
changeset 194
parent 158
child 240
     1.1 --- a/make/common/Defs-windows.gmk	Fri Aug 13 11:38:10 2010 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/make/common/Defs-windows.gmk	Mon Aug 30 14:39:42 2010 -0700
     1.3 @@ -31,363 +31,7 @@
     1.4  # Get shared JDK settings
     1.5  include $(BUILDDIR)/common/shared/Defs.gmk
     1.7 -# CC compiler object code output directive flag value
    1.10 -
    1.11 -# The suffix applied to the library name for FDLIBM
    1.12 -FDDLIBM_SUFFIX = lib
    1.13 -# The suffix applied to scripts (.bat for windows, nothing for unix)
    1.14 -SCRIPT_SUFFIX = .bat
    1.15 -
    1.16 -HPIS = windows
    1.17 -# LIB_LOCATION, which for windows identifies where .exe files go, may be
    1.18 -# set by each GNUmakefile. The default is BINDIR.
    1.19 -ifndef LIB_LOCATION
    1.20 -  LIB_LOCATION = $(BINDIR)
    1.21 -endif # LIB_LOCATION
    1.22 -
    1.23  ifndef PLATFORM_SRC
    1.24    PLATFORM_SRC  = $(TOPDIR)/src/windows
    1.25  endif # PLATFORM_SRC
    1.27 -# for backwards compatability, the old "win32" is used here instead of 
    1.28 -# the more proper "windows"
    1.29 -PLATFORM_INCLUDE_NAME = win32
    1.31 -
    1.32 -# The following DLL's are considered MS runtime libraries and should
    1.33 -#     not to be REBASEd, see deploy/make/common/Release.gmk.
    1.34 -#     msvcrt.dll, msvcrnn.dll [msvcr71 or msvcr80 or msvcr90] : Microsoft runtimes
    1.35 -MS_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES = msvcrt.dll
    1.36 -MSVCRNN_DLL =
    1.37 -ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
    1.38 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2003)
    1.39 -    MSVCRNN_DLL = msvcr71.dll
    1.40 -    MSVCPNN_DLL = msvcp71.dll
    1.42 -  endif
    1.43 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2005)
    1.44 -    MSVCRNN_DLL = msvcr80.dll
    1.45 -    MSVCPNN_DLL = msvcp80.dll
    1.47 -  endif
    1.48 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2008)
    1.49 -    MSVCRNN_DLL = msvcr90.dll
    1.50 -    MSVCPNN_DLL = msvcp90.dll
    1.52 -  endif
    1.53 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2010)
    1.54 -    MSVCRNN_DLL = msvcr100.dll
    1.55 -    MSVCPNN_DLL = msvcp100.dll
    1.57 -  endif
    1.58 -endif
    1.59 -
    1.60 -# C Compiler flag definitions
    1.61 -
    1.62 -#
    1.63 -# Default optimization
    1.64 -#
    1.65 -ifeq ($(CC_VERSION),msvc)
    1.66 -  # Visual Studio .NET 2003 or VS2003 compiler option definitions:
    1.67 -  #   -O1      Favors reduced size over speed (-Og     -Os -Oy -Ob2 -Gs -GF -Gy)
    1.68 -  #   -O2      Favors speed over reduced size (-Og -Oi -Ot -Oy -Ob2 -Gs -GF -Gy)
    1.69 -  #   -Ox      Full optimization (use -O2)    (-Og -Oi -Ot -Oy -Ob2)
    1.70 -  #              (Removed in Visual Studio 2005 or VS2005)
    1.71 -  #   -Ob2     More aggressive inlining
    1.72 -  #   -Og      Global optimizations
    1.73 -  #   -Oi      Replace some functions with intrinsic or special forms
    1.74 -  #   -Op      Improve floating point calculations (disables some optimizations)
    1.75 -  #              (Replaced with -fp:precise in VS2005, /Op is default now)
    1.76 -  #   -Os      Favor small code
    1.77 -  #   -Ot      Favor faster code
    1.78 -  #   -Oy      Frame pointer omission
    1.79 -  #   -GB      Optimize for pentium (old VC6 option?)
    1.80 -  #   -G6      VS2003 version of -GB?
    1.81 -  #   -GF      Pool strings in read-only memory
    1.82 -  #   -Gf      Pool strings in read-write memory (the default)
    1.83 -  #   -Gs      Controls stack probess
    1.84 -  #   -GS      Adds buffer overflow checks on stacks
    1.85 -  #              (Default in VS2005)
    1.86 -  #   -GX      Enables exception handling 
    1.87 -  #              (Replaced with /EHsc in VS2005)
    1.88 -  #   -Gy      Function level linking only
    1.89 -  #
    1.90 -  # NOTE: With VC6, -Ox included -Gs.
    1.91 -  # NOTE: With VC6, -Ox, -O1, and -O2 used -Ob1, not -Ob2.
    1.92 -  # NOTE: With VC6, -O1 and -O2 used -Gf, not -GF.
    1.93 -  #
    1.94 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VC6)
    1.95 -    # VC6 (6.2) msvc compiler (the way Tiger and early Mustang were built)
    1.96 -    # Automatic precompiled header option to use (if COMPILE_APPROACH=batch)
    1.97 -    AUTOMATIC_PCH_OPTION =
    1.98 -    GX_OPTION = -GX
    1.99 -    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.100 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -Ox -Gy -Os -GB
   1.101 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -Ox -Gy -Os -GB
   1.102 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -Ox -Gy -Os -GB
   1.103 -    else
   1.104 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -Ox -Gy -Op
   1.105 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -Ox -Gy -Op
   1.106 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -Ox -Gy -Op
   1.107 -    endif
   1.108 -  endif
   1.109 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2003)
   1.110 -    # Automatic precompiled header option to use (if COMPILE_APPROACH=batch)
   1.111 -    AUTOMATIC_PCH_OPTION = -YX
   1.112 -    # Also known as VC7 compiler
   1.113 -    GX_OPTION = -GX
   1.114 -    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.115 -      # Lowered opt level to try and reduce footprint, dll size especially.
   1.116 -      #     Was: CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2 -G6
   1.117 -      #     Was: CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O2
   1.118 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.119 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.120 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.121 -    else
   1.122 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2 -Op
   1.123 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O2 -Op
   1.124 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1 -Op
   1.125 -    endif
   1.126 -  endif
   1.127 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2005)
   1.128 -    # Automatic precompiled header option to use (if COMPILE_APPROACH=batch)
   1.129 -    AUTOMATIC_PCH_OPTION =
   1.130 -    # VS2005 compiler, only with Platform SDK right now?
   1.131 -    GX_OPTION = -EHsc
   1.132 -    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.133 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.134 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.135 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.136 -    else
   1.137 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.138 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.139 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.140 -    endif
   1.141 -  endif
   1.142 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2008)
   1.143 -    # Automatic precompiled header option to use (if COMPILE_APPROACH=batch)
   1.144 -    AUTOMATIC_PCH_OPTION =
   1.145 -    GX_OPTION = -EHsc
   1.146 -    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.147 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.148 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.149 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.150 -    else
   1.151 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.152 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.153 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.154 -    endif
   1.155 -  endif
   1.156 -  ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2010)
   1.157 -    # Automatic precompiled header option to use (if COMPILE_APPROACH=batch)
   1.158 -    AUTOMATIC_PCH_OPTION =
   1.159 -    GX_OPTION = -EHsc
   1.160 -    ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.161 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.162 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.163 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.164 -    else
   1.165 -      CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2
   1.166 -      CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O1
   1.167 -      CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O1
   1.168 -    endif
   1.169 -  endif
   1.170 -  CC_NO_OPT      = -Od
   1.171 -else # CC_VERSION
   1.172 -  # GCC not supported, but left for historical reference...
   1.173 -  CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O3
   1.174 -  CC_HIGHER_OPT  = -O2
   1.175 -  CC_LOWER_OPT   = -O2
   1.176 -  CC_NO_OPT      = 
   1.177 -endif
   1.178 -
   1.179 -# If NO_OPTIMIZATIONS is defined in the environment, turn all optimzations off
   1.180 -ifdef NO_OPTIMIZATIONS
   1.181 -  CC_HIGHEST_OPT = $(CC_NO_OPT)
   1.182 -  CC_HIGHER_OPT  = $(CC_NO_OPT)
   1.183 -  CC_LOWER_OPT   = $(CC_NO_OPT)
   1.184 -endif
   1.185 -
   1.186 -ifeq ($(PRODUCT), java)
   1.187 -    _OPT = $(CC_HIGHER_OPT)
   1.188 -else
   1.189 -    _OPT = $(CC_LOWER_OPT)
   1.190 -endif
   1.191 -
   1.192 -# Select the runtime support library carefully, need to be consistent
   1.193 -#
   1.194 -# VS2003 compiler option definitions:
   1.195 -#   -MD        Use dynamic multi-threaded runtime library
   1.196 -#   -MDd       Use debug version (don't use, doesn't mix with -MD DLL's)
   1.197 -#   -MT        Use static multi-threaded runtime library (-ML is going away)
   1.198 -#   -MTd       Use static debug version (better than -MDd, no runtime issues)
   1.199 -#   -D_DEBUG   Change use of malloc/free/etc to use special debug ones (-MTd)
   1.200 -#
   1.201 -#      NOTE: We also will use /D _STATIC_CPPLIB  so we don't need msvcpnn.dll
   1.202 -#
   1.203 -ifeq ($(MS_RUNTIME_STATIC),true)
   1.205 -else
   1.207 -endif
   1.208 -# The _DEBUG macro option (changes things like malloc to use debug version)
   1.211 -# Externally set environment variable can force any build to use the debug vers
   1.212 -ifeq ($(MFC_DEBUG), true)
   1.213 -  ifeq ($(MS_RUNTIME_STATIC),true)
   1.214 -    MS_RUNTIME_OPTION=-MTd
   1.215 -  else
   1.216 -    # This MS debugging flag forces a dependence on the debug
   1.217 -    #     version of the runtime library (MSVCRTD.DLL), as does -MDd.
   1.218 -    #     We cannot re-distribute this debug runtime.
   1.219 -    MS_RUNTIME_OPTION=-MDd
   1.220 -  endif
   1.222 -  MS_RC_DEBUG_OPTION= -d _DEBUG
   1.223 -endif
   1.224 -
   1.225 -# Always add _STATIC_CPPLIB definition
   1.228 -
   1.229 -ifeq ($(CC_VERSION),msvc)
   1.230 -  # VS2003 compiler option definitions:
   1.231 -  #   -Zi      Cause *.pdb file to be created, full debug information
   1.232 -  #   -Z7      Full debug inside the .obj, no .pdb
   1.233 -  #   -Zd      Basic debug, no local variables? In the .obj
   1.234 -  #   -Zl      Don't add runtime library name to obj file?
   1.235 -  #   -Od      Turns off optimization and speeds compilation
   1.236 -  #   -YX -Fp/.../foobar.pch   Use precompiled headers (try someday?)
   1.237 -  #   -nologo  Don't print out startup message
   1.238 -  #   /D _STATIC_CPPLIB  
   1.239 -  #            Use static link for the C++ runtime (so msvcpnn.dll not needed)
   1.240 -  #   
   1.241 -  CFLAGS_COMMON  += -Zi -nologo
   1.242 -  CFLAGS_OPT      = $(POPT)
   1.243 -  CFLAGS_DBG      = -Od $(MS_RUNTIME_DEBUG_OPTION)
   1.244 -
   1.245 -  # Starting from VS2005 the wchar_t is handled as a built-in C/C++ data type
   1.246 -  # by default. However, we expect the wchar_t to be a typedef to the
   1.247 -  # unsigned short data type. The -Zc:wchar_t- option restores the old
   1.248 -  # behavior (as seen in VS2003) to avoid massive code modifications.
   1.249 -  # When/if our code will be "C/C++ Standard"-compliant (at least in the area
   1.250 -  # of handling the wchar_t type), the option won't be necessary.
   1.251 -  ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32)
   1.252 -    CFLAGS_VS2005 += -Zc:wchar_t-
   1.253 -  else
   1.254 -    # The 64bit Platform SDK we use (April 2005) doesn't like this option
   1.255 -    ifneq ($(CC_VER), 14.00.40310.41)
   1.256 -      CFLAGS_VS2005 += -Zc:wchar_t-
   1.257 -    endif
   1.258 -  endif
   1.259 -
   1.260 -  # All builds get the same runtime setting
   1.262 -  
   1.263 -
   1.264 -  LDEBUG = /debug
   1.265 -  
   1.266 -  ifeq ($(VTUNE_SUPPORT), true)
   1.267 -    OTHER_CFLAGS = -Z7 -Ox 
   1.268 -    LDEBUG += /pdb:NONE
   1.269 -  endif
   1.270 -  
   1.271 -  # The new Platform SDK and VS2005 has /GS as a default and requires 
   1.272 -  #    bufferoverflowU.lib on the link command line, otherwise 
   1.273 -  #    we get missing __security_check_cookie externals at link time. 
   1.274 -  BUFFEROVERFLOWLIB = bufferoverflowU.lib
   1.275 -  # Always add bufferoverflowU.lib to VS2005 link commands (pack uses LDDFLAGS)
   1.277 -
   1.278 -  # LFLAGS are the flags given to $(LINK) and used to build the actual DLL file
   1.279 -  BASELFLAGS = -nologo /opt:REF /incremental:no
   1.282 -  
   1.283 -endif
   1.284 -
   1.285 -#
   1.286 -# Preprocessor macro definitions
   1.287 -#
   1.289 -ifeq ($(ARCH), amd64)
   1.290 -  CPPFLAGS_COMMON += -D_AMD64_ -Damd64
   1.291 -else
   1.292 -  CPPFLAGS_COMMON += -DWIN32 -D_X86_ -Dx86 
   1.293 -endif
   1.295 -
   1.296 -#
   1.297 -# Output options (use specific filenames to avoid parallel compile errors)
   1.298 -#
   1.299 -CFLAGS_COMMON += -Fd$(OBJDIR)/$(basename $(@F)).pdb -Fm$(OBJDIR)/$(basename $(@F)).map
   1.300 -
   1.301 -#
   1.302 -# Add warnings and extra on 64bit issues
   1.303 -#
   1.304 -ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64)
   1.305 -  CFLAGS_COMMON += -Wp64 
   1.306 -endif
   1.308 -
   1.309 -#
   1.310 -# Treat compiler warnings as errors, if requested
   1.311 -#
   1.312 -ifeq ($(COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL),true)
   1.313 -  CFLAGS_COMMON += -WX
   1.314 -endif
   1.315 -
   1.316 -CPPFLAGS_OPT    = 
   1.318 -
   1.320 -CXXFLAGS_OPT    = $(CFLAGS_OPT)
   1.321 -CXXFLAGS_DBG    = $(CFLAGS_DBG)
   1.322 -
   1.323 -ifneq ($(LIBRARY),fdlibm)
   1.324 -  EXTRA_LIBS += advapi32.lib
   1.325 -endif
   1.326 -
   1.327 -#
   1.328 -# Path and option to link against the VM, if you have to. 
   1.329 -#
   1.330 -JVMLIB	= $(BOOTDIR)/lib/jvm.lib
   1.331 -JAVALIB =
   1.332 -
   1.333 -ifeq ($(CC_VERSION), msvc)
   1.334 -  CC_DEPEND        = -FD
   1.335 -  CC_DEPEND_FILTER = 
   1.336 -else # CC_VERSION
   1.337 -# not supported, but left for historical reference...
   1.338 -  CC_DEPEND        = -MM
   1.339 -  CC_DEPEND_FILTER = $(SED) -e 's!$*\.$(OBJECT_SUFFIX)!$(dir $@)&!g'
   1.340 -endif # CC_VERSION
   1.341 -
   1.342 -LIBRARY_SUFFIX = dll
   1.343 -LIB_SUFFIX     = lib
   1.344 -
   1.345 -# Settings for the VERSIONINFO tap on windows. 
   1.346 -VERSIONINFO_RESOURCE = $(TOPDIR)/src/windows/resource/version.rc
   1.347 -
   1.348 -RC_FLAGS = /l 0x409 /r
   1.349 -
   1.350 -ifeq ($(VARIANT), OPT)
   1.351 -  RC_FLAGS += -d NDEBUG 
   1.352 -else
   1.353 -  RC_FLAGS += $(MS_RC_DEBUG_OPTION)
   1.354 -endif 
   1.355 -
   1.356 -ifndef COPYRIGHT_YEAR
   1.357 -    COPYRIGHT_YEAR = 2007 
   1.358 -endif
   1.359 -
   1.360 -RC_FLAGS += -d "JDK_BUILD_ID=$(FULL_VERSION)" \
   1.361 -            -d "JDK_COMPANY=$(COMPANY_NAME)" \
   1.362 -            -d "JDK_COMPONENT=$(PRODUCT_NAME) Platform SE binary" \
   1.364 -            -d "JDK_COPYRIGHT=Copyright \xA9 $(COPYRIGHT_YEAR)" \
   1.365 -            -d "JDK_NAME=$(PRODUCT_NAME) Platform SE $(JDK_MINOR_VERSION) $(JDK_UPDATE_META_TAG)" \
   1.366 -            -d "JDK_FVER=$(JDK_VERSION)"
