
Tue, 28 Dec 2010 15:52:36 -0800

Tue, 28 Dec 2010 15:52:36 -0800
changeset 240
parent 221
child 250

6962318: Update copyright year
Reviewed-by: xdono

     2 # Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4 #
     5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10 #
    11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15 # accompanied this code).
    16 #
    17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20 #
    21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
    23 # questions.
    24 #
    26 orbd.usage=Uso: {0} <options> \n\nem que <options> inclui:\n  -port                  porta de ativa\u00e7\u00e3o na qual o ORBD deve ser iniciado, padr\u00e3o 1049 (opcional)\n  -defaultdb             diret\u00f3rio dos arquivos ORBD, padr\u00e3o "./orb.db" (opcional)\n  -serverid              id do servidor para ORBD, padr\u00e3o 1 (opcional)\n  -ORBInitialPort        porta inicial (necess\u00e1rio)\n  -ORBInitialHost        nome de host inicial (necess\u00e1rio)\n
    28 servertool.usage=Uso: {0} <options> \n\nem que <options> inclui:\n  -ORBInitialPort        porta inicial (necess\u00e1rio)\n  -ORBInitialHost        nome de host inicial (necess\u00e1rio)\n
    29 servertool.banner=\n\nBem-vindo a ferramenta de servidor IDL Java \ninsira os comandos no prompt \n
    30 servertool.shorthelp=\n\n\tComandos dispon\u00edveis: \n\t------------------- \n
    31 servertool.baddef=Servidor mal definido: {0}
    32 servertool.nosuchserver=\tservidor n\u00e3o encontrado.
    33 servertool.helddown=\to servidor est\u00e1 em espera.
    34 servertool.nosuchorb=\tORB inv\u00e1lido.
    35 servertool.serverup=\to servidor j\u00e1 est\u00e1 ativo.
    36 servertool.appname=\tapplicationName     - {0}
    37\tname      - {0}
    38 servertool.classpath=\tclasspath - {0}
    39 servertool.args=\targs      - {0}
    40 servertool.vmargs=\tvmargs    - {0}
    41 servertool.serverid=\tserver id - {0}
    42 servertool.servernotrunning=\to servidor n\u00e3o est\u00e1 em execu\u00e7\u00e3o.
    43 servertool.register=\n\n\tregister -server <server class name> \n\t         -applicationName <alternate server name> \n\t         -classpath <classpath to server> \n\t         -args <args to server> \n\t         -vmargs <args to server Java VM>\n
    44 servertool.register1=registra um servidor ativ\u00e1vel
    45 servertool.register2=\tservidor registrado (serverid = {0}).
    46 servertool.register3=\tservidor registrado, mas em espera (serverid = {0}).
    47 servertool.register4=\tservidor j\u00e1 registrado (serverid = {0}).
    49 servertool.unregister=\n\tunregister [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] \n
    50 servertool.unregister1=cancela o registro de um servidor registrado
    51 servertool.unregister2=\tservidor n\u00e3o registrado.
    53 servertool.locate=\n\tlocate [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] [ <-endpointType <endpointType> ] \n
    54 servertool.locate1=localiza portas de tipo espec\u00edfico para um servidor registrado
    55 servertool.locate2=\n\n\tNome do host {0} \n\n\t\tPorta\t\tTipo de porta\t\tId do ORB\n\t\t----\t\t---------\t\t------\n
    56 servertool.locateorb=\n\tlocateperorb [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] [ -orbid <ORB name> ]\n
    57 servertool.locateorb1=localiza portas para um orb espec\u00edfico de servidor registrado
    58 servertool.locateorb2=\n\n\tNome do host {0} \n\n\t\tPorta\t\tTipo de porta\t\tId do ORB\n\t\t----\t\t--------\t\t------\n
    59 servertool.getserverid=\n\tgetserverid [ -applicationName <name> ] \n
    60 servertool.getserverid1=retorna o id do servidor de um applicationName
    61 servertool.getserverid2=\tID do servidor de applicationName {0} \u00e9 {1}
    63 servertool.list=\n\tlist\n
    64 servertool.list1=lista todos os servidores registrados
    65 servertool.list2=\n\tId do servidor\tNome de classe do servidor\t\tAplicativo do servidor\n\t---------\t-----------------\t\t------------------\n
    66 servertool.listactive=\n\tlistactive
    67 servertool.listactive1=lista os servidores atualmente ativos
    68 servertool.listappnames=\tlistappnames\n
    69 servertool.listappnames1=lista os applicationNames atualmente definidos
    70 servertool.listappnames2=applicationNames do servidor atualmente definidos:
    72 servertool.shutdown=\n\tshutdown [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n
    73 servertool.shutdown1=desliga um servidor registrado
    74 servertool.shutdown2=\tservidor desligado com \u00eaxito.
    75 servertool.startserver=\n\tstartup [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n
    76 servertool.startserver1=inicia um servidor registrado
    77 servertool.startserver2=\tservidor iniciado com \u00eaxito.
    79 servertool.quit=\n\tquit\n
    80 servertool.quit1=sai desta ferramenta
    82\thelp\n\tOR\n\thelp <command name>\n
    83 servertool.help1=obt\u00e9m ajuda
    85 servertool.orbidmap=\tUso: orblist [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n
    86 servertool.orbidmap1=lista de nomes de orb e seus mapeamentos
    87 servertool.orbidmap2=\n\tId de ORB\t\tNome de ORB\n\t------\t\t--------\n
    88 pnameserv.success=NameServer persistente iniciado com \u00eaxito
    91 bootstrap.usage=Uso: {0} <options> \n\nem que <options> inclui:\n  -ORBInitialPort        porta inicial (necess\u00e1rio)\n  -InitialServicesFile   arquivo que cont\u00e9m a lista de servi\u00e7os iniciais (necess\u00e1rio)\n
    92 bootstrap.success=configurando porta para {0} e lendo servi\u00e7os de {1}
    93 bootstrap.filenotreadable=o arquivo {0} n\u00e3o \u00e9 leg\u00edvel
    94 bootstrap.filenotfound=arquivo {0} n\u00e3o encontrado
    95 bootstrap.exception=exce\u00e7\u00e3o capturada ao salvar as propriedades no arquivo {0}: Exce\u00e7\u00e3o {1}
    97 tnameserv.exception=uma exce\u00e7\u00e3o capturada ao iniciar o servi\u00e7o de inicializa\u00e7\u00e3o na porta {0}
    98 tnameserv.usage=tente usar outra porta com os argumentos de linha de comando -ORBInitialPort <portno>
    99 tnameserv.invalidhostoption=ORBInitialHost n\u00e3o \u00e9 uma op\u00e7\u00e3o v\u00e1lida para NameService
   100 tnameserv.orbinitialport0=ORBInitialPort 0 n\u00e3o \u00e9 uma op\u00e7\u00e3o v\u00e1lida para NameService
   101 tnameserv.hs1=Contexto de nomea\u00e7\u00e3o inicial:\n{0}
   102 tnameserv.hs2=TransientNameServer: definindo porta para as refer\u00eancias de objeto iniciais: {0}
   103 tnameserv.hs3=Pronto.
   105 orbd.commfailure=\nFalha ao iniciar ORBD porque ORBinitialPort j\u00e1 est\u00e1 em uso
   106 orbd.internalexception=\nFalha ao iniciar ORBD devido a uma exce\u00e7\u00e3o interna. \nPoss\u00edveis causas: \n1. ORBInitialPort especificado ou ORBActivationPort j\u00e1 em uso \n2. Sem permiss\u00e3o de grava\u00e7\u00e3o para gravar orb.db 
