duke@1: # ohair@158: # Copyright (c) 2005, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. duke@1: # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. duke@1: # duke@1: # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it duke@1: # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as ohair@158: # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this duke@1: # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided ohair@158: # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. duke@1: # duke@1: # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT duke@1: # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or duke@1: # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License duke@1: # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that duke@1: # accompanied this code). duke@1: # duke@1: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version duke@1: # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, duke@1: # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. duke@1: # ohair@158: # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA ohair@158: # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any ohair@158: # questions. duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: # duke@1: # Definitions for Windows. duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: # Default for COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL on Windows (C++ compiler warnings) duke@1: # Level: Default is 3, 0 means none, 4 is the most but may be unreliable duke@1: # Some makefiles may have set this to 0 to turn off warnings completely, duke@1: # which also effectively creates a COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL=false situation. duke@1: # Windows 64bit platforms are less likely to be warning free. duke@1: # Historically, Windows 32bit builds should be mostly warning free. duke@1: ifndef COMPILER_WARNING_LEVEL duke@1: COMPILER_WARNING_LEVEL=3 duke@1: endif duke@1: ifndef COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL duke@1: COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL=false duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # Windows should use parallel compilation for best build times duke@1: ifndef COMPILE_APPROACH duke@1: COMPILE_APPROACH = normal duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # Indication that we are doing an incremental build. duke@1: # This may trigger the creation of make depend files. duke@1: # (This may not be working on windows yet, always force to false.) duke@1: override INCREMENTAL_BUILD = false duke@1: duke@1: # WARNING: This is extremely touch stuff, between CYGWIN vs. MKS and all duke@1: # variations of MKS and CYGWIN releases, and 32bit vs 64bit, duke@1: # this file can give you nightmares. duke@1: # duke@1: # Notes: duke@1: # Keep all paths in the windows "mixed" style except CYGWIN UNXIXCOMMAND_PATH. duke@1: # Use of PrefixPath is critical, some variables must end with / (see NOTE). duke@1: # Use of quotes is critical due to possible spaces in paths coming from duke@1: # the environment variables, be careful. duke@1: # First convert \ to / with subst, keep it quoted due to blanks, then duke@1: # use cygpath -s or dosname -s to get the short non-blank name. duke@1: # If the MKS is old and doesn't have a dosname -s, you will be forced duke@1: # to set ALT variables with the short non-space directory names. duke@1: # If dosname doesn't appear to work, we won't use it. duke@1: # The dosname utility also wants to accept stdin if it is not supplied duke@1: # any path on the command line, this is really dangerous when using duke@1: # make variables that can easily become empty, so I use: duke@1: # echo $1 | dosname -s instead of dosname -s $1 duke@1: # to prevent dosname from hanging up the make process when $1 is empty. duke@1: # The cygpath utility does not have this problem. duke@1: # The ALT values should never really have spaces or use \. duke@1: # Suspect these environment variables to have spaces and/or \ characters: duke@1: # SYSTEMROOT, SystemRoot, WINDIR, windir, PROGRAMFILES, ProgramFiles, ohair@194: # VC71COMNTOOLS, duke@1: # MSVCDIR, MSVCDir. duke@1: # So use $(subst \,/,) on them first adding quotes and placing them in duke@1: # their own variable assigned with :=, then use FullPath. duke@1: # duke@1: duke@1: # Use FullPath to get C:/ style non-spaces path. Never ends with a /! duke@1: ifdef USING_CYGWIN duke@1: # We assume cygpath is available in the search path duke@1: # NOTE: Use of 'pwd' with CYGWIN will not get you a mixed style path! duke@1: CYGPATH_CMD=cygpath -a -s -m duke@1: define FullPath duke@1: $(shell $(CYGPATH_CMD) $1 2> $(DEV_NULL)) duke@1: endef duke@1: define OptFullPath duke@1: $(shell if [ "$1" != "" -a -d "$1" ]; then $(CYGPATH_CMD) "$1"; else echo "$1"; fi) duke@1: endef duke@1: else duke@1: # Temporary until we upgrade to MKS 8.7, MKS pwd returns mixed mode path duke@1: define FullPath duke@1: $(shell cd $1 2> $(DEV_NULL) && pwd) duke@1: endef duke@1: define OptFullPath duke@1: $(shell if [ "$1" != "" -a -d "$1" ]; then (cd $1 && pwd); else echo "$1"; fi) duke@1: endef duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # System drive duke@1: ifdef SYSTEMDRIVE duke@1: _system_drive =$(SYSTEMDRIVE) duke@1: else duke@1: ifdef SystemDrive duke@1: _system_drive =$(SystemDrive) duke@1: endif duke@1: endif duke@1: _system_drive:=$(call CheckValue,_system_drive,C:) duke@1: duke@1: # UNIXCOMMAND_PATH: path to where the most common Unix commands are. duke@1: # NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage. ohair@114: ifndef UNIXCOMMAND_PATH ohair@114: ifdef ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH ohair@114: xALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH))" ohair@114: fxALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)) ohair@114: UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)) duke@1: else ohair@114: ifdef USING_CYGWIN ohair@114: UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,/usr/bin) duke@1: else ohair@114: ifdef ROOTDIR ohair@114: xROOTDIR :="$(subst \,/,$(ROOTDIR))" ohair@114: _rootdir :=$(call FullPath,$(xROOTDIR)) ohair@114: else ohair@114: xROOTDIR :="$(_system_drive)/mksnt" ohair@114: _rootdir :=$(call FullPath,$(xROOTDIR)) ohair@114: endif ohair@114: ifneq ($(_rootdir),) ohair@114: UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(_rootdir)/mksnt) ohair@114: endif duke@1: endif duke@1: endif ohair@114: UNIXCOMMAND_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,UNIXCOMMAND_PATH) ohair@114: export UNIXCOMMAND_PATH duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # Get version of MKS or CYGWIN duke@1: ifdef USING_CYGWIN ohair@114: ifndef CYGWIN_VER ohair@114: _CYGWIN_VER :=$(shell $(UNAME)) ohair@114: CYGWIN_VER :=$(call GetVersion,$(_CYGWIN_VER)) ohair@114: export CYGWIN_VER ohair@114: endif duke@1: else # MKS duke@1: _MKS_VER :=$(shell $(MKSINFO) 2>&1 | $(GREP) Release | $(TAIL) -1 | $(SED) -e 's@.*\(Release.*\)@\1@') duke@1: MKS_VER :=$(call GetVersion,$(_MKS_VER)) duke@1: # At this point, we can re-define FullPath to use DOSNAME_CMD duke@1: CHECK_MKS87:=$(call CheckVersions,$(MKS_VER),8.7) duke@1: TRY_DOSNAME:=false duke@1: ifeq ($(CHECK_MKS87),same) duke@1: TRY_DOSNAME:=true duke@1: endif duke@1: # Newer should be ok duke@1: ifeq ($(CHECK_MKS87),newer) duke@1: TRY_DOSNAME:=true duke@1: endif duke@1: ifeq ($(TRY_DOSNAME),true) duke@1: ifeq ($(shell $(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)dosname -s $(_system_drive)/ 2> $(DEV_NULL)),$(_system_drive)/) duke@1: _DOSNAME=$(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)dosname duke@1: DOSNAME_CMD:=$(_DOSNAME) -s duke@1: define FullPath duke@1: $(subst //,/,$(shell echo $1 | $(DOSNAME_CMD) 2> $(DEV_NULL))) duke@1: endef duke@1: endif # test dosname -s duke@1: endif # TRY_DOSNAME duke@1: endif # MKS duke@1: duke@1: # We try to get references to what we need via the default component duke@1: # environment variables, or what was used historically. duke@1: duke@1: # Process Windows values into FullPath values, these paths may have \ chars duke@1: ohair@114: # Program Files directory ohair@114: ifndef SHORTPROGRAMFILES ohair@114: ifdef PROGRAMFILES ohair@114: xPROGRAMFILES :="$(subst \,/,$(PROGRAMFILES))" duke@1: else ohair@114: ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) ohair@114: xPROGRAMFILES :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files" duke@1: else ohair@114: xPROGRAMFILES :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files (x86)" duke@1: endif duke@1: endif duke@1: ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) ohair@114: SHORTPROGRAMFILES :=$(call FullPath,$(xPROGRAMFILES)) duke@1: else ohair@114: ifdef PROGRAMW6432 ohair@114: xPROGRAMW6432 :="$(subst \,/,$(PROGRAMW6432))" ohair@114: else ohair@114: xPROGRAMW6432 :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files" ohair@114: endif ohair@114: SHORTPROGRAMFILES :=$(call FullPath,$(xPROGRAMW6432)) duke@1: endif ohair@114: ifneq ($(word 1,$(SHORTPROGRAMFILES)),$(SHORTPROGRAMFILES)) ohair@114: SHORTPROGRAMFILES := duke@1: endif ohair@114: export SHORTPROGRAMFILES duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # Location on system where jdk installs might be ohair@114: ifneq ($(SHORTPROGRAMFILES),) ohair@114: USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH =$(SHORTPROGRAMFILES)/Java duke@1: else duke@1: USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH =$(_system_drive)/ duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # SLASH_JAVA: location of all network accessable files ohair@114: ifndef SLASH_JAVA ohair@114: ifdef ALT_SLASH_JAVA ohair@114: xALT_SLASH_JAVA :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_SLASH_JAVA))" ohair@114: SLASH_JAVA :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_SLASH_JAVA)) duke@1: else ohair@114: ifdef ALT_JDK_JAVA_DRIVE ohair@114: SLASH_JAVA =$(JDK_JAVA_DRIVE) ohair@114: else ohair@114: SLASH_JAVA =J: ohair@114: endif duke@1: endif ohair@114: SLASH_JAVA:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,SLASH_JAVA) ohair@114: SLASH_JAVA:=$(call AltCheckValue,SLASH_JAVA) ohair@114: export SLASH_JAVA duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR: common path for all the java devtools ohair@114: ifndef JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR ohair@114: ifdef ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR ohair@114: xALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR))" ohair@114: JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR)) ohair@114: else ohair@114: JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR =$(SLASH_JAVA)/devtools ohair@114: endif ohair@114: JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR) ohair@114: JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR:=$(call AltCheckValue,JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR) ohair@114: export JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # DEVTOOLS_PATH: for other tools required for building (such as zip, etc.) duke@1: # NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage. ohair@114: ifndef DEVTOOLS_PATH ohair@114: ifdef ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH ohair@114: xALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH))" ohair@114: fxALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH)) ohair@114: DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH)) duke@1: else ohair@114: ifdef USING_CYGWIN ohair@114: DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH) ohair@114: else ohair@114: xDEVTOOLS_PATH :="$(_system_drive)/utils" ohair@114: fxDEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xDEVTOOLS_PATH)) ohair@114: DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxDEVTOOLS_PATH)) ohair@114: endif duke@1: endif ohair@114: DEVTOOLS_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,DEVTOOLS_PATH) ohair@114: export DEVTOOLS_PATH duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # _BOOTDIR1: First choice for a Bootstrap JDK, previous released JDK. duke@1: # _BOOTDIR2: Second choice duke@1: ifndef ALT_BOOTDIR duke@1: _BOOTDIR1 =$(_system_drive)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) duke@1: _BOOTDIR2 =$(USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # Import JDK images allow for partial builds, components not built are duke@1: # imported (or copied from) these import areas when needed. duke@1: duke@1: # BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH: location of JDK install trees to import for duke@1: # multiple platforms, e.g. windows-i586, solaris-sparc, linux-586, etc. ohair@114: ifndef BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH ohair@114: ifdef ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH ohair@114: BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)) ohair@114: else ohair@114: BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = $(PROMOTED_BUILD_BINARIES) ohair@114: endif ohair@114: BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH) ohair@114: BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH) ohair@114: export BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH duke@1: endif duke@1: duke@1: # JDK_IMPORT_PATH: location of previously built JDK (this version) to import ohair@114: ifndef JDK_IMPORT_PATH ohair@114: ifdef ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH ohair@114: JDK_IMPORT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)) ohair@114: else ohair@114: JDK_IMPORT_PATH = $(BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)$(_JDK_IMPORT_VARIANT) ohair@114: endif ohair@114: JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,JDK_IMPORT_PATH) ohair@114: JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,JDK_IMPORT_PATH) ohair@114: export JDK_IMPORT_PATH duke@1: endif duke@1: