NSGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: #IOP compile duke@1: IOPGENERATEDFILES = $(IOP_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: IOPDELETEFILES = $(IOP_TO_DELETE_FILES:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: $(IOPGENERATEDFILES):: $(IOP.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -i $(CORBA_IDL_DIR) -fall -corba 3.0 -D CORBA3 -pkgPrefix IOP org.omg $(IOP.IDL) duke@1: $(RM) -r $(IOPDELETEFILES) duke@1: duke@1: iop.compile: $(IOPGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: iop.clean: duke@1: $(RM) $(IOPGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: #CORBAX compile duke@1: CORBAXGENERATEDFILES = $(CORBA_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: CORBAXDUPLICATEFILES = $(CORBA_DUPLICATE_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: $(CORBAXGENERATEDFILES):: $(CORBAX.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -i $(CORBA_IDL_DIR) -fall -corba 3.0 $(CORBAX.IDL) duke@1: $(RM) $(CORBAXDUPLICATEFILES) duke@1: duke@1: corbax.compile: $(CORBAXGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: corbax.clean: duke@1: $(RM) $(CORBAXGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: #Messaging compile duke@1: MESSAGINGGENERATEDFILES = $(Messaging_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: $(MESSAGINGGENERATEDFILES):: $(MESSAGING.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -i $(CORBA_IDL_DIR) -fall -corba 3.0 -pkgPrefix Messaging org.omg $(MESSAGING.IDL) duke@1: duke@1: messaging.compile: $(MESSAGINGGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: messaging.clean: duke@1: $(RM) $(MESSAGINGGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: #PortableInterceptor Files duke@1: PIGENERATEDFILES = $(PI_GENERATED_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: PIHELHOLFILES = $(PI_GENERATED_HELP_HOL_java:%=$(GENSRCDIR)/%) duke@1: duke@1: $(PIGENERATEDFILES):: $(INTERCEPTORS.IDL) duke@1: $(IDLJ) -td "$(GENSRCDIR)" -i "$(SRC_DIR)/org/omg/PortableInterceptor" -i $(CORBA_IDL_DIR) -fall -pkgPrefix PortableInterceptor org.omg -pkgPrefix Dynamic org.omg -pkgPrefix IOP org.omg -corba 3.0 -D CORBA3 $(INTERCEPTORS.IDL) duke@1: $(RM) $(PIHELHOLFILES) duke@1: duke@1: pi.compile: $(PIGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: pi.clean: duke@1: $(RM) -f $(PIGENERATEDFILES) duke@1: duke@1: duke@1: ifdef STANDALONE_CORBA_WS duke@1: .PHONY : poa.compile poa.clean iop.compile iop.clean messaging.compile messaging.clean corbax.compile corbax.clean pi.compile pi.clean dynany.clean dynany.compile ns.compile ns.clean tr.compile tr.clean duke@1: else duke@1: .PHONY : poa.compile poa.clean iop.compile iop.clean messaging.compile messaging.clean corbax.compile corbax.clean pi.compile pi.clean ns.compile ns.clean dynany.clean dynany.compile duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: include $(BUILDDIR)/common/Rules.gmk