
Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:10:36 +0800

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:10:36 +0800
changeset 748
parent 158
parent 0


     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    26 package ;
    28 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    29 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    30 import ;
    31 import ;
    32 import ;
    33 import ;
    34 import java.util.Collection ;
    35 import java.util.Iterator ;
    37 import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus ;
    38 import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueFactory ;
    40 import ;
    41 import;
    43 import ;
    44 import ;
    45 import ;
    46 import ;
    47 import ;
    49 import ;
    50 import ;
    51 import ;
    53 import ;
    54 import;
    55 import ;
    57 import ;
    59 import;
    61 import ;
    63 import ;
    64 import ;
    65 import ;
    67 import ;
    68 import ;
    69 import ;
    70 import ;
    71 import ;
    72 import ;
    73 import ;
    74 import ;
    76 import ;
    77 import ;
    79 import ;
    80 import ;
    81 import ;
    82 import ;
    84 import ;
    85 import ;
    86 import ;
    88 import;
    89 import;
    90 import;
    91 import ;
    93 import ;
    94 import ;
    96 import ;
    97 import ;
    98 import ;
    99 import ;
   100 import ;
   101 import ;
   102 import ;
   103 import ;
   104 import;
   106 // XXX This should go away once we get rid of the port exchange for ORBD
   107 import;
   108 import;
   109 import;
   110 import;
   112 // XXX These should move to SPI
   113 import ;
   115 // XXX This needs an SPI
   116 import ;
   118 public class ORBConfiguratorImpl implements ORBConfigurator {
   119     private ORBUtilSystemException wrapper ;
   121     public static class ConfigParser extends ParserImplBase {
   122         public Class[] userConfigurators = null ;
   124         public PropertyParser makeParser()
   125         {
   126             PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser() ;
   127             Operation action = OperationFactory.compose(
   128                 OperationFactory.suffixAction(),
   129                 OperationFactory.classAction()
   130             ) ;
   131             parser.addPrefix( ORBConstants.SUN_PREFIX + "ORBUserConfigurators",
   132                 action, "userConfigurators", Class.class ) ;
   133             return parser ;
   134         }
   135     }
   137     public void configure( DataCollector collector, ORB orb )
   138     {
   139         ORB theOrb = orb ;
   140         wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb, CORBALogDomains.ORB_LIFECYCLE ) ;
   142         initObjectCopiers( theOrb ) ;
   143         initIORFinders( theOrb ) ;
   145         theOrb.setClientDelegateFactory(
   146             // REVISIT: this should be ProtocolDefault.
   147             TransportDefault.makeClientDelegateFactory( theOrb )) ;
   149         initializeTransport(theOrb) ;
   151         initializeNaming( theOrb ) ;
   152         initServiceContextRegistry( theOrb ) ;
   153         initRequestDispatcherRegistry( theOrb ) ;
   154         registerInitialReferences( theOrb ) ;
   156         persistentServerInitialization( theOrb ) ;
   158         runUserConfigurators( collector, theOrb ) ;
   159     }
   161     private void runUserConfigurators( DataCollector collector, ORB orb )
   162     {
   163         // Run any pluggable configurators.  This is a lot like
   164         // ORBInitializers, only it uses the internal ORB and has
   165         // access to all data for parsing.
   166         ConfigParser parser = new ConfigParser()  ;
   167         parser.init( collector ) ;
   168         if (parser.userConfigurators != null) {
   169             for (int ctr=0; ctr<parser.userConfigurators.length; ctr++) {
   170                 Class cls = parser.userConfigurators[ctr] ;
   171                 try {
   172                     ORBConfigurator config = (ORBConfigurator)(cls.newInstance()) ;
   173                     config.configure( collector, orb ) ;
   174                 } catch (Exception exc) {
   175                     // XXX Log this exception
   176                     // ignore this for now: a bad user configurator does nothing
   177                 }
   178             }
   179         }
   180     }
   182     private void persistentServerInitialization( ORB orb )
   183     {
   184         ORBData data = orb.getORBData() ;
   186         // determine the ORBD port so that persistent objrefs can be
   187         // created.
   188         if (data.getServerIsORBActivated()) {
   189             try {
   190                 Locator locator = LocatorHelper.narrow(
   191                     orb.resolve_initial_references(
   192                         ORBConstants.SERVER_LOCATOR_NAME )) ;
   193                 Activator activator = ActivatorHelper.narrow(
   194                     orb.resolve_initial_references(
   195                         ORBConstants.SERVER_ACTIVATOR_NAME )) ;
   196                 Collection serverEndpoints =
   197                     orb.getCorbaTransportManager().getAcceptors(null, null);
   198                 EndPointInfo[] endpointList =
   199                     new EndPointInfo[serverEndpoints.size()];
   200                 Iterator iterator = serverEndpoints.iterator();
   201                 int i = 0 ;
   202                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   203                     Object n =;
   204                     if (! (n instanceof LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo)) {
   205                         continue;
   206                     }
   207                     LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo ep =
   208                         (LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo) n;
   209                     // REVISIT - use exception instead of -1.
   210                     int port = locator.getEndpoint(ep.getType());
   211                     if (port == -1) {
   212                         port = locator.getEndpoint(SocketInfo.IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT);
   213                         if (port == -1) {
   214                             throw new Exception(
   215                                 "ORBD must support IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT");
   216                         }
   217                     }
   219                     ep.setLocatorPort(port);
   221                     endpointList[i++] =
   222                         new EndPointInfo(ep.getType(), ep.getPort());
   223                 }
   225                 activator.registerEndpoints(
   226                     data.getPersistentServerId(), data.getORBId(),
   227                         endpointList);
   228             } catch (Exception ex) {
   229                 throw wrapper.persistentServerInitError(
   230                     CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE, ex ) ;
   231             }
   232         }
   233     }
   235     /**
   236      * This is made somewhat complex because we are currently supporting
   237      * the ContactInfoList/Acceptor *AND* the legacy SocketFactory
   238      * transport architecture.
   239      */
   240     private void initializeTransport(final ORB orb)
   241     {
   242         ORBData od = orb.getORBData();
   244         CorbaContactInfoListFactory contactInfoListFactory =
   245             od.getCorbaContactInfoListFactory();
   246         Acceptor[] acceptors = od.getAcceptors();
   248         // BEGIN Legacy
   249         ORBSocketFactory legacySocketFactory = od.getLegacySocketFactory();
   250         USLPort[] uslPorts = od.getUserSpecifiedListenPorts() ;
   251         setLegacySocketFactoryORB(orb, legacySocketFactory);
   252         // END Legacy
   254         //
   255         // Check for incorrect configuration.
   256         //
   258         if (legacySocketFactory != null && contactInfoListFactory != null) {
   259             throw wrapper.socketFactoryAndContactInfoListAtSameTime();
   260         }
   262         if (acceptors.length != 0 && legacySocketFactory != null) {
   263             throw wrapper.acceptorsAndLegacySocketFactoryAtSameTime();
   264         }
   267         //
   268         // Client and Server side setup.
   269         //
   271         od.getSocketFactory().setORB(orb);
   273         //
   274         // Set up client side.
   275         //
   277         if (legacySocketFactory != null) {
   278             // BEGIN Legacy
   279             // Since the user specified a legacy socket factory we need to
   280             // use a ContactInfoList that will use the legacy socket factory.
   281             contactInfoListFactory =
   282                 new CorbaContactInfoListFactory() {
   283                         public void setORB(ORB orb) { }
   284                         public CorbaContactInfoList create( IOR ior ) {
   285                             return new SocketFactoryContactInfoListImpl(
   286                                 orb, ior);
   287                         }
   288                     };
   289             // END Legacy
   290         } else if (contactInfoListFactory != null) {
   291             // The user specified an explicit ContactInfoListFactory.
   292             contactInfoListFactory.setORB(orb);
   293         } else {
   294             // Use the default.
   295             contactInfoListFactory =
   296                 TransportDefault.makeCorbaContactInfoListFactory(orb);
   297         }
   298         orb.setCorbaContactInfoListFactory(contactInfoListFactory);
   300         //
   301         // Set up server side.
   302         //
   304         //
   305         // Maybe allocate the Legacy default listener.
   306         //
   307         // If old legacy properties set, or there are no explicit
   308         // acceptors then register a default listener.  Type of
   309         // default listener depends on presence of legacy socket factory.
   310         //
   311         // Note: this must happen *BEFORE* registering explicit acceptors.
   312         //
   314         // BEGIN Legacy
   315         int port = -1;
   316         if (od.getORBServerPort() != 0) {
   317             port = od.getORBServerPort();
   318         } else if (od.getPersistentPortInitialized()) {
   319             port = od.getPersistentServerPort();
   320         } else if (acceptors.length == 0) {
   321             port = 0;
   322         }
   323         if (port != -1) {
   324             createAndRegisterAcceptor(orb, legacySocketFactory, port,
   325                         LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT,
   326                         SocketInfo.IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT);
   327         }
   328         // END Legacy
   330         for (int i = 0; i < acceptors.length; i++) {
   331             orb.getCorbaTransportManager().registerAcceptor(acceptors[i]);
   332         }
   334         // BEGIN Legacy
   335         // Allocate user listeners.
   336         USLPort[] ports = od.getUserSpecifiedListenPorts() ;
   337         if (ports != null) {
   338             for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
   339                 createAndRegisterAcceptor(
   340                     orb, legacySocketFactory, ports[i].getPort(),
   341                     LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo.NO_NAME,
   342                     ports[i].getType());
   343             }
   344         }
   345         // END Legacy
   346     }
   348     /*
   349      * Legacy: name.
   350      */
   351     // REVISIT: see ORBD. make factory in TransportDefault.
   352     private void createAndRegisterAcceptor(ORB orb,
   353                                            ORBSocketFactory legacySocketFactory,
   354                                            int port, String name, String type)
   355     {
   356         Acceptor acceptor;
   357         if (legacySocketFactory == null) {
   358             acceptor =
   359                 new SocketOrChannelAcceptorImpl(orb, port, name, type);
   360         } else {
   361             acceptor =
   362                 new SocketFactoryAcceptorImpl(orb, port, name, type);
   363         }
   364         orb.getTransportManager().registerAcceptor(acceptor);
   365     }
   367     private void setLegacySocketFactoryORB(
   368         final ORB orb, final ORBSocketFactory legacySocketFactory)
   369     {
   370         if (legacySocketFactory == null) {
   371             return;
   372         }
   374         // Note: the createServerSocket and createSocket methods on the
   375         // DefaultSocketFactory need to get data from the ORB but
   376         // we cannot change the interface.  So set the ORB (if it's ours)
   377         // by reflection.
   379         try {
   380             AccessController.doPrivileged(
   381                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
   382                     public Object run()
   383                         throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
   384                     {
   385                         try {
   386                             Class[] params = { ORB.class };
   387                             Method method =
   388                                 legacySocketFactory.getClass().getMethod(
   389                                   "setORB", params);
   390                             Object[] args = { orb };
   391                             method.invoke(legacySocketFactory, args);
   392                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
   393                             // NOTE: If there is no method then it
   394                             // is not ours - so ignore it.
   395                             ;
   396                         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
   397                             RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException();
   398                             rte.initCause(e);
   399                             throw rte;
   400                         } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
   401                             RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException();
   402                             rte.initCause(e);
   403                             throw rte;
   404                         }
   405                         return null;
   406                     }
   407                 }
   408             );
   409         } catch (Throwable t) {
   410             throw wrapper.unableToSetSocketFactoryOrb(t);
   411         }
   412     }
   414     private void initializeNaming( ORB orb )
   415     {
   416         LocalResolver localResolver = ResolverDefault.makeLocalResolver() ;
   417         orb.setLocalResolver( localResolver ) ;
   419         Resolver bootResolver = ResolverDefault.makeBootstrapResolver( orb,
   420             orb.getORBData().getORBInitialHost(),
   421             orb.getORBData().getORBInitialPort() ) ;
   423         Operation urlOperation = ResolverDefault.makeINSURLOperation( orb,
   424             bootResolver ) ;
   425         orb.setURLOperation( urlOperation ) ;
   427         Resolver irResolver = ResolverDefault.makeORBInitRefResolver( urlOperation,
   428             orb.getORBData().getORBInitialReferences() ) ;
   430         Resolver dirResolver = ResolverDefault.makeORBDefaultInitRefResolver(
   431             urlOperation, orb.getORBData().getORBDefaultInitialReference() ) ;
   433         Resolver resolver =
   434             ResolverDefault.makeCompositeResolver( localResolver,
   435                 ResolverDefault.makeCompositeResolver( irResolver,
   436                     ResolverDefault.makeCompositeResolver( dirResolver,
   437                         bootResolver ) ) ) ;
   438         orb.setResolver( resolver ) ;
   439     }
   441     private void initServiceContextRegistry( ORB orb )
   442     {
   443         ServiceContextRegistry scr = orb.getServiceContextRegistry() ;
   445         scr.register( UEInfoServiceContext.class ) ;
   446         scr.register( CodeSetServiceContext.class ) ;
   447         scr.register( SendingContextServiceContext.class ) ;
   448         scr.register( ORBVersionServiceContext.class ) ;
   449         scr.register( MaxStreamFormatVersionServiceContext.class ) ;
   450     }
   452     private void registerInitialReferences( final ORB orb )
   453     {
   454         // Register the Dynamic Any factory
   455         Closure closure = new Closure() {
   456             public java.lang.Object evaluate() {
   457                 return new DynAnyFactoryImpl( orb ) ;
   458             }
   459         } ;
   461         Closure future = ClosureFactory.makeFuture( closure ) ;
   462         orb.getLocalResolver().register( ORBConstants.DYN_ANY_FACTORY_NAME,
   463             future ) ;
   464     }
   466     private static final int ORB_STREAM = 0 ;
   468     private void initObjectCopiers( ORB orb )
   469     {
   470         // No optimization or policy selection here.
   471         ObjectCopierFactory orbStream =
   472             CopyobjectDefaults.makeORBStreamObjectCopierFactory( orb ) ;
   474         CopierManager cm = orb.getCopierManager() ;
   475         cm.setDefaultId( ORB_STREAM ) ;
   477         cm.registerObjectCopierFactory( orbStream, ORB_STREAM ) ;
   478     }
   480     private void initIORFinders( ORB orb )
   481     {
   482         IdentifiableFactoryFinder profFinder =
   483             orb.getTaggedProfileFactoryFinder() ;
   484         profFinder.registerFactory( IIOPFactories.makeIIOPProfileFactory() ) ;
   486         IdentifiableFactoryFinder profTempFinder =
   487             orb.getTaggedProfileTemplateFactoryFinder() ;
   488         profTempFinder.registerFactory(
   489             IIOPFactories.makeIIOPProfileTemplateFactory() ) ;
   491         IdentifiableFactoryFinder compFinder =
   492             orb.getTaggedComponentFactoryFinder() ;
   493         compFinder.registerFactory(
   494             IIOPFactories.makeCodeSetsComponentFactory() ) ;
   495         compFinder.registerFactory(
   496             IIOPFactories.makeJavaCodebaseComponentFactory() ) ;
   497         compFinder.registerFactory(
   498             IIOPFactories.makeORBTypeComponentFactory() ) ;
   499         compFinder.registerFactory(
   500             IIOPFactories.makeMaxStreamFormatVersionComponentFactory() ) ;
   501         compFinder.registerFactory(
   502             IIOPFactories.makeAlternateIIOPAddressComponentFactory() ) ;
   503         compFinder.registerFactory(
   504             IIOPFactories.makeRequestPartitioningComponentFactory() ) ;
   505         compFinder.registerFactory(
   506             IIOPFactories.makeJavaSerializationComponentFactory());
   508         // Register the ValueFactory instances for ORT
   509         IORFactories.registerValueFactories( orb ) ;
   511         // Register an ObjectKeyFactory
   512         orb.setObjectKeyFactory( IORFactories.makeObjectKeyFactory(orb) ) ;
   513     }
   515     private void initRequestDispatcherRegistry( ORB orb )
   516     {
   517         RequestDispatcherRegistry scr = orb.getRequestDispatcherRegistry() ;
   519         // register client subcontracts
   520         ClientRequestDispatcher csub =
   521             RequestDispatcherDefault.makeClientRequestDispatcher() ;
   522         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   523             ORBConstants.TOA_SCID ) ;
   524         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   525             ORBConstants.TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   526         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   527             ORBConstants.PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   528         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   529             ORBConstants.SC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   530         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   531             ORBConstants.SC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   532         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   533             ORBConstants.IISC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   534         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   535             ORBConstants.IISC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   536         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   537             ORBConstants.MINSC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   538         scr.registerClientRequestDispatcher( csub,
   539             ORBConstants.MINSC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   541         // register server delegates
   542         CorbaServerRequestDispatcher sd =
   543             RequestDispatcherDefault.makeServerRequestDispatcher( orb );
   544         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   545             ORBConstants.TOA_SCID ) ;
   546         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   547             ORBConstants.TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   548         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   549             ORBConstants.PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   550         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   551             ORBConstants.SC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   552         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   553             ORBConstants.SC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   554         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   555             ORBConstants.IISC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   556         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   557             ORBConstants.IISC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   558         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   559             ORBConstants.MINSC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   560         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( sd,
   561             ORBConstants.MINSC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   563         orb.setINSDelegate(
   564             RequestDispatcherDefault.makeINSServerRequestDispatcher( orb ) ) ;
   566         // register local client subcontracts
   567         LocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory lcsf =
   568             RequestDispatcherDefault.makeJIDLLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory(
   569                 orb ) ;
   570         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   571             ORBConstants.TOA_SCID ) ;
   573         lcsf =
   574             RequestDispatcherDefault.makePOALocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory(
   575                 orb ) ;
   576         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   577             ORBConstants.TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   578         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   579             ORBConstants.PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   581         lcsf = RequestDispatcherDefault.
   582             makeFullServantCacheLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( orb ) ;
   583         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   584             ORBConstants.SC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   585         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   586             ORBConstants.SC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   588         lcsf = RequestDispatcherDefault.
   589             makeInfoOnlyServantCacheLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( orb ) ;
   590         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   591             ORBConstants.IISC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   592         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   593             ORBConstants.IISC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   595         lcsf = RequestDispatcherDefault.
   596             makeMinimalServantCacheLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( orb ) ;
   597         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   598             ORBConstants.MINSC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   599         scr.registerLocalClientRequestDispatcherFactory( lcsf,
   600             ORBConstants.MINSC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   602         /* Register the server delegate that implements the ancient bootstrap
   603          * naming protocol.  This takes an object key of either "INIT" or
   604          * "TINI" to allow for big or little endian implementations.
   605          */
   606         CorbaServerRequestDispatcher bootsd =
   607             RequestDispatcherDefault.makeBootstrapServerRequestDispatcher(
   608                 orb ) ;
   609         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( bootsd, "INIT" ) ;
   610         scr.registerServerRequestDispatcher( bootsd, "TINI" ) ;
   612         // Register object adapter factories
   613         ObjectAdapterFactory oaf = OADefault.makeTOAFactory( orb ) ;
   614         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.TOA_SCID ) ;
   616         oaf = OADefault.makePOAFactory( orb ) ;
   617         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   618         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   619         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.SC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   620         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.SC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   621         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.IISC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   622         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.IISC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   623         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.MINSC_TRANSIENT_SCID ) ;
   624         scr.registerObjectAdapterFactory( oaf, ORBConstants.MINSC_PERSISTENT_SCID ) ;
   625     }
   626 }
   628 // End of file.
